Time to admit it.... War Mode is a failure

right…but IF that population died down enough to where it wasnt worth maintaining RP realms, theyd change them.
Which is pretty much what we have here. The good old days are gone, the vast majority dont really want to world pvp if for no other reason than player behavior.
IF it got to a point where very few were turning warmode on, yeah, it might be worth removing it and trying something else out.
We’ve already seen a few posts in here admitting that with warmode on its a virtual dead zone.

Personally I like the idea of someone else above about removing WM, and just having it so if you want to pvp you do that thing where you flag yourself…like it gets flagged if you crossed into one little pvp enabled zone and youre flagged for 5 minutes after you leave.
At least that way we wouldnt need to be separated entirely by warmode being on or off.

There’s literally no way to give this huge group what it wants except to bribe their prey with extra gold, when becomes not worth it, because what they want is to gank them 200 times and prevent them doing the quest anyway.

I suggest Blizz stops trying and instead makes world PvP fun and interesting for people who want it fun and interesting, even if they’re a vast minority.

Blizz could make AI fake prey, that might make the gankers happy, but that’s called PvE.

Maybe it’s time for WoW 2. Let’s just start from scratch.

World of Diablo. But, leave out the entire staff over at the immortal/d4 department.

A Blizzard Tarisland. China trying to make a phone wow but copied back as a western release.


I’d like to see PvP entirely removed from the game, to be honest. Or at the very least, relegated to instanced content only. I don’t like that PvE balance is messed up because of PvP.

There’s plenty of games where you can gank lowbies, some pay to win!

That said, I did turn War mode on… to farm the void talon of the Dark Star! After 14 hours of flying around I finally found a portal, so it wasn’t all useless!

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Tarisland. Watched the trailer. Flashy sword/flashy sword/flashy spell/shiny bright flash, he ya, hey, he ya, ya…

I think I had a seizure and a migraine at 10 seconds in.

That’s because 90% or more of the playerbase doesn’t WANT to participate in open world PvP, many of those who played on PvP servers before War Mode was a thing only did so because their friends were on those servers. You aren’t going to make people who don’t like PvP to turn War Mode back on, and even if Blizz brought back PvP servers most people would just stay on PvE servers now that guilds are about to be cross server.

IMO Blizz should just finish the job and remove world PvP altogether.

I thought the raids were fun and engaging, but losing interest now. Too gated.

And actually, thinking about it being this way, Id dont think Id even mind the gankers if I know if i can hide somewhere for 5 minutes till the timer burns out and Id be unflagged for pvp again.
That actually sounds like a bit of fun if it were done that way.

Actually, thats not entirely true. If less and less people are using said features, then it is actually a justification to remove them. No point to have something coded in if the vast majority just decided to abandon it. If the numbers dropped so far down to the point where only a small population used it, you can bet Blizz would just chuck the whole thing regardless of how people felt about it.

And I am an advocate for choice when there is an actual choice. Choosing between WM on for minimal rewards and buffs to only be ganked out of nowhere because someone doesn’t care about it being a fair fight or just keeping it off and queuing for BGs, Arenas or going to the free for all zones, there really isn’t much of a choice there. As we have seen already just on this post alone, most just want to not be in WM at all.

And with the comment on faction warfare, if you noticed they are kinda phasing things away from the factions themselves even being at war at all. Horde no longer has a warchief, Alliance focused on recovery and for Anduin to return and even after he does, he isn’t going to have some vendetta against the forsaken at all. There just doesn’t seem to be a solid reason for faction warfare other than “players still want it.” Which that itself is not a good enough reason for it to stay. I said it before, WoW is a narrative driven game. If a feature no longer fits in the narrative, it will just be phased out and/or replaced by something else.

:nauseated_face: :nauseated_face: :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting:
honestly I dont think they could start this game from scratch and do it even half as good as old content…just looking at WoD, BFA and SL…3 of the last 5 expansions were real stinkers. lol
That doesnt bode well for WoW2.

You’re probably right.

maybe IF they could do like they do with classic now…keep this version of retail live and then do wow2 so we dont have to lose anything. I might try WoW2 under those circumstances, I think

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Good. Hopefully instanced PvP is next.


And that pvp server would be locked to join in days if used probably. This would be to keep balance.

60/40 max population mix can be enforced. you don’t allow new characters to be made on them is how. and no transfers.

Its how they have kept some balance on grobb. At one point you could not join it. new player, or player with chars on other servers but not on grobb.

It had a grandfather rule. You needed a char on it…to make new chars. If no chars there, grobb was not accessible.

Which started many fun threads about:

how come my friend can’t join me?

hey blizzard can you kick off the players who don’t play to make room for my friend(s).

why can’t I join my friends since I started wow jsut to play with them.

And the grobb people who liked this going we like this lock down. we don’t want side x surging by 20% out of the blue.

TL;DR, blizzard has tried force population control on a server. What a viable pvp server needs, imo.

And people ranted about not being able to join it.

They can’t win either way really.


Literally if they decided to make a World of Warcraft 2 (likely not), they would need to focus on one or the other; not have both Player verse Environment and Player in the same game. It’s just too hard to balance properly because of how the abilities would need to work in one form of NPC combat verse Player combat.

Then you will have the players that cry I’ll quit then start all over again in version 2, even if you offer some way to carry over some kind of legacy for the characters into the game. But that all said, they have a start for a WoW PvP only game, they would just have to add more maps to Plunder storm, a Fortnite, Overwatch knock off.

thank you. you seam to have the mage buff permently cast on you in real life

oof :expressionless:…I have to respectfully disagree 101%

The OG game, Warcraft: Orcs and Human from 1994 was a multiplayer, real time, war game against other players. Warcraft and t’s whole legacy/franchise is based on PVP.

Honestly, it would ruin the game, and it would turn into every other mmorpg game that copied WoW…

Not many people were playing against each other in OvH.

War2 didn’t even really blow up (multiplayer wise) until the Battle.net edition.