Time to admit it.... War Mode is a failure

That is literally wow classic…PLUS they also have pvp servers. SOOO for the OG post,the answer is get classic wow and play on a pvp server. :sweat_smile:

Griefing is pathetic.

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You keep saying you’re for choice, but then you say there is no choice, this time because ‘you might get ganked’.

You can just say, “I personally don’t enjoy Warmode, and I keep it off” and that would be totally fine, but you’re not doing that.

Regarding faction based pvp, you’re confusing gameplay “Team A vs Team B” with the story “Horde and Alliance are not currently in open conflict in the storytelling”. The story has nothing to do with what we’re talking about here.

You’re still advocating for warmode to be removed, despite claiming you’re not. You can’t have it both ways.

“Not enough people use warmode”
“The narrative of the game made warmode obsolete”
“Battlegrounds and free for all sub zones are a sufficient replacement”
“You can’t really choose to play warmode because you will just get ganked out of nowhere”

That’s funny, I always saw the single player campaigns as the main attraction in the RTS games. I did dabble in WC3 multiplayer, but even then I primarily played player created game modes like tower defense rather than actual RTS PvP.

I’m just saying it was a multiplayer game in general. Whether or not people used it that’s on them.

Warmode is amazing…

If you’re a collector.

Don’t touch my is-this-rare-up-I-don’t-feel-like-camping-for-hours mode, ever.


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I actually never said that it shouldn’t be removed or it should stay. I was merely pointing out that the reasons for keeping it are slim compared to removing it and changing the feature to something different. If anything, it can stay but in it’s current state it doesn’t really bring anything to the table other than you can turn it off and on. There is no actual fundamental reasoning other than “I can battle other players in the open world” for which it hardly is used as such. The rewards give you basically nothing at level cap and the exp gain is kinda minuscule. The war talents give decent bonuses, but those can also be used in BGs and Arenas too. There are very few players left that have legit fights in WM. It is mostly a tool for ganking people, which does not bring enjoyment for a solid portion of the current WoW community.

And narrative actually has a lot to do if world PvP should exist or not. Especially if the narrative is based on two factions that have been in conflict with each other numerous times. BfA was driven with the world PvP and it actually fit regardless if the faction balance was total garbage. Why do you think PvP in FF14 is literally an isolated area and its basically a meme for the game? Square did not want PvP in 14, but they added it anyways to appease the minority that wanted it.

I personally have no qualms with WM. I use it quite often to collect things. But as someone who does use it, it really doesn’t have much room left to be in WoW with the game in it’s current state. Literally making more red zones or just a whole zone or two dedicated to whats left of world PvP would be a much easier and simpler solution and would sate the appetite of the people who want world PvP still. Blizz can just make a warning system for those about to enter these red zones and tell them they will be flagged for world PvP upon entering the zone. This would also eliminate the need to have to go to a capital city to turn it on or off. Keep WM, but at least change how it can function overall. Might make it complicated at first, but it would be simplified in the long run.

Peace existed from Classic to Cata. An open war is not required. The factions are and will remain enemies, and if the storywriting takes a different turn, it is the storywriting that is obsolete, not the Warmode, because it is bad and inconsistent and requires revision.

Regardless, a PC doesn’t have to care. He can kill as many Alliance / horde members as he wants.

Not the same. No, thanks. Then I might as well just do BGs.
It’s about being everywhere and at all times. That’s the appeal of OpenWorld PvP.

I gotta admit I was holding up till very late to not disable WM,
but last few weeks it was premades like 3-5 hunting me, its just not worth it,
I had it enabled only for 10%, but its ok PVP people won, now I am in permanent wm off.

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Oh wow, players want to enjoy actually playing the game they pay for, not be denied access by being one-shotted nonstop by some rando sociopathic sadist. Much surprise, big wow.

You obviously don’t want to PvP.

  • Ganking/Griefing ≠ PvP One-shotting lowbies is the same as running Deadmines as a fully, Mythic-geared 70, with the exception that you get some kind of twisted pleasure preventing other players from playing the game they paid money to access. That’s bad for business, which is why Warmode exists.

  • Ganking/Griefing = PkP All you’re doing is killing the other player. There’s nothing remotely, “verses” about it.

  • PvP = Equally matched players fighting each other. If you honestly wanted to PvP, you’d be advocating for Warmode to be Equality Scaling so everyone is at exactly the same both in level and gear as long as they’re in Warmode, so World PvP could actually exist as a viable game feature.

Ganking/Griefing killed PvP in WoW. You all only have yourselves to blame.


:point_up: :point_up: :point_up: :point_up:
VERY pathetic.
And it AINT PvP no matter how much some joker wants to believe it is to feel better about it. lol

IF you were doing REAL PVP in this game, youd do BG or Duels.
Ganking ISNT PvP, for reasons mentioned in here 1000 times. But you know it isnt, dont you?


and that poster is lying to themselves. WoW is the ONLY ‘pvp’ game ive EVER played where your opponent has ZERO chance of doing damage to you because you one shot them.
EVERY OTHER REAL PvP game Ive ever played you have the same change to kill them as they have you.

If that player wanted to do REAL PvP, if he wasnt afraid of it, he at least would do duels or BGs or rated.


But your ‘choice’ is being removed because of choice…OUR choice to turn WM off, leaving you with no one around to gank.

In essence by giving us the choice with Warmode, theyve removed your ‘choice’ nearly entirely.…as confirmed by so many who are saying they turn WM on because they never see anyone…and then those like the OP saying the same, but whining that their gank fodder is gone.

Blizzard offered a choice with warmode…on…or off…and CLEARLY the vast, VAST majority turn it off most of the time or there would be no complaining about it from ganker sorts. lol

so just remove warmode, and let us see everyone else, then if we want to do world “PvP” lmao…we can just flag pvp on.


It may be a failure for its intended purpose but to me and many others its the best thing that exists when it comes to rare mob hunting as you will be the only player having it on most likely.

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Stopped reading or caring after the second sentence. Sorry your ability to grief everyone isn’t to your liking and you can’t get your jollies ganking everyone. Soooo sad.


If a real player wanted to fight another player, they would go outside and stop hiding from behind a digital screen. Of course, one of them would die; from laughter at the digital keyboard warriors looks.

I do love when someone says go outside and touch the grass. I reply, I have when growing up and I mow it weekly as upkeep of my house. I then retort back, when was the last time you went out to an arcade, mall, somewhere other than the basement.

Sadly, this is how I had to do a few achievements. I knew by accepting War Mode the possibility of me being attacked might happen and a few times it did. Other times, we would see each other and wave and go upon our merry way. Not sure if waving is still the thing to signify you won’t fight.

Not sure how this applies to the video game, but as i said…IF these folks wanted REAL PvP, they wouldnt be ganking lowbies. Theyd duel or run BGs or do rated.
Ganking is for those who are too afraid to fight a fair fight against an equally powered opponent.


I go into my LFR toon, and everyone is trying to pvp. I swap to mythic / pvp geared toon and there’s no one around… :thinking: (unless they come as a group of 3v1).

open world pvp is just people swarming to undergeared characters like carrions and avoiding the geared characters like the plague.

It’s literally just a gank fest and very few people like that, who knew?


man I have war on at all time’s lot of ppl playing war Those horde must be put down!

Right, so you’re making an argument for its removal, which is what I’ve been saying this whole time, and you keep denying you’re saying it, over and over.

Let’s just drop this, it’s circular and a waste of time.


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