Time to admit it.... War Mode is a failure


what killed pvp, was people who pretended they wanted to be on a pvp server, but they only wanted to play the faction which had zero danger of encountering an enemy player in the wild.

…which ended up in pvp realms being massively one sided.


Lol, he thinks he matters.

By definition, that means you don’t talk to them either.

I mean… is he really ignoring them if he continues to respond to them?

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Yes. On the used to be 95% servers its the gimme xp boost to leveling. Chances are real good pvp would not happen with it on.

When leveling in SL I’d not see hostiles until in the last 10 levels really.

SL last bit this was less of an inconvience. LFD level that bit and have a nice day. You maybe sometimes got your shanking on the bonus xp content waiting for LFD hits.

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Well when you turn on warmode and just see groups camping questing hubs you think huh okay ill go somewhere else. Oh another group at another hub, okay ill move on to another zone. Sweet nobody at this one and starts questing only to be ganked endlessly by a bunch of stealthies to the point i cant hearth or leave so i just log out and never go back to warmode after a couple attempts.

Warmode can burn as far as im concerned, if i want to pvp ill stick to BG’s.

War Mode isn’t what killed open world PvP, but something that is slowly killing WPvP are the many different shards. Some days you’ll go out in Dragon Isles and you’ll have tons of people to fight and then on other days you’ll find no one but your own faction, and it’s all thanks to the horrible sharding system in place by Blizzard.

They need to reduce the amount of shards available in WPvP and start merging low population shards with other ones to make the world feel more alive. I know it’s the sharding system too because I have tons of friends who do WPvP, and I’ll often ask them, “how’s your shard looking?” and they’ll tell me tons over there. I’ll get an invite and I’ll be good but other people don’t have that luxury.

“Real” PvP is simply that, Player vs Player. It all depends on the game you’re playing that decides what PvP experience you’re gonna have. This is an MMORPG, you level a character and gear them up to become stronger. You use anything to your advantage.

I like to use world buffs to solo kill the max level players who camp low levels or who roam around in groups. It’s fun. That’s PvP.

Try solo shuffle XD if you ever want to feel the worse then you possibly can, than try it…esp as a healer…o.o waaait paly heals…um dont, unless you really do want to try…lol sometimes they will be so toxic that multiple ppl will say they wish you had cancer or to give up on life and quit the game… imagine this but constantly happening in pvp server…plus, it use to suck 100x worse because you would have to run back to your body, lose any items in your bags , plus get sat on or danced on over and over… It was awful i tell ya, just awful lol

In literally every other facet of content, including instanced PvP.

PvP has NEVER been the focal point of WoW. It has always been a side point.

The fact you can’t find people in War Mode proves the removal of PvP servers was the right decision - because it proves the majority of players didn’t want to be locked permanently into PvP.

And that’s what it was. PvP servers meant they had to choose PvP 100% or 0%. There was no in between.

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I firmly believe Blizz should grant a couple pvp servers for the people who want them , can not hurt anything.

That’s why I suggested it be free for all. No need to faction balance it if there are no factions to balance. Alliance can kill Alliance and Horde can kill Horde.

The thing about that though is the balance then shifts to specs, you end up with everyone playing the 4-5 most powerful specs and the same thing happens.

The point is, there is no way that a true PvP server can exist in WoW. Unless you do something like Plunderstorm and make every character completely equal and turn it into a match based arena game. Even doing something like Overwatch and letting classes exist but with a limited 3-4 abilities but keeping it open world, balance is still a massive issue and the same thing happens. 2-3 classes rise to the top and people who don’t like those classes stop playing.

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Considering the majority of the playerbase focuses mainly on PVE, that makes those of you who PVP, the minority. You already know that you are in the minority or this topic wouldn’t upset you as much as it does. If anyone needs a hug/cuddle it’s you with how clearly hurt you are


This is what the kiddies do when you prove them wrong and they cant handle it lol…digging for ANY irrelevance to destract and deflect with.
Its a badge of honor, to be honest. An admission by them that they KNOW you decimated their point and they have nothing left but humiliation.

Best thing to do is use the ignore option liberally. It drives them nuts when they know youve shown them that they are persona non grata, lol.
and it gets them out of your sight, which with many on forums like this, would be better for everyone.

Miserable people love to spread their misery. They hate it when someone else is enjoying themselves and they cant drag that person down into the misery pit with them. Which is why they HATE being put on ignore…they lose that power entirely.

Im not sure about that, personally.

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Honestly PEOPLE, the PLAYERS, have killed it for themselves.

TLDR: Blizzard needs to create a reason for open world pvp with attainable victory and rewards and there needs to be penalties for killing people much lower level than yourself.

Its not Blizzard catering to or ignoring anything. Although i do believe it could be revitalized if there was a story or themed reason to have a contested area. Wintergrasp gave a buff when your faction controlled the area. In Dark Age of Camelot, the entire world received a faction buff when one of the major PVP areas was held by a certain faction, reset hourly or so.

PVP also has an extremely painful catchup. If youre not adequately geared you have to lose, and lose a lot, to be bale to gear up to being competitive. Some people may be up for that, but the grind in PVP is far worse than anything PVE has to offer.

The behavior of most have driven people away from open world PVP. Ganking literally killed it for A LOT of people. Myself included. I started on a PVP server. I remember having entire villages wiped out, NPCs and players. You couldnt even play the game at all. Quest givers were dead so you couldnt grab a quest and corpse hop away from the ones holding the town hostage. And the rez timers… man… youd have to just log off and walk away. PEOPLE killed PVP by ruining other peoples’ game play and they enjoyed it. They woukd roam in full groups. I assume they hit cap for weekly points, or raids were done for the week so nothing to do, lets go kill other peoples’ reason to play the game…and there it is.

There was an idea floating around a while back that if you killed someone more than 4 levels below you, it turned you into a chicken for a ramping amount of time similar to a rez timer. That could fix it if you ask me… PVP would be level appropriate or youd be penalizing yourself as much as the people you were denying game play.


Agree 100%.
By giving us the option to turn it on or off, blizzard made it very easy to figure out if we wanted world ganking or not.
Notice that they have to pay us off to try to encourage us to turn world pvp on. That says all we need to know about it. The majority DONT WANT to world pvp or theyd leave it on 100% of the time…no reward necessary.

lol. you have to love people like that. I honestly dont think they even smell their own stench. THEY are the reason why people hate world ganking…it AINT pvp so I have to stop using that phrase…then they slander their lowbie victims for not wanting to be abused, harassed, stalked… LMAO.

World Ganking certainly made me walk off a pvp realm to pve until warmode went live.

had blizzard put some guard rails on it like they should have to control the degenerate game play…ie camp ganking…maybe it would have been ok.
Kill protection for an hour after being killed by another player in the world would have been perfect…but then we’d have the camp gankers whining about that, even though THEY are the ones who RUINED the game for other players because of their own juvenile behavior
They got their kicks…and now their stalking harassment toy has been taken away from them…which I find hilarious.

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they might be able to turn warmode on by force on a server, seems like that would be an option.
and then youd have a dead server…because most want the option to turn it off…even the harassing sorts are known to do their thing,then run away and toggle warmode off.

These folks are TOO AFRAID to do REAL PvP…so they arent going to just subject themselves to being held responsible for their actions like they may have in the good old days when some pvp war might have broken out.
They LOVE warmode here and now because it gives them a way to be ‘safe’ to the smoke clears from whatever the may have stirred up with their bad behavior. lol

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If it was maybe 1-2 servers per region, it might work. But the problem is the game is so large and players would be to spread out. Making new expansions that bring players back to the core of the game might help; but some would argue that most people would be in the current expansion so no need to force expansions back into older content areas.

The other problem would be faction balance. Unless it was forced it would just lead back into a Player verse Player server becoming toxic to the other faction. That would also mean on those servers a ruleset of your either all Alliance or all Horde so as to keep people for circumventing the forced balance.

Don’t have anyone on ignore yet, but if I put one person on ignore, they can just make a new character and start over with the harassment. Why I think account ignore would be a lot more powerful tool then based on the character.

I tried re-reading the post about it from either a blue or wow-head, and it’s just unclear. I’ve try asking in game and now at least twice in the forums and no one seems to have the answer. The one thing I truly hate about Blizzard customer service, is if you have a problem, they tell you to go to a 3rd party website to look-up and resolve the issue only for the website telling you to contact Blizzard to resolve the issue hoping you get a real investigator and not a cookie cutter responder.

Now that would be funny. You can only be taken out of chicken mode when the person you ganked killed you or a set time. Imagine the grief of a low level either not knowing that or saying, want to ruin my day, well enjoy your day “bawk bawk”.


yeah, a number of us in here have been asking for an account wide ignore.
Though its a testament to the stalking harassment behavior IF the person you ignore then changes alts to get around the ignore to come at you again. Kinda tells you what kind of person youre dealing with, for sure. No one anyone should want anything to do with in real life either, Id say.

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Weird, I have taken a break from the retail version of the game for a while but I can’t imagine it has changed that much since I last played. I had an experience while doing one of the pvp world quest with a group of my friends where we did open world pvp for over an hour straight, constant fight, it was our 5 man vs like 20 or so non grouped people before we all died. We all got our achievement for having a bounty on our head for a certain amount of time that night (although it was bugged and didn’t actually award to anyone we had it all pop across our screens either way).

That is the most lively world pvp scene I have experienced since the days of bringing a bunch of my buddies around because I was getting ganked in STV and they needed to protect me so it just devolved into similar team fights.

This really seems like a you issue to me, I’ve still done world pvp, and yeah sometimes I don’t feel like dealing with pvp and I turn it off for a bit, doing dailies before work, shut it off because I don’t have time to get into long drawn out fights or have a group gank me while I’m trying to get something done, but if I have time for it war mode is on whether I’m solo or grouped. I think it is a great addition to the game, L take IMO saying wold pvp is dead.

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So, I actually took some time out of my day to read most of the posts here and will finally add my 2 cents. And I am aware that it may spark something of possible hate towards me, but I can take it.

There seem to be quite a few people trying to advocate really hard for PvP being a prominent thing. Let me break it down for you guys. PvP was never something to be a primary force in WoW. It has always been and always will be side content with some extra rewards for those that participate. For clarity, I have been playing since vanilla. No this is not my first account. Lost that one to a hacker which caused me to go to private servers for a bit till I came back to retail. Additional clarity, from a gameplay standpoint ganking is not PvP in an MMORPG. You can try and attempt to convince others, but in reality it’s not.

“But what about Rogues or Feral Druids, Xefira?” Great question! I am glad you asked. Just because a spec or class has the ability to gank inherently doesn’t make it a PvP mechanic. Ganking in this context means that people are just using it to get the jump on someone and one shot them. One shot them does not equal PvP. That is just Player murders other player.

Lets jump back to side content for a sec. WoW is a narrative driven MMO. It’s focus is on the world, the characters and the interactions players have with those characters and it’s world. How in any way does PvP fit into that scenario? Literally we experience world ending events and one player sees another player trying to prevent it and he just thinks, “I am gonna go kill that guy.” Now there are instances where PvP can fit into the narrative. Take BfA for example. Sylvanas starts a war. Ok, seems like we are gonna have another Horde vs. Alliance fight on our hands. We recruit some more races into this fight and it actually does make sense to have PvP in the open world. But then we see that Azshara and N’ Zoth come into play. Should we continue to fight a petty faction war while the world is possibly going to be taken over and join the hivemind of N’ Zoth? Probably not. Doesn’t fit the narrative anymore. The War in Warcraft stands for wars we fight together while trying to prevent Azeroth from being destroyed. We fight against the Old Gods and the Voidlords whom are waging war against a side that we chose to help aka The Titans.

Now sure, there is room for PvP on the side. Which is why BGs and Arenas exist. You can have “world PvP” as long it’s contained to the red zones that were literally created for it. For example, in The Azure Span there is the space in the Cobalt Assemble where it is entirely free-for-all. Go there if you want world PvP. It’s literally designed for it.

Finally, let’s get to the last note. PvPers are in fact the minority. Since the game at it’s core was not designed to be PvP focused, that means that anyone who focuses on that aspect of the game is gonna be a smaller grouping. I know the PvPers want their time too. Well you can have it in the PvP associated areas. But don’t hate on people who make the choice of not wanting to PvP. Everyone is paying to be here. So people who spend money are allowed the choice to do what they wish. If this means that the PvE want to have nothing to do with PvP, then that’s ok. That’s their choice. But lets be honest, if you really want to PvP, you should really find a game that focuses on PvP instead. There are plenty of them out there. In fact, the market is currently over-saturated with PvP games right now. Let the PvErs have a good time. Don’t be haters.

Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk. Have a nice day!


That or they’re completely one sided cause everybody loved the feeling of randomly getting ganked while leveling

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