Time to admit it.... War Mode is a failure

Yes and no. Lots of the top raiding servers were also pvp servers. Just no one wanted to world pvp because it was dumb to begin with.

Go play Eve Online if you want to gank.


Agreed that War Mode is meh. It should just be removed completely so thereā€™s no World PvP. Its always been the worst part of the game.

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Form a group and go after the achievements for city leaders of the opposite faction to slay.

Thatā€™s how you get wpvp going.

He is right. It is a PART of any pvp mode. However for retail wow it is no longer simply just ā€œpartā€ and thatā€™s the problem. Now if you are Alliance and throw on pvp mode, you WILL be ganked. Not once. Not twice. But over and over in any activity you attempt to do. It happened slowly before it happened quickly, but we are at the point now if you flag it is akin to queuing for a battleground down by half the players.

We could fix the population problem tomorrow, and we would still have the problem because the behavior is set. People who are still flagging are effectively just queuing for open world battlegrounds.

We could fix the in game incentives for forming groups and killing other players tomorrow, but the red = dead behavior is already set. People arenā€™t going to just turn their flags back on after years of abuse.

The failure of war mode is, while it helped players on extremely unbalanced servers, it spread that around to those which were fine until everything was broken. And left that way long enough to fester, so that people who would leave their flag on for a more interesting world experience, were forced to turn it off to do content at all.

Changing the behavior of the player base BACK to what it was will take a level of social engineering that is as punishing for the Horde as current war mode is for the Alliance. Why would Blizzard punish 2/3 of their subscribers like this rather than just keep the status quo?

Iā€™ve had my share of camped by hunters, dude. Letā€™s not pretend that rogues are gods.

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Regardless of if a person has the knowledge etc. Can we not resort to name calling; that is childish. I donā€™t always agree with everyone who replyā€™s back to me, but I never resort to name calling.

Iā€™ve played the game on Player verse Environment/Player servers and have fought against enemy factions that have been dominate then the faction I prefer to play at times. World PvP ganking is cancer. If I want to PvP I will do it in a Battleground where the fight is fair.

If I must world PvP and I did do it, I always chose to fight fair, wave to the person to let them finish there NPC fight, let them heal up and if they wanted to rumble, we got it on. My old Main has 75,568 honorable kills until I left the game at the announcement of Mists of Pandaria.

I know I am no expert, donā€™t claim to be. But I am passionate about fair fighting and those that canā€™t lack a moral compass or real skill.

This. Hunting for achievements this was one way I accomplished a few of them. Also, some of the gathering achievements require you to acquire war mode type items from herbs, mining and skinning.

Actually, did that to earn those achievements on my new main. Ya we killed the leaders but nope, didnā€™t draw a single person out to come fight us at all. Think the problem is the game world is too huge. We need to stop adding onto the world and start re-utilizing the old worlds to make them feel alive again. Well and condensing servers and if it gets to crowded, thatā€™s what sharding is for.


I think itā€™s MAJORITY. And I have no desire to ever PvP. PvP makes me angry, especially when I donā€™t try to PvP, fight back, and deaths waste my time. When you have limited play time, YES it matters. Iā€™m glad World PvP is dead. I have never, and will never use ā€œwar modeā€

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I wouldnt stress about it. I flagged his rule violating post and heā€™ll get vacated soon enough if he keeps that juvenile crap up. lol

in this game, spot onā€¦at least prior to warmode. WM seems to have drained the life out of most of the gankers.
good riddance. lol

I hope that main is on your posting bnet acccountā€¦or some joker from above is gonna accuse you of being a liarā€¦not that Id worry myself about the opinion of some no-name on the interwebs, lol

yeah, gankers are too scared to PvP in a fair fight. its why they get so upset over warmode. The only part of the game they COULD play and win was ripped from them, lol


:point_up: :point_up: :point_up: :point_up: :point_up:


Thereā€™s nothing remotely fun about being gangā€¦by a group of the opposite faction while you are alone just trying to quest. War mode/open world pvp will never be something a large chunk of the player base want to engage in.

I reckon they could try it as an experiment. Like how they did with the Remix. Create a server on each area (US mainland, Oceanic, EU, Brazil, etc) and do exactly that. Like the Remix, you canā€™t leave it to go anywhere else, cant transfer, cant group off it, etc. Set it on a timer and let it run.

Would be interesting to see how it developed. I suspect they would need to have a balancing function in place, perhaps a constant regulation to slow down too many characters of one faction being made (with the usual rule of only being able to make a single faction character) so that the experiment isnt stuffed from the start by swinging badly to one side.

Then see whether or not it worked.

There was a forum I was replying to once before. I was very cordial and respectful with the person. They immediately launched an investigation into my account checking all my achievements etc. was very disturbing.

Someone a long time ago told me to never post on my main in the forums because players can be vicious, and I have at times gotten flack in game because they track me in game because of my forum name. When that happens, I get a little upset and stop posting for a while.

There are parts of the game I donā€™t grasp; I try ask questions and other areas I know I try to help out with answers. Some people just want to ruin other peopleā€™s fun whenever and however they can.

  • I asked this question a few days ago and not a single reply yet about Bullion. Example, I have 15 on me, 11 from 1 a week and 4 from doing Mythic dungeons. If say I spent 3 this week to buy the mount, would I get 4 next week or only 1. Because if itā€™s the later, I would have been buying crap tons of cosmetics.
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they honestly should just get rid of Warmode, nobody uses it except to farm or to level or if its the beginning of an expac/major patch, plusā€¦on most servers its alliance using warmode while horde have it perma switched off :stuck_out_tongue:

They donā€™t really need to do an experiment. They already had one once, it spanned over a decade but ultimately proved not worth it. Remix and Plunderstorm were things that they hadnā€™t tried before, not the things that had been done and discontinued.

I like to consider that the game and the players have changed over time. We really dont know how a current generation of players would react to a retail world locked PvP server condition. I still think it would be interesting to see.

Shrug Itā€™s not a fight I have a side in, as I dont do world PvP (very little PvP at all now), its merely an observation.

it showed that open world pvp isnt as popular as some people would try to have you believe. in that, its a rousing success.

again, you have people trying to paint ā€œfilthy casualsā€ as the cause for something that was their own fault and creation. You may call them ā€œcuddle bearsā€ or ā€œcare bearsā€ but we all know the section of the playerbase who is always the scapegoat for these sorts of rants.

as for your points, war mode didnt kill something that was already on its death bed. the people that wanted to war mode, war moded, which is the actual minority within the game. I could give sharding a legit point if it werent for the fact I know its simply a smokescreen to try and give your real point validity which is your hatred of players who dont wish to play in your sandbox.

How does world PvP make a game feel like less of a single player game. its pretty much the same as a single player game that has an overpowered uninvited guest show up and kill you. Im pretty sure there are tons of those games around.

World PvP doesnt make the world dangerous, nor is it required for a game to call itself a MMO. At best its a mildly fun diversion, at worst its a pointless aggravation.


Look at classic to find that out, players will just self segregate to only be with their faction , world pvp isnt a thing, the only ā€œworld pvpā€ that exists is a 1 sided gank to which the other may have a chance to run away. If you want pvp, bgs or arena are a thing.

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pvp servers are made up of two kinds of people

dudes who long for the childlike whimsy of stuff like tarren mill vs southshore, and the same kind of dude except theyā€™re a sociopathic ganker thatā€™s convinced themselves camping someone 8 levels lower than them is the same thing and everyone is having fun

every form of ā€œworld PVPā€ ive ever experienced is either getting one shot by level capped chars, getting ā‰„2v1ā€™d, getting killed by someone who is at least 5+ levels higher than me, getting attacked while fighting something/low HP, getting attacked by someone who grossly outgears me or a combination of two or more of these factors.

none of these experiences have ever been enjoyable, memorable, or fun in any way, and every time i question why I constantly roll on PVP servers other then ā€œwell i pvp so I should play on a pvp serverā€

tbh good riddance, all ā€œworld PVPā€ has ever been is endless grief


lol duel me, clown. You wonā€™t. :clown_face:

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