Time to admit it.... War Mode is a failure

Try to. War Mode is awful in practice for WrA, at least. I can’t speak to MG or anywhere else.

Ok have a good one. Putting you on ignore.

As far as the forum goes, thats the BEST part of warmode, lol.


Honestly amusing. If my last post made you that unhappy, you haven’t been making the argument you thought you were.

If you weren’t, I probably wouldn’t have continued to engage with your ideas.

It all comes down to expectation management. Knowing a perfect solution can’t exist and the goal is better would go a long way. I’m with you completely that Blizzard should do something about war mode balance, but I find it unlikely such a solution will really allow PVP players to relive the glory days they feel they’re missing with war mode compared to dedicated PVP servers. As long as everyone understands the objective is “better than today” rather than “recapturing the PVP server magic,” it seems like a win-win all around.

I’m pretty certain it does. The challenge is that the reporting mechanism is strictly after the fact. If I have 3 hours to play today, I’m not getting those 3 hours back if I encounter a trolling kill squad that has nothing better to do with their time than ruin my gameplay experience. If punishments based on reports have enough teeth, eventually I may not face much of this kind of griefing. But that’s a long term prospect, nothing that will give me that limited play time back I had allocated for WoW.

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World PVP has proven to be a formula for psychopathy.
You can see who has been abused or feels powerless in real life by their behavior in a PVP environment.
It’s the new milenniun version of torturing animals or pulling the wings off of flies.

I would not let my child play on a world PVP server.

  • Brim

I’m sorry but being outnumbered 20 to 1 at max level (Legion) was not fun on my PvP server.
Professional PvPers (not those who kick puppies) would be bored out of their skulls.
People like me would get tired of being attacked by “brave” gank squads.
PvP servers were in name only.


Scratch that.
I would have prepared them before letting them try it, then discuss it afterwards.
If they are disgusted by PVP servers, I will have succeded as a parent.

  • Brim

People just really do not like PVP servers. People only played on them because they tend to have sweats which are good recruiting pools for players looking to PVE, ironically.

All open world, hardcore PVP MMOs fail. When given the option, people prefer not to PVP. There’s a reason why when it’s given as an option, most people tend to opt out.

The ideal is that it’s immersive and adds a sense of depth and tension into the game, but those moments last fleetingly short periods of time before people just get bored of it.

Don’t worry about them. They act how they post. A giant loser who cannot fathom why anyone would dare challenge their viewpoint.

Does anyone remember the pvp system of lineage 2 back in 2000? Look it up it was perfect imo.

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PvP will always be the most requested feature nobody plays. There’s a certain stress to PvP, especially open world PvP, where very few players are wanting to engage in a video game. There’s a reason PvP dedicated servers where on life support before War Mode became a thing.

yeah, Im sitting here trying to figure out who the ‘real’ pvp’ers were who were doing WORLD ‘pvp’, lol
Far as I understand dont the REAL pvp’ers in this game do that rated pvp thing?
Why on earth would a GOOD PvP player waste single second ganking lowbies ?

Seems like the ONLY people who like world PvP are the ones start these threads lol…ones that have no skill whatsoever to PvP and need to get that boost from defenseless lowbie slaughter

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Pvp servers were a bigger failure. To bad blizz let them get so unbalanced.


The failures are the players who gank you and spawn-camp your corpse when you’re outnumbered. Also, the developers for not keeping the old pvp areas active.

There’s the pvp area in Nagrand. The Gurubashi Arena in Stranglethorn Vale. World PvP zones in the Battle for Azeroth zones for example, where players can earn achievements for killing enemy players.

The developers should move daily & weekly quests to older zones so that the game is less boring.

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There are areas like that now. Nobody uses them on the pve side. On the pvp side, they are pretty active group domination fests. The one in the Ohn’ahran plains always has people fighting over the world quest kill.

The problem is Blizzard turned world PKs into quest goals. That took world pvp from something you did to stake a claim to a rare, or object, or whatever, to you’re just a replacement for group quest NPCs. With the faction imbalance that just meant flagged Alliance trying to do anything but group pvping gets crushed. Often even then.

I love war mode but not to PVP - I turn it on when I can then level in the blood elf zone - I’ve never once been ganked through I don’t know how many alts - I can level a bit faster and there’s no real draw back .

So I personally love war mode .


definitely seems to work out ok if your realm is majority friendly.
Also, seems that with warmode a lot of gankers just gave up for the most part.
Before WM it was daily harassment leveling. But I notice when I turn WM on theres rarely anyone who bothers, and Id see enemy players enough that youd think theyd at least try.
I think those are the players who dont get their kicks from ganking anyway. And the gankers seemed to have decided to stop bothering so much…which is good news if you ask me.

World PVP has, and always will be, a niche feature that most people just don’t want to interact with. I know that if I’m just vibing with world quests on an alt, getting ganked by someone 30 ilvls up isn’t fun gameplay for me. If it happens, I’m probably logging off to play something else for the night. I have a job and a family and it’s just not worth my limited playtime. In that sense war mode is a resounding success. Anyone that wants to participate can opt into it at any point with no barrier to entry. PVP servers (and world pvp) were long dead before they added warmode and adding them back isn’t going to make more people want to roll characters on them again. Nothing short of making world pvp AND faction balance mandatory in some way is going to fix this problem, and you have to know Blizzard isn’t going to do that. There would be a mass exodus of casual players from the game, and that’s who keeps the lights on. If you want proof just look at New World. They leaned really hard into World PVP at the start and it was a massive flop once everyone realized how unfun it was. Nostalgia is a powerful drug, but it wears off pretty quickly once reality sets in.

If you want to recreate that experience, I would suggest battle royale games. It’s literally world pvp - the game mode. Heck, there’s even a wow themed version (Plunderstorm) that was very popular and will be making a comeback for sure. If fighting someone less able to defend themselves is more your jam, then I’d suggest whaling in a pay to win game (Diablo Immortal comes to mind). Just swipe your credit card and you can beat up on helpless players all day long.


I knew you were honor level 1 before I even looked.

Of course you’re the one to talk about PVP, the stereotype fits.

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