Time to admit it.... War Mode is a failure

It’s less about red vs blue than people make it out to be, but yes, the premise is war. …because it started as a strategy game.

I’m all for hearing both sides, here, but I really can’t stand the “PvP is king because War is in the name” schtick.

In Warcraft 3 the whole gimmick was Medivh trying to force the Orcs, Humans and Nelves to unite against Archimonde. And then they did.

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I’m glad this was the first and a popular response, because I was essentially coming to say the same:

War mode “democratized” PVP: So those that don’t consider the risk and hassle worth it, just… doesn’t. Is it really surprising that so many people, informed of what open world WoW PVP feels like, noped out of it?

That is a problem that solves itself, and it did, just by adding an option.

Next up: M+ PUGing when delves exist. (ducks and runs)


I can see that this is making you super emotional. Maybe you should try stepping away from the computer. It will be okay.

The game has changed…the player base has changed…the times have change…that poster is gonna have to COPE with warmode…period.

Im all for WARcraft…but theyve beaten into dead horse glue at this point is this worn out ‘war’ that has no end, having to create reasons to keep fighting it lol.
Feels like two religious sects who cant behave like adults slugging it out more than any REAL NEED for a war as far as alliance and horde go.

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I liked the old PVP. It was easier to jump on obvious AFK bots farming since they couldn’t turn off PVP in most area.

I’d like to reiterate I’m not taking a side, here. What I said isn’t in deliberate opposition to Azoog, it’s just how I’m seeing things as someone who’s played since OvH

Again, Blizz made servers for people that didn’t want to PvP.
Why should the people that actually want to fight/gank be punished for people refusing to choose a non PvP server?

I agree with this, I was only pulling on the particular thread I mentioned, i.e. that the game needs to be PvP focused or something due to its roots as a war game.

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holy crap…I didnt realize that post had that many likes lol

Factually every “warmode sucks” thread ALWAYS ends up exposing the motivation as 100% of the time being “I MISS MY LOWBIE GANK FODDER”

Dont get me wrong, world pvp sounds great in concept…but THIS ISNT PVP…its ilvl versus victim…nothing more.
If they ever make it so the victim scales immediately to the attacker so they can be equal in power, sign me up…i’d roll a character on a pvp realm today.

But this lowbie camp ganking crap is for one type of player…those too afraid to go fight in REAL pvp against an opponent with EQUAL chance of killing them.
We all know it lol

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When someone is on your ignore list you don’t get notifications when they talk to you.

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I find you to be the one being quite obtuse when you propose a BG solution, while getting bent out of shape at other comparisons to BGs.

I didn’t even say your idea is stupid, and totally left out other objections I have to it that are pretty subjective. I just said it doesn’t fix the root problem! It is a bandaid that I doubt will work anyway. The whole balancing of players on a shard is impossible. Between player motivations, levels, item levels. Just grabbing some Horde and flagging them as Alliance will have minimal effect at best.

You’re hoping that those players will be able to mitigate the random fighting, because groups all get funneled into yet another shard. But those groups that are doing group content that isn’t pvp are now in a pvp oriented shard and having to worry about Horde again.

If that all sounds twisty, yes it does. But that’s where your idea is. Bandaids on bandaids, without targeting the root problem.

Got it. Yeah I’m certain they could, and it would be a good idea for them to figure out something. We would just need to be realistic in our expectations since in this respect, Blizzard is up against player interests and simple math, neither of which is easy to change.

Sure, but I don’t know how many of those complaints even exist. I think most people understand war mode can lead to these situations and they are just a quick trip to town away from being able to avoid it. I’ve certainly seen more complaints about how war mode is a poor replacement for PVP servers, like this thread we’re having this conversation within. :slight_smile:

Yeah and I am happy to tell players that are killed a time or two while in war mode they need to suck it up or turn off war mode. That is the entire reason war mode exists.

But too many times PVP supporters use this phrasing as a deflection when faced with the criticism of hours-long corpse camping. If you kill me while I’m fighting a bear with war mode on, that’s fair game. It’s no longer fair game when after killing me fighting that bear your 5-stack fans out around all the places I could retrieve my body and the nearest graveyard to prevent me from ever getting back to that bear I needed for my quest until tomorrow.

At the risk of repeating myself, I agree with you here. When you turn on war mode, if you aren’t expecting to be harassed and possibly even killed by the opposing faction, that’s a you problem. There’s just a line that many players cross where the behavior moves from world PVP into borderline gameplay sabotage.


The only time I turned on warmode all DF was for hunting treasures in Forbidden Reach. And every PVP flagged character I ran into was doing the exact same thing.

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No, your posts have been fine. I dont expect to agree with everyone or even every detail.
On this topic my biggest annoyance is in their pretending like ganking IS PVP, lol…they know its not.
Ganking is the gankers ilvl versus their victim…who cant even get a shot off, so NOT real PVP.

They pretend that it is so they can pretend to miss the ‘challenge’ of world pvp…but we know the VICTIMS arent in here posting how they miss being camp ganked for a hour lol…no its the max level player who is farming lowbies cuz they cant do REAL PvP who are making these threads.

I mean, theyre not denying it this time, for a change…normally they deny it till I have to take half the day and finally drag it out of them kicking and screaming, lol.

I have ZERO respect for anyone who ruins the game for other players…and gankers are the apex ‘predator’ in that category…and I say “predator” in quotes because its only in their own minds that they are predators…lol…REAL PvP players have nothing but contempt for their behavior

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Classic character :white_check_mark:

Guild name :white_check_mark:

0 conversion with other posters to counter any arguments or any engagement with thread :white_check_mark:


So balance is impossible. Let’s do nothing then!

I’ve provided a couple examples that could improve the situation, only to be met with pushback.

And going into the minutia of battlegrounds and how they play out is irrelevant to warmode. I wish you would drop the comparison. They are too different.

And please don’t respond that I brought up a comparison between BG’s and warmode. I did no such thing.

I only proposed having a Mercenaries Mode or similar system for warmode, to help address the faction imbalance.
Thats it. Please let’s move on.

warmode is a wild success. gankers cry, questers explore the world in relative peace, RPers use it for pre-planned battles and pvpers do instanced content which was ALWAYS more fun anyway


Strawmanning is very obtuse. Just because I shoot down your idea isn’t an endorsement of nothing. It is an endorsement of not doing ineffective things.


You’re an example of the sort of player who makes PVP an enjoyable experience for everyone, win or lose. You’re not whining, you’re not moaning, and you appear to be behaving like an adult. Bravo, my friend.

That’s fair. Some people just want to be argumentative on the forums. Hopefully I come across as solutions oriented, because I have advocated for years that Blizzard could do more to balance warmode shards.

There are absolutely issues with with how populations can be massively imbalanced, and I hope my proposed ideas could alleviate at least some of that stuff.

Regarding the corpse camping example, at some point that should fall under griefing or disruptive gameplay, and should be reported.

It’s one thing to fight over a rare, or mining node, or other area of interest. It’s entirely another thing to be graveyard camped excessively to the point where you can’t even realistically corpse hop to a rested area to turn off warmode.

Fair, and apologies for my wording. I didn’t intend to direct that at you, just generally speaking.

I agree that killing someone excessively does go above and beyond and could be considered griefing or gameplay sabotage or however blizzard describes that behavior.