Time to admit it.... War Mode is a failure

I do believe so, yeah.

It occurs to me that this is such a complex issue to solve given all the bandaids they’ve tried to apply.

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Warmode is an ongoing server with specific conditions. If people are on the losing side and dip out, it just means that specific “shard” will be dominated by a single faction faster.

They are close enough, and you’re the one who brought up the comparison in the first place.

Yeah, after I got the rewards I left it in the dust. But because the first round did so “well” they know that with the right carrots and FOMO, they’ll get PvErs to play to pad the numbers. Like me.

Heck, I remember towards the beginning there was a YouTube trailer/short that proudly spouted the number of players playing. But towards the end there was hardly a peep of what the remaining numbers were.

Yes, as I said in the reply before this one. Achieving perfect balance is very difficult, if not impossible. And imbalance leads us down the path that led to Blizzard deciding they needed to eliminate PVP servers in favor of war mode in the first place. I am with you that there can be improvements that make the ganking less likely, but tweaking how many players of each faction are in each shard is never going to be a complete solution. And it doesn’t take a large imbalance to start a series of events that will lead to complete imbalance after a bit of time.

But that’s why I’m trying to encourage you, and anyone else who wants to advocate for the return of PVP servers, to address this issue head on. Too many PVP supporters deflect, project, and strawman away from any challenge that highlights the ganking problem. The “boo hoo you died in PVP” dismissals only serve to bolster your opposition, many of whom lived through times in which they had their play session cut short because the character they wanted to play was dead on arrival every time they spawned.

The perfect balance you want to achieve is going to take more than just some clever sharding rules to achieve. You’re going to need to come up with some kind of way to make it so players who would be interested in world PVP still have the ability to achieve their goals in game. Because when world PVP was easy to come by in WoW, not everyone could achieve their goals as a result of members of the opposing faction that would effectively end their play session.

Sure, but this is more of an indictment of PVP players than anything else. If even players who actively chose a PVP server weren’t willing to defend the camps in the world under attack from the opposing faction, why should we expect they suddenly would do so today? It seems far more likely that having towns entirely wiped out for hours at a time would be more common with today’s player base where most don’t even bother with war mode than before when players self-selected into always-on PVP servers.

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Forgive my ignorance again, but are there seriously no significant rewards for this?

Trying to cram for my PvP test, you understand.

This was a cute attempt to reword what I wrote, but it doesn’t work because there are no specific win conditions in warmode. You can’t “win” like you can in Alterac Valley, or turn in 3 flags in Warsong Gulch.

You literally will “win” a battleground, with a score screen that pops up when the match is over, and you can see your kills and flag turn ins and whatever other statistics.

This is not the case for Warmode.

Nice try though.

I brought up the Mercinaries Mode specifically because it was an attempt to balance overall BG faction populations.

Maybe that can be used in Warmode.

Thats it. It should be pretty straightforward to understand why the thought occurred to me.

Multiple emoji copy paste here

Nothing extrinsic. The game does not even acknowledge if you helped your faction fend off an attack on a town or defend an outnumbered squad being harassed. You just got the kills registered while you were there, but no more than if you were the one who went on the attack or just ran a battleground.

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Hmmmm its almost like…there were more servers to choose from than just PvP servers? Crying about PvP on a PvP server was always comical to me.


This kinda seems like an oversight to me. If they want to incentivize it, there needs to be… incentive.

Even if it’s nothing crazy, I’m sure it wouldn’t take much for people to be interested in this part of WPvP, yeah? I’d say the idea of defending or attacking world locations is rousing even for me as a PvE player.

I doubt it’d even need to be exclusive to the content, just some reason to go out of your way to interact with that instead of doing the usual PvP loops.

If nobody can win, how are we here discussing how one side always ends up dominating a shard?

This is you offering a BG solution to a BG type problem. And you were not happy about things being compared to BGs?

I definitely want to express how hard it is to read when my eyes roll this much.

I think youre missing that part of ‘some people dont WANT to pvp…period’…so there is no gathering a kill squad and retaliating for them…they want to be left alone to enjoy the game their way.
Warmode allows that.

I mean PVP always seemed like kind of an afterthought in WoW. Battlegrounds weren’t even in the game at launch, and it took until TBC for Blizzard to add small group organized PVP with arena. World PVP was basically only for players who gained some kind of intrinsic benefit for participating.

Adding an incentive to world PVP is probably something that would be good, if done right. But I’m not sure how to define “done right” in this regard. It’s always tough to create a worthwhile incentive when participation requires the other faction to also take a specific action. I could envision rewards based on “go raze this town” leading to many shards having no real PVP and players getting rewards for just killing all the NPCs in that town, even if the opposing faction has counter rewards for defending that town at the same time.

There was actually a decent amount of PVP even on PVE servers because NPCs were all flagged for PVP. Even on PVE servers players could flag PVP if they wanted, and attacking a flagged player or NPC would automatically flag you for PVP. It just was off by default and players could turn it off after 5 minutes (or hitting a flight master). But nothing stopped the opposing faction from ransacking all the NPCs in the town where you were questing. So while you were safe if you weren’t flagged, you could still have a bad time if all your quest givers were dead for hours.


youre perma blocked for NOT READING the thread and making FALSE accusations as a result…typical behavior for your sort, quite frankly.

for those who CAN pay attention in here I started on a pvp server NOT KNOWING the CHILDISH BEHAVIOR of so many in this community.
once I figure that out…son…I DID move to a PVE server.

and yes, i realize you’re gonna obsess about me ignoring you and hang on my every word from now to eternity, lol…you wont be able to help yourelf…they never can.


I remember some of this back in the day. It’s really neat in concept but when its only purpose feels like it’s to grief people on a timer, I can imagine it only sucks for people in practice.

I won’t pretend to know how to make these into interesting events, but I feel I can say with confidence that it’s not some herculean task to do so. I guess I can get why WPvPers feel Blizzard hates them.

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I am not advocating or asking for pvp servers to return. I quite like warmode, in that you can turn it on when you feel like playing spicy wow, and turn it off when you’re not in the mood.

I just think they could do a much better job at balancing the populations in the shards.

Sometimes it’s so comically lopsided , and that’s just a terrible experience for everyone.

But I am of the belief that most of the complaints basically come down to “I was pve questing in warmode and got ganked, and that’s a massive issue with the game mode”

Like yeah, sometimes there are dozens of opposite faction people just locking down an area and that feels bad. There are ways Blizzard could balance that with sharding, especially if those people are in a raid, or a number of smaller parties.

But it was brought up a few times earlier that people don’t want to be killed when they’re just “doing their thing”.

How do you balance these narrow sets of expectations, it’s a pvp flagged mode for everyone in your shard, but if you are trying to do pve world quests at any given moment, how do you expect other players to read your mind that “I like pvp warmode, but just not this exact moment when I’m questing thank you”.

Other players and the game itself cannot be held responsible for knowing when and where each person in their brain is “ready” for pvp.

You would think the Warmode On / Warmode Off toggle would be enough of a notice to say “I am ready to engage in PvP”, but apparently it isn’t.

Are you being purposefully obtuse?

and for the record…ganking ISNT pvp…its ilvl versus victim lmao.

PvP is where both players CAN kill each other…your lowbie ganking ways are an outright admission that you are too afraid to go pvp against anyone who you might lose against, lol

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This person thinks they are the main character in this thread, lmao.

PvP on a PvP server happened. Stop crying. You and the other idiotic 66 people who liked your original post are the reason WoW is slowly but surely losing that luster it once had, so long ago.

Can anyone tell me what the premise for Warcraft was when it first started out? Anyone?
I’ll give you a hint. It wasn’t about orcs and humans holding hands in solidarity.

On my server I can only remember a few times where my gameplay was ruined for a session because of having my quest town in flames, outside of Southshore that was basically permanently untouchable. But that was only because of horde on my server not caring to do it more often; there wasn’t any deterrent against it directly in game. If Blizzard prioritized finding a solution, I could envision it being pretty easy to make NPCs “level up” after being killed each time, resetting to normal after a few hours of not being killed. But Blizzard elected not to do so.

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lmao…did I call it or what?
dude PRETENDS hes got a point…homes directly in on me when half the posters in this thread have the EXACT POV I do…now hes gonna stalk me around whining because I blocked his trolling lol