Time to admit it.... War Mode is a failure

options … i do think they should get one server and to see and reminded of why it jsut doesn’t work…

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Ah yes, obviously from a rogue. Who would have known…

Ok this made me giggle because back in the day there was a warning that you could only roll one faction on a PvP server. So if you went Horde, every character you played was Horde.

Hmm… maybe the warning should be “PvP Happens On A PvP realm so no complaints.”:joy:

At least whom I just discussed with, this was not the case.

Truuuue!!! WoW isn’t a “PvP game” though… Its PvP has always been an imbalanced, secondary, poorly updated mode. Personally, I thought PvP servers were the best option. Those who want to shoehorn PvP combat into their imba PvE game could there, without the jank of flipping war mode on and off.

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well isnt that interesting…and here some joker above said that kind of thing was all in MY imagination lol.

absolutely agree.
With the CHOICE, Im much more likely to do it at times.


I have not enabled War Mode in 5 years.

The less PvP the better.

Understandable… but you can’t simultaneously support this and bark the mantra that not enough people want to play open world PvP.

and the part he left out is REAL PVP games are ones where anyone CAN kill anyone else with skill or just dumb luck.
Ganking ISNT PVP by ANY measure of the concept…at all…period.

PVP is player VERSUS player…not ‘one shot and your dead’, lmao.

Ah, gotcha’.

Sadly don’t think that would work. Because it promotes a false dichotomy where “Well we have our server now so we must have been right all along! Time for Blizzard to force players to play with us next!”

And I say this specifically because I have heard these arguments over and over again. Everyone, and I genuinely mean everyone, who genuinely believes in having a server like this would be a good thing have been pushing to genuinely be able to force people to entertain them. A lot of these people are also the ones who would use spy addons back in the day so…

No. I get what you are saying and for most sane people, yes it would genuinely prove that. But the problem is that the ones who are legitimately pushing for these things aren’t the folks who want to PvP, but rather just want to bully people and want Blizzard to justify their behaviours and desires.

So… I think your suggestion and from your perspective it’d be funny as all hell! But I also know enough about human psychology and propaganda to see where things would go next. And it ain’t a good place.

(And I am well aware it seems like I’m making a dinosaur-sized chicken out of mere feathers, but I’m saying this because there’s already a precedence for something similar to this in WoW. Classic has a much higher acceptance of vile rhetoric than on retail, and the people pushing these ideas are folks who harken back to the “good ol days” so… my concerns are based in a precedence that we have and already do see in WoW today.)

((Would still be funny though! Not gonna deny that.))


BINGO! If players didnt use open world pvp as a form of bullying and harrassment more would choose to do it. New World devs learned that lesson the hard way in the 1st beta when players couldnt even leave the Island shores due to griefers camping and ganking. They made a very quick pivot because of all the complaining. Jts been proven time and again that open world pvp doesnt work in MMOs unless it is in a controlled environment or opt in. The fact so few people choose to opt in merely proves that only a very tiny minority likes open world pvp.

So no, pvp servers arent coming back so either deal with or go play fortnight for your griefing pleasure.


Never liked traveling in World of Warcraft. Taking a Flight Master was a death wish if you were trying to get to an area fast. More than once one of my low levels was getting harassed by much higher-level Alliance players that as soon as I landed at the Flight Master, I was stun locked and dead before I could even do a thing.

People were not interested in a fair fight, they just wanted to have their fun even at the expense of others which is why those servers no longer exist.

I’m an objective player in battlegrounds. My favor BG was always Altec Valley as I knew where to setup defensively to stall the enemy. If the enemy gets stalled a lot of them break and start thinking about getting out of the BG. They want a fast quick BG, and as a Horde player our queues for BG’s was usually 45 minutes to enter and 5 minutes till it was over if players refuse to work together. Match’s I lead we got more honor and Player Kills for dragging out the fight then letting the match over in 5 minutes verse an hour.

Some people just want to PvP and some are pretty damn good, but it’s a lot of being overpowered because of balancing that helps. I mostly played Protection warrior or Restoration Shaman when I was into PvP so I racked up a lot of kills sometimes or none at all when I played defense.

I think a game that is PvP first, and balanced around PvP would do well. It’s when they introduce PvE elements into the game that things start going south. The thing that complicates things for me is I have a hard time playing content that requires dexterity because I had two fingers amputated six months ago.

Aye Battlegrounds was my bread and butter. Once I would manage to get my daily’s done, I would queue for these until I went to sleep. If I had a tough time doing daily’s I would queue earlier for this then during the night log on and do my daily’s.

Hello! Long time Cuddle-Bear and Pet Battler here…
Open World/War Mode is typically disabled because people… And hear me out about this;
Don’t want to do it.

I totally see the thrill of PvP though, I think that it does have a place in the game but in all honesty I’m just not quite sure where. I forget which expansion it was, but didn’t an expansion have a whole zone dedicated to like, capturing flags at some castles and giving you stuff for them? Something like that which is never-ending and a huge open zone would be really cool. Maybe that would help solve that itch you want to scratch so bad?

Also I know this is more of a sidenote, but I’d really love to be able to spectate PvP fights from the stands as a spectator with friends somehow, and gamble on fights. Would be a cool addition.

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I had heard that one of the betas was so bad that it made the New World devs make a super hard pivot from being a PVP game to being a PVE one right before launch, and that’s why they’ve basically been building a new game for the past two years. (because it was meant to be a Open World PVP game, and there was barely any PVE content in it at the time).

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ironically they are so self interested they certainly dont want to admit it IS bullying and harassment to camp gank players till they log off to get away from it.
It SHOULD be an actionable offense.
ONE kill…fine…another one in an hour…totally acceptable.
Camp ganking till I have to log…yeah…should be a warning then a suspension given its ruining the game for someone

But as you maybe saw above, they say its ALL blizzards fault for leaving the keys in the ignition. I mean, PLAYERS took the car for the joy ride and caused an accident, but you know…blizzard is the real villian here for believing players might actually be able to behave decently and NOT ruin the game for other players, lol

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lol…yeah, that doesnt surprise me in the least given what Ive seen in this game and an old Battletech game, Ithink it was…

I believe there are better ways than any kind of compulsion to make world PVP more appealing.

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There is no way to balance them. Being able to invite people to do the weekly quest means even if the shards are balanced, the people doing that daily quest will end up on the shard with Alliance players doing whatever. So you have a 5 Horde actively out hunting people, while the mirrior 5 Alliance were just out to do regular activities.

As the population imbalance got worse, this problem got worse. You would have over a dozen Horde out hunting Alliance, while the mirrior Alliance were just trying to do their dailys. They turn warmode off, leave the shard, and now your shard just has Horde jumping any Alliance hapless enough to wander onto that shard.


Because certain high-level players think PvP basically means harassing low level characters and making their play experience miserable. It might work with certain restrictions in place. For instance, you’re unable to attack any character except those within two levels of you.


No, WoW killed PVP in Dragonflight. Warmode is pretty pointless when only Horde is on it. Alliance is pretty passive when it comes to their playstyle.