Time to admit it.... War Mode is a failure

There is no more compulsion in what I described than there was in PvP servers. If you’d like me to expand, I obviously think War Mode (XP+Rep) rewards should go away as well. With the exception of those crates that dropped I suppose.

Further, Gwennedl said they think it’d be fine if the timer was just a lot more significant, and I agree that in the case a genuine issue with permanence arises, that’s a functional solution… though I don’t see where said issue is, right now.

Yep. The devs apparently did no research before announcing an open world, no limits pvp game and were shocked to find that players couldnt even live five seconds due to being killed after spawning. They delayed launch for a year due to a complete change in design to turning pvp into an option.


same here…mostly prot warrior.
What I would do is run interference for the rest of the team. Playing on human emotion, getting the other team so bent out of shape that there were times when the morons would sit there waiting for me to get back from a death…and Im not crapping you here…at one point FOUR of them were waiting to pound ME while my team was actually winning the BG :rofl:

idont think they figured it out that that was the goal…keep them busy with prot…so they would lose just because they were determined to kill me again.
Man…I would bounce around between them, this one then that one, you could see it was ticking them off. Then a group of them would get so focused on taking me out that they seemed to completely forget about the goal of the BG lol

It was hilarious at times.


You look like a Necron. Dope mog.

While Plunder storm was a first attempt at making a Player verse Player only game mode. I think the reason it placed where it did on the metrics is because the coaxed Environment players into it for the cosmetics, mounts, pets and toys. I think after about a month (took me 4 days) the PvE players started to exit it and hopefully the metrics showed this. Otherwise, Blizzard will assume it was a success and do it again.

Think its 10% gold and extra experience, but if your already level cap then yah, 10% gold is not enough incentive for me to want to have a heart attack as my anxiety kicks up and I start wanting to break things.


In fairness, world pvp was intended. And battlegrounds were part of the original plan for the game. The problem is, like many parts of this game, they have become less organic and more competitive.

Sure there is. Its software. There is absolutely at least one solution out there where the sharding system could actively try to keep warmode shards balanced.

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I agree, though Cur has a point that it’s not as simple as ‘figuring out the algorithm.’

Server groups are somewhat limited in how much they communicate, but they still have their own ecosystem just like individual servers do.

And individually tracking and maintaining a specific ratio with individual placement is a technical challenge for multiple reasons, and a monumental task aside simply due to variable shard volume.

In theory I really like shards. I won’t pretend I know how to fix their issues, though.

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like I said


No it is the wetware. The problem is between the chair and the keyboard, not in a box owned by Blizzard.

The only way to control this is to control the motivations and goals of the individual, and that would include the ability to recruit others from other shards. Even if you removed the “custom” option for groups, people would just use code like “+187 Ruby” in keys.

Right now the way people fix it, is turning off warmode. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

And to expand, you can’t force them into different shards, either, because that just hurts friends interacting with the system as intended.

This issue actually exists in a much smaller degree for PvE players as well. It’s turned off (…or supposed to be…) on RP realms. MUCH less impactful than for PvP though, to be clear.

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Oh I’m sure it’s not a simple solution, but it has also been Years that imbalance in warmode has been an issue.

I know live suggested probably dozens of times in these threads that we all need to stop arguing with each other over Horde vs Alliance forum PvP and instead collectively ask Blizzard to try to do something about the problem.

You seem to be focused on people inviting their friends to warmode groups.

The system already has the ability to shard people away for overall population reasons. There is no reason to think it won’t be able to do so for faction balance reasons if Blizzard put some effort into improving warmode shard balance.

Organized groups should be sharded together anyway. That’s a different experience than people just questing and getting into the occasional small dust ups.

I mean, too late now, but theoretically couldnt they only allow half alliance and half horde on a pvp realm?
So if its a few too many horde, i can only create an alliance character on that realm until the balance changes again?

Warmode shards was the attempt to fix this. It is better for the people who were on 90%+ servers. But that just shoveled the imbalance onto the rest of us.

As long as the Horde and Alliance population are significantly imbalanced, there will be an imbalance of people doing their weekly world pvp. That’s why it is a pretty significant contributor to the problem.

It is not even friends. Ever done the pvp daily on Tuesday? Lots of people just inviting randos to 5v1 faceroll every stray they find. I haven’t done it in awhile but I’ve seen them fall apart real quick because you shard into one with 3 Horde groups looking for you.

Which means the moment you invite someone to a group you shard yourself into the killing fields. This MMO is already too anti social.

As im sure you will see if you actually read your thread, lol…the company didnt destroy world pvp…you and your ganking buddies did by ruining the game for other players who WERE willing to be killed here and there, but your camp ganking ways made them hate that aspect of the game, so they moved to pve servers to get away from you.

so youre admitting that FEW WANT to be harassed and ganked by the kiddies anymore.
I concur completely.

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Why? The system should try to make as many balanced shards as possible. Even if the overall faction populations are imbalanced, you can have balanced shards, like we can have balanced Battlegrounds.

BG’s even have a way for people to join as the opposite faction to help balance things overall. For BG’s that is to reduce queue times. For warmode, maybe they could figure a way to to implement this system to help balance things out.

I’m sorry that I’m not as pessimistic about this. We just need enough people to ask blizzard to do something about it, instead of being defeatist and saying it’s impossible over and over again.

If there wasn’t a PvE aspect to WoW, I would agree. There’s no point in killing low level players, though. You don’t even get honor.


Isn’t this the point of warmode? If you just want to quest with friends turn off warmode and go quest. Nothing wrong with that.