Time to admit it.... War Mode is a failure

ganks lowbies

lowbies swap to PvE servers

oMg WhY dO pVe AnDiEs HaTe PvP


I used to really like battlegrounds and would spend weeks on those whenever I got bored of PVE stuff. WoW PVP can be fun when you have a whole group working togetherā€¦

But the disparity in classes and specs, not to mention level brackets, has always made open world PVP nothing but a gank fest. There really isnā€™t much point either walking into a meat grinder, or in being the meat grinder. What does it prove? Maybe some people do find that fun but it wonā€™t be many. And thatā€™s why war mode is in fact a perfect solution.

I think this is something Blizz did a great! :upside_down_face:

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We have Remix for 3 months so why not make one, or two, PvP only for 3 months. BUTā€¦donā€™t dangle exclusive mogs and mounts as a reason to go. Make it purely PvP for those who long for it.

Then Blizz can see if the growth/ player numbers would warrant keeping them up.


Does it? 10% more gold? That doesnā€™t even apply to drake racing because that awards a box, not gold?

The war mode ā€œbenefitsā€ are abysmal.

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The biggest problem that is relatively easy to fix with PVP is the lack of rewards, and lackluster rewards, and the few decent rewards are locked behind an impractical, unrealistic, if not impossible rating for most people, myself included. So casual PVP feels less rewarding.

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its like a tiny rabbit jumping into a lions den :rofl: You just simply avoided areas altogether. Or go as a group lol

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Mateā€¦ Iā€™m gonna give you a hint:
If Blizzard needs to put a warning label on something to actively discourage people from playing it, then that has issues from the get-go.

Why was Hardcore a selling point? Because they said ā€œif you die, you die, and you gotta start over.ā€ What is the selling point of a PvP realm? ā€œYou got bored of going to a major city to turn on Warmode so now we enforce PvP onto EVERYONE!ā€

ā€¦ one of these is a stupid idea, but has an appealing niche that eventually and quite literally kill off itā€™s playerbase.
The other one is just plain ol stupid for lazy folks. You can probably guess which one is which, and hint: only one of these was a worthwhile experiment because it drove social media engagement even for those who didnā€™t like it.

And this is the main challenge you need to convince people is a good thing to have in order to gain the benefits you are suggesting exist. Until you get to queued and premade content at endgame, the structure of world PVP in WoW meant your ability to play the game could always exist on someone elseā€™s terms. And not just a death here or there as some would imply, you could spend your entire play session being corpse camped. The only way you got to play that character in any meaningful way was if your faction came to clear out the enemies or they decided to move on; both activities are reliant on other people. Itā€™s always going to be a tough sell when one playerā€™s ability to play is dictated by another player.

Let me be clear, I have mentioned in other PVP threads that I am not opposed to there being some number of PVP servers. There is a lot of information out there for players to learn what PVP servers could become (that didnā€™t exist back in 2004) and leveling is quick enough to not be much of a burden for players who want to maintain a separate character off PVP servers.

Many of the detractors of the idea offer very hyperbolic takes, and I fully understand you shutting those down. But most PVP supporters donā€™t give a fair assessment, either, which is where you get the most pushback. Many of the complaints people have of warmode actually have to do with sharding. And then most of the differences between warmode and PVP servers themselves come down to players being able to choose not to have their session dictated by another player. You need to demonstrate why PVP servers are worth these downsides, and trying to pretend the downsides arenā€™t real does nothing to help your case amongst people who are willing to have the conversation.

Faction balance on a PVE server has no bearing on the experience of engaging with the world. Players arenā€™t going to have their play session completely derailed by a party of bored members of the opposite faction mercilessly camping them until they log off on a PVE server.

So even ignoring any interaction between PVP server and faction imbalance that could very well exist (minority faction players are less likely to keep making characters to be ganked leading to even fewer members of that faction), the potential impact of PVP on world content is orders of magnitude higher than on a PVE server.

I never liked the fact that you can use so many things to escape a fight and go disable Warmode when youā€™re done griefing. Then nobody on the server has the chance to shut you down. I liked it way more when there were PvP servers and ongoing battles. These days you can just toggle off WM until thereā€™s ideal PvP situations for you which is really sad.

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So what Iā€™m mostly learning from this thread is that I donā€™t exist.

I think the game makers want to do their best to make it enjoyable for allā€¦but religiously some miserable player find some way to abuse things for other players.

I mean a number of us are literally here telling them why we hate world ā€˜pvpā€™ā€¦which isnt pvp at all given REAL pvp is two players trying to kill each otherā€¦is because of THEIR behavior. Not the game, as some of them are trying to claim.

NO ONE at blizzard TOLD ANYONE HERE as an official decree to go harass/stalk/camp gank lowbies who cant fight back lol. PLAYERS decided to behave like that and so PLAYERS ALONE are responsible for many hating world ā€˜pvpā€™, which isnt PvP at all in this particular game given how it works


Lol I believe in having optionsā€¦and that the ONE PVP server would turn into a sad and lonely one, that no one would want to join, except for those who would want to experience what it use to feel like, and then never join lolā€¦Nopeā€¦no thank you, but thank you for offering!! ^-^


lolā€¦yeah, Im betting when I was being camp ganked so much back when that alliance was probably the majority on that realm at the time, which would explain why I was seeing it so much and the naysayers above werent seeing it, so they claim, lol

oh wow, low level players want to play in peace and level without getting ganked. Much surprise. Big wow.


Yeah, so sorry that no one is interested in being ganker fodder for you. Maybe try battlegrounds where the real pvpers are?


Ehā€¦ you were the one who said:

What on earth are you smoking to think I wanted anything to do with the horrendous suggestion of opening a PvP serverā€¦?

you have to love his self serving, selfish, self interested argument, lol.
HIS enjoyment the ONLY thing that matters to himā€¦if someone else is hating the game because of HIS behavior, thats okā€¦

One seriously has to wonder if that personality type leaks out into real world interactions with some


case in point.


When I played in Battlegrounds; Oh my God, the chat was lit up with people yelling at others because they failed to play the objectives and we would lose every single time.

I am an objective player and if that meant sitting at a spot guarding the flag and getting no kills, so be it. My job was to call out if I see people coming or if an invisibly class snuck up on me. I would instinct listen for the sound of a stealth player while rubber necking around to see if players where visually coming at me like a World War 2 pilot.

Exactly. There is too much to balance to get it right. Wither it be the class abilities or the gear, itā€™s all about balancing. I remember my time on a PvP server, I would have to wake up at odd hours to try and get things done because during normal hours it was impossible at times. I was on an Alliance dominated server as a Horde player and had I know that I wouldnā€™t have chosen that server.

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I enjoyed a PVP realm all through vanilla. I was on Lighningā€™s Blade which had the very best balance in the game at 50/50 pretty much. Didnā€™t really need to wait for queue on either faction. I played both factions. Orc shaman, NE hunter and NE priest.

When BC came along with Blood Elves, i suddenly could not play my alliance toons as they were ganked as soon as i logged on. I played BE palladin/orc shaman and occassionally tried to play alliance. Many of the alliance guilds were transfering off. I inherited several guilds since i refused to jump ship. PVP servers were no longer fun.

I love war mode, where i can jump in then jump out as i choose.

I actually changed orc to Draenei and pally to LF draenei, because i preferred to play the under dog, even though painful. I really wanted a nightbourne so changed my hunter, but will likey race change to orc or something later, since nightbourne have no love.

I had two accounts - one for kids, so was able to play both factions on same sever back then.