Time to admit it.... War Mode is a failure


and that poster literally confirmed it themselves lol

When 90% of the realm is one faction, I would call that less of a ā€˜warā€™ than a ā€˜bloodbathā€™ lol.
IF youre the majority faction, Im very sure your realm could be a massive population and youre gonna be safe at least 90% of the time.

You are correct. I started in 2005 and it was almost impossible to venture out on your own. There were some maps i simply avoided altogether like Stranglethorn Vale, and Unā€™Goro Crater.

It would be easier now though to avoid them, since there is flying thoā€¦but I do think it would turn into that game ā€œThe floor is lavaā€ lol maybeā€¦idk

Maybe just give them ONE server to gank or be ganked and a couple pop up warnings for newcomers that its PVPā€¦ They had so many pvp servers and no warning or it was very hidden. lol I mean it should be a choice when people pay this much for a gameā€¦

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yeahā€¦Im gonna block you now. lol.
you clearly are VERY emotional and upset about losing your gank fodder, which indicates that you are too scared to do REAL pvp against EQUAL opponentsā€¦something I have ZERO respect for, so I have nothing left to say to you and certainly you have nothing of interest for me


Oh whats that your 3rd or 4th block because someone disagrees with you? Youā€™re on a roll here today bud!

Again with this ganking. Get over it man. PVP happened, dont opt in if you cant hang.

Bud, if you want fair there is instanced pvp. Again, donā€™t opt into wm if u cant hang.

Your only argument for the 100th time is ā€œi get ganked in wm wahh.ā€ And itā€™s not the leg you think it is to stand on, at all.

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I see a lot of players in war mode. Fighting happens at the same rate it did when there were PvP servers and when Iā€™m at PvP world quests, there is plenty of players fighting over the spoils. And yes, there is still lots of danger from the possibility of getting tanked while doing world content.

It seems to be working just fine.

At least now there is no leverage for anyone to complain about ā€œnonconsesual PvPā€ in Warmode. When someone does complain (there is always that one guy) we can all have a good laugh about it.


Also stop abusing the flag comment feature to disagree with someone elseā€™s opinion. You all should be banned in my opinion.


For the recordā€¦I have NEVER ganked a random lowbie in this game.
The ONE time I did kill two lower leveled characters it was because they were camp ganking my wife and I decided to go help her out because they had wasted nearly an hour of her game time.

ALL of MY pvp has been battle grounds and a couple fights against REAL alliance PvPers who came to orgrimmar attack itā€¦players I have MUCH respect for.

I pvp in BG because, unlike some, I dont NEED to victimize lowbies for an ego boost.

PvP ISNT PvP if you cant be killed by your opponentā€¦PERIOD.
Sorry if some here cant cope with that information. :+1:


I agree, thereā€™s plenty of pvpers out in the world! Maybe they should transfer to a connected server or more populated serverā€¦idk?

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To have successful world PVP in a game you have to wrangle in people who dont necessarily want to do it. Thereā€™s just not enough people realistically playing these games otherwise. Your two choice are roping everyone in for massive scale epic battles or letting people opt out for a smaller more niche experience.

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in my experience as a horde player on a heavy alliance server is that running in war mode is only an invitation to get griefed repeatedly.

I think the idea of pvp servers for those who want them is a good idea.

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My first character on a PvP server was when I was a new player. Information overload led me to miss that detail. Later deleted about level 20.

I rolled another character on a PvP server to take part in an interesting sounding event. The event never happened, the GM, who constantly complained about other players starting drama, was the worst drama magnet Iā€™ve ever met. Besides his other issues, one of which was assuming I was gay because my character was a female and being horrified by this idea (Iā€™m female). At the time (end of MoP) there were people on that server holding conversations about why they were still playing on a server they were outnumbered on. I didnā€™t play that character much until after the PvP server conversion took place.


Arguing with Lio is like arguing with that 1 weird relative who nobody likes but still shows up to thanksgiving.

They know what their opinions are, but will present them as facts, and berate anyone who disagrees.

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I didnt start until Legion and even then it was bad.
I cant imagine how bad it was way back in the beginning of the game. lol.

while I personally am good with that, its not gonna happen.
I read an article when Warmode was coming out that said they did it this way to make it so they had ONE SINGLE server type to work on instead of two.
Warmode is the result of that, in part, at least.

But we all know if they had one pvp server theyd be complaining about some other detail instead. lol.
What they wantā€¦the ones complainingā€¦is gank fodder. Cheap, easy, nothing kills to boost the ego.
If they wanted REAL pvp where they could be killed toā€¦FAIR pvpā€¦theyd just do it now and stop complaining.
Clearly its the camp ganking they enjoy and Im sorry but as a REAL PvP lover, I just have ZERO respect for those players.


PVP also causes A LOT of toxicity in the gameā€¦I mean A LOT. I love pvp arena/bg but I seriously have to block all the bad talkers, as a healer its a slap to the face :frowning: ā€¦its bad sadlyā€¦you do get a couple where they actually have real conversations or none but its not the majority of the time. =\


Yaā€™ll would be right back here blaming Blizzard for PVP being dead on the PVP server.

and by ā€œPVP being deadā€ you will mean ā€œthere is no carebear fodder to harvest tears fromā€

the solution is simple.

GW2 got it right. ESO got it right. WoW HAD it right with itā€™s initial Battlegrounds, mainly Alterac Valley. they just needed to expand on the concept.

A very, very large, completely separate continent filled with interesting, but War-based content. Siege Warfare, Castles and Bases and Outposts to conquer and defend, etc. where Faction-based PVP takes place, and the only people there are there for the express purpose of PVP, and are geared and built as such. where Carebear type players are not obligated in any way to visit ever, and the mere act of loading into the Area = I consent to PVP, and anything goes.

PVE and PVP donā€™t mix, and they never will. Itā€™s oil and water. And that is the problem with World PVP, in practically any MMO.


I agree ā€¦warmode does work too and on my server that is connected, theres plenty of ppl with pvp switched on for the extra boost in xp and adventurous lol. However, some war modes you can see other pvp on the map so that would be hard to gank pplā€¦if they wanted toā€¦

My ex and I would gank but now that iā€™m alone, I only heal. I do want to see whats in those war packs though i keep see lol but thatā€™s where the most pvp are and if you want to pvp just go to one and wait. Unless your server is low populationā€¦you might not see as many pvpers/war mode

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I warned my co-worker what to expect on playing a Player verse Player server verse Environment. He wanted the challenge, said it would make the game feel more alive. Oh, how his view changed about online gaming when you could barely play the game because you were always dead or couldnā€™t quest because the NPC was dead.

I personally had been playing games since 1978 when I got my 1st computer. By time I started online gaming back in 1995, I was participating in a lot of Flight Simulator combat games and branching into First Person Shooter games. However, if I wanted to play a Massive Multimedia Online Role-Playing Game, it was always a PvE server.

Having played games where players can be jerks, I knew PvE was my way to have fun in a fantasy world without fearing my sanity being interrupted by ganking. When I came to WoW and picked the PvP server because of him; I kept playing long after he quit and hated every minute of it but wouldnā€™t quit and start over on my preferred server style.

When I came back after a 9-year hiatus from the game, I chose a new server and started over. I enjoyed WoW this time because I wasnā€™t worried about being ganked anymore. I have gone and leveled up my original main to 70 in a dead guild / server. The only time I turn on War mode is because Iā€™m forced to for an achievement or quest.


While I do agree, my funniest pvp moment were world pvp. However, it seems like world pvp just became harassing low lvls as rogue then invis on sight.

Thatā€™s the thing, pvp will never be serious because of rogues


I ran one BG a LONG while backā€¦very memorable one.
Clock counts down and while weā€™re waiting some player starts barking out commandsā€¦you do thisā€¦you do that.

hell, Im gameā€¦if this guy knows something I dont, Im all ears.
So I did EXACTLY what he told me to doā€¦which was myself and another player to sit at the first flag and guard it with our lives. lol

got my first taste of fighting a rogue one on one, sapped me. lol
But I ended up killing him after maybe 30 seconds.
We kept on the flag for a couple minutesā€¦then suddently there is this ALL CAPS SCREAMING at the two of us for watching the flag and not helping lmao.

Can you guess who was screaming?
yeah, the turdblossom who TOLD us to watch that flag and keep it protected no matter what.
Evidently HE was getting creamed by another player and was tossing a fit that we werent playing bodyguard for him.

He was so bad that other players chewed him out because they knew what he had told us to doā€¦PROTECT THIS FLAG. lol.

Put that clown on ignore for certain.

PLAYERS ruin this game about 99% of the time, not Ion, even with all his bad decisions.


This is Universal to most MMOs, in regard to PVP.

the problem with PVP, and the reason a lot of players flat out just donā€™t want to engage with PVP in most MMORPGs is PVP Players. There are a LOT of players who justā€¦donā€™t want to deal with them.

but of course you canā€™t tell them that.