Time to admit it.... War Mode is a failure

Why shouldn’t warmode have rewards? What about raids and dungeons? Maybe those modes shouldn’t have any rewards, so only the people who want to be there are there.

What about world quests? There shouldn’t be any rewards there too, right? Got to make sure that only the people who really like world quests are doing them. Cant have anyone do a world quests for the gold or rep or a piece of catch up gear. Nope.

In fact, we should just strip all rewards from the game. No weekly vault, no gear drops, no quest rewards, no gold drops from mobs, get rid of it all, right?

That’s apparently the only way to maintain the integrity of each part of the game, in your view.

People should only do things in game for fun. Zero rewards. What a great idea!

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oh i agree. warmode just made it worse because now people can group up, farm an area, then turn it off for the rest of the week. if anything, there needs to be a weekly reset where it overlaps- meaning if you turn it on to do the weekly quest, you’re locked on `until next reset.

That’s only half the truth.

See this post.

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I do/did it for the exp boost when leveling alts. Hardly any PvP in low level areas but at level cap there was some.

Heck, can/could level 1-60 and hardly run into anybody any way. And if you did run into anyone either they’d ignore you or ignore you and leave unless you are the one who intentionally attack them.


yeah, that’s a sad situation and probably happened often. people need to start off on carebear servers until they get the hang of a game and then try the hardcore versions… especially if they’re new. i’ve always played on pvp servers, back since the end of '04 i believe… but everyone was noobs then, lol.

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What I know is what I read in here…CONSTANT complains about faction imbalance. I dont really care if you cant handle what I know I READ with my own eyes prior to warmode.
Im here every day…EVERY day…just ask around. lol. I read… I KNOW what the complaints were. CONSTANT whining about faction imbalance on pvp servers.
Big popuation thats 90% alliance as YOU say yourself = VERY LITTLE chance of being harassed for 2 hours by horde players, now doesnt it?
meaning world ‘pvp’ isnt…wasnt…the glorious constant world pvp hell you SEEM to be claiming it was

you literally prove my point when i said what I said above and previously…

I…sympathize with your plight…I guess? lol

in part, yes…i read that part myself.
WM was partially created so they had ONE server type to work on instead of two.
And for THAT reason alone pvp servers are NEVER coming back.
blizzard ISNT going to increase their work load for a few gank lovers who cant cope with the new world we live in…sorry.

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I don’t get this complaint at all, we had PVE servers since day 1. Fact is, they weren’t that popular, PVE servers never came close to the population PVP servers had.

We can see this in real time right now, Classic uses the old server rules, and I don’t see people complaining there. The biggest SoD servers were all PVP servers. People like PVP dude, just because you have some weird phobia of being “ganked” doesn’t mean people didn’t like the way things operated before.

Blizzard created this problem. It still is a problem in the game, lol.

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lol…my brother in law should have warned me about the kiddies in the game who are too scared to pvp in REAL pvp and get their kicks camp ganking lowbies to get an ego boost from a pretend pvp ‘win’…because had I known that coming into the game Id have started on a pve realm and stayed there.


And they’re almost all 95%+ single faction, making them functionally PvE servers.

The only reason SoD is different is blizzard artificially enforcing balance, which they acknowledged people might not want


The game changed…the player base changed.
A LOT about this game and its base isnt the same as back then.

While they created the environment, PLAYERS abused other players and ruined the experience.
You dont get to say Walmart MADE you behave badly when they put out 15 giant screen TV’s for $88 on black friday…yeah they created the environment but YOU are responsible for YOUR behavior.

So no…you dont get to blame Ion today for you ganking lowbies all day long and ruining the game for someone else just because you CAN…sorry.


You are grossly exaggerating the ganking problem.

Plus, I can’t think of a better feeling when you own someone trying to gank you. PVP servers made the game a lot less boring to me. WoW PVE in the overworld is just utterly boring.

I think many people feel this way, hence why PVP servers were and still are the most popular under the old server rules.

WM is a pain to use, that is why no one uses it. Making a seperate instance for pvp players was dumb. We had a flagging system that worked for over a decade.

Lets face it, the current developers working on this game just suck. The only thing they are good at is making systems, and Timeless Isle zones on repeat. The rest of the game has been a stagnant mess and a bunch of poor decisions.

WM sucks, it splits an already shrinking player base even more.

No, Blizzard chased off the bulk of the player base the last few expansions. This is why we are getting things like MoP remix, to entice people back.

Retail WoW sucks. It is a soulless M+ grinder now with very little interesting content outside of maybe the new raids.

The current devs turned this game into a boring seasonal ARPG.

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Doesn’t even merit a response

It was already dead. We got Warmode because PvP servers were either incredibly biased to Horde or incredibly biased to Alliance or flat out dead.

PvE servers have always been larger than PvP servers. PvP has always been the side gig

Welcome to the final weeks of literally every expansion

Is necessary to ensure that world events are populated regardless of whether or not you’re on a full or low pop server

Already explained above.


I turned it on for a list of alts in SL to get those trinkets in ZM.
I had ONE case of an alliance player trying to gank me on one druid.
I was going to fight back but decided to let him ‘win’ and he’d likely just move along, which he did.
If they behaved like that player did Id leave WM on all the time.
I dont mind being killed, I love pvp…what I hate is juveniles wasting 2 solid hours of MY game time because theyre bored.


Maybe Blizz can activate ONE server with pvp and a warning pop up to whomever is creating a character that’s its a pvp server. IF its a server that already exist they can offer free transfer to toons already on it, if they liked to. And a server thats not connected to any other server?


Fundamentally stupid, and why I picked a PvE server.

What’s the fun in getting camped by some idiot who can one shot you? It’s a terrible game design that should have never existed.


no son, Im not. You are upset you lost your gank fodder and NEED someone to be wrong so you can feel better lol.
When I was leveling a number of characters on a pvp realm prior to moving to a PvE realm it was a DAILY thing, so much so that I would log off and onto another character to wait out the children who were camp ganking me

This exchange between you and I is over.
WM is your reality now and youre GOING to deal with it. Period.d


Ganking isn’t competition.


It was dead before cross server was a thing. Cross server stuff was created because of the imbalance on servers created in part from people choosing the bigger faction on servers to avoid being ganked(and to find groups easier) Cross server is the result of imbalance not the cause. Without it they would have lost many more players.

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So, I haven’t Player verse Player’d mostly since 2011 (when I quit) in World of Warcraft. Would that make me unexperienced? I had at the time I quit 75,568 honorable kills on my original main, and only 286 on my new main (start of Shadowlands).

If world PvP was working so well, then why did they get rid of it? You can say a minority of the population had the biggest voice, but I think the metrics showed it was a problem. Did it suck to be corpse camped, yes; did I ever do it, no because I had honor. When you start affecting the game play of other players to the point, they want to quit your trolling (not you in particular).

I think had they made a Plunder storm type video game from the start and the WoW (minus PvP) from the start, we would not have to worry about ganking, balancing or anything that causes issues between our current game.

In the case of the PvP players, to quote a meme “You think you know what you want but you don’t”, if they brought back a PvP server, it would eventually die just like all the others. Maybe not from ganking, but the game is far too big, and the population would be spread too far for people to do much.


And then the losers say “screw this” and server transfer to PvE realms leaving the PvPers making posts asking why world PvP is dead :dracthyr_shrug:

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