Time for Specialization+

I think it about time we increase the specialization from dual to adding as many as we want at a cost each being 1000g or doing what you did in retail and letting us freely switch out on the fly. Spending 50g per a respec to switch out certain spell isn’t an issue but i do raid in Ret and prot but I’d like one set up for pvp/arena instead of having to respec 1 of them and reapplying glyphs each time (sometimes i keep forgetting my spec).

if where going to do changes to classic, this one I think be a great addition!


Retail is there if you want all this nonsense…


Exactly what got us the atrocity of retail


Dual spec was good for the game so that people could have a heal and dps spec or tank and dps spec. This is the only case I can make for multiple specs. Pure dps do not need it, they just want it. Classic is about making choices and sticking with them

they long past the “make a choice and stick with it”, I mean they changed the core of the game from what it was to now making it easy get. From, DRF coming back and with raid dailies coming too, running old raids now rewards you 5 frost and 5 triumphs, all of which we didn’t have in retail version.

This version of classic unlike hardcore classic it seems, is “what can they do to make additions without changing to much of the game”.


classic is about gatekeeping


And Era is the other way if you don’t want this.


Unlock third spec for 10,000G. I would like to quickly switch to Balance when all I want to do is run around in EoTS casting Starfall and Monsoon.

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I’m in favor being able to add a third spec for another 1000g. But there should be a limit; we shouldn’t be able to create as many as we want.

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So we keep going with changes until we have “Classic dragonflight”? Retail is a flop if you haven’t noticed. The game is a cartoony snorefest. Can’t wait for classic wod all the qol changes etc …

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QoL changes have nothing to do with how retail became retail.
Underlying game design decisions to target a different audience is how retail became retail.

The core function of Wrath is still Wrath whether you like to admit it or not.

The only classic change that is at all reminiscent of retail is the H+ system.


What would you change to prevent “Classic” from turning into Retail?

Develop brand new expansions? That’s retail’s job.
Make Vanilla+? None of yall will agree on anything. Regardless of what Blizzard does, someone will complain.

There are still millions of people who play Retail. And for some, Retail is a bit complex so they prefer classic to go over xpacs. Some people quit due to life regardless of what happens.

We got Era, HM, SoM, Retail, Wrath. +pservers +millions of other games.

I mean, if you really hate Wrath with changes so much, idk what to tell you. I do like those changes.



Changing specs… something you have done since Vanilla is nonsense?.. okay then.

No, it isn’t… even in Vanilla you swapped specs… You stuck to your class. Not changing spec was either being lazy or being poor.

Those were in OG ICC what are you talking about?

Yep, that is the way it was always going to be. There are progression realms. When retail is on expansions 16 or whatever we will be playing Classic Dragonflight if we are still around.

Second Retail is still going strong… sure MMORPGs aren’t the be all end all anymore so it isn’t as big as it once was, but that doesn’t mean it is dead or something… that just means the entire gaming community and their mothers aren’t focused on MMOs. If they were Retail, Classic, Era, FF14, Runescape, ESO, and maybe GW2 would be much bigger than they are now.

So you think tossing 50g at an NPC and applying 3 new glyphs that you bought off the AH is what made classic classic?



Changing from PVE to PVP specs between raids being needlessly cumbersome and making dungeon runs needlessly tedious to form certainly is the ‘Level 60’ experience, but not necessarily the ‘Classic’ experience. And what made WoW popular between 2004-2010 certainly wasn’t those ‘features’.

nobody who makes any claim otherwise is arguing in good faith

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This would have been a nice change. I would happily pay 10,000g for a third talent slot. The “nochanges” crowd will cling to their “nochanges,” as they always do, even though Blizzard threw that out the window years ago. They however are maybe 1% of the playerbase (rounding up). The other 99% (rounding down) would either love a third slot or at least not be against it. If you didn’t want to use the third slot… you could simply “not” buy it.

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Yeah how dare they allow more fluidity in specs by allowing people to change willy nilly. What next? Class changes? Glyph changes? Ilvl changes? Account wide mounts? Shadowmourn shard drop changes? Non LKC currency for gear? Wild Growth being “not broken” but being fixed anyways? (I support this one dont rage me at druids) Warrior talent changes? Spells resetting after a wipe? Mythic + Lite?

Like shut up. Where were you when all these changes happened. I’m sure you even enjoyed or will enjoy some of them. People not needing to change a singular talent weekly is the lightest “no changes” offense.


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO we both know classic andies aren’t only satisfied with their 1-60 cake. They needed TBCC and LKC as well.


all or nothing.
You’re not allowed to enjoy other things. How dare you to be happy with collection tab. Or RDF. Shame on you.


I’m working on being less jaded about that, but man it’s hard. What a great piece LKC could have been, but instead we got this half and half classic era with cocomelon retail dropped in randomly abomination. I just wanted the damn LK expansion.

God what could have been.

I think it would be a good idea But be careful the classic players may say It’s from retail, therefore it’s bad.

I personally think it’s one of the best things about dragon flight I certainly wouldn’t mind seeing a 4 or 5 speks Option I think that be cool.