Time for full quel'dorei/high elf customization on Void Elves

I disagree but I guess the thread could get a bit derailed if we got too deep into the water there. If nothing else they’ve already pulled the trigger on Alliance VElves, so at this point I’d just like them to do what they can to distinguish them more, y’know?


At this point it just seems like a need to inforce this arbitrary rule that “real” high elves can only ally with humans and wear the colour blue.

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so removes factions?

You can disagree and I won’t dislike you or anything for disagreeing with me, I just see it as better to roll the Allied Races back into the Core Races so we all gain a whole bunch of new customizations.

However I do agree they should distinguish them as much as possible like I said a bit ago by dipping further into the void side for Void Elves and then just give the normal stuff, light stuff, fel stuff, arcane stuff, etc. to Blood Elves with no more sharing going forward.

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Actually that would completely remove that Alliance ever had Void Elves because they would become nothing more than skins and customizations for Blood Elves therefore they’d be Horde like they should of been to begin with.

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well blood elves are former high elves, sorta like void elves are former blood elves. they are still technically high elves but they no longer align with their fellow high elves who stayed on alliance., who never said they were no longer high elves so are technically the only remaining high elves in name only. my theory is the alliance high elves are mostly half elves after 2000 years of mating with humans in dalaran


i’d probably just go back to playing nelfs, humans and gnomes, and once in awhile, replay the belf starting zones, which are so atmospheric. or i might quit, cause it would prove the devs have been emotionally abusing alliance players for a long time now. at least they dont hire people to tell us to kill ourselves anymore. its like a bad relationship

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You think rolling Allied Races back into Core Races as customizations would be abuse, really, that’s a bit much just over pixels and that’s all I’m going to say about it because legit yikes.

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On the bright side the alliance would get nightborne and theyre kinda cool.

Fortunately void elves are alliance now and forever (or until the servers shut down) so its not even a concern :stuck_out_tongue:


Only the first generation are Blood Elf-turned Void Elves from the Ghostlands if memory serves correctly from the recruiting scenario. The rest could be both of them. High and Blood Elves.


The pink eyes from Nightborne with the pink skintone and pink hair color from Night Elves as a off shoot Night Elf/Nightborne would be a total win in my book. :dancer:t5: :dancer:t5: :dancer:t5:

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At what point did my Void Elf lose his history I wonder? At what point does Fenelon here not have the legacy of the Quel’dorei?

I did not spring forth from the void. I was changed by it.

These arguments at this point are so silly.


well lemme see:

  • giving belfs to horde removed the pve advantage of alliance, thus making horde stronger in pvp and pve, than alliance. immediately the pop swapped from alliance 60/horde 40 to horde 60/alliance 40. and they never corrected it

  • giving belfs racials that made horde ret paladins superior to alliance ret paladins, seriously eroded our paladin pop but hardly did any damage to horde shaman pop, when alliance got draenei shaman. presumably because horde shaman were just better, such as the haste troll racial

  • making fun of and belittingly alliance players at blizzcons including hiring a guy who told alliance players to go kill themselves

  • making raids and m+ bosses that benefitted horde racials exclusively, including arcane torrent and goblin rocket jump, decimating alliance guilds

  • making alliance players rep grind for 3 additional months in legion, to get access to our allied races, whereas horde only had to do 1 month

  • making alliance players quest for nightfallen then have them become our enemies after running us around like slaves, because one of our leaders asked a pertinent question

  • letting horde get a big headstart in bfa, then made fun of alliance because we were so far behind, they had to make it easier for us to get the hall of fame done, otherwise no one could see the new raid.

  • going out on the blizz con stage and acting like alliance were ungrateful because we complained about alliance depopulation

and on and on.


That was a Horde-concert with Cannibal Corpse and he was just trash talking and homophobic. The bigger issue was that Horde-players harassed and spat on Alliance-fans, which is not forgivable.

Oh, nevermind. He did really say that. I just read the news again…


Mike Morhaime, CEO of Blizzard and member of the band who brought the offender onstage, personally apologized.

Yesterday, we reported an incident that took place at Blizzcon last weekend which upset many fans of World of Warcraft and gamers in general for its insensitivity. A video shown during a performance of company band Level 90 Epic Tauren Chieftain of death metal band Cannibal Corpse lead singer George “Corpsegrinder” Fisher calling for all “Night Elf …” to … incited both the gay rights community and WoW-players for anti-faction attitudes. On the forums of Blizzard’s community site, the band apologized saying that the content of the video wasn’t meant to be taken seriously, but saying the incident was “just a joke” only further enraged the community. Today, Mike Morhaime – President and CEO of Blizzard, as well as a member of Level 90 Epic Tauren Chieftain – issued a more heartfelt and personal apology.


Oh good, we’re doing the “Thing happened over a decade ago and was promptly apologized for proves our conspiracy theory”


i mean if you rep grinded for 3 months and the thing you grinded for, in this case void elves, was taken away and given back to horde, you’d be like, sheesh, its tbc all over again, only worse, because now we’ve become attached to our void elves


Belf players have EVERY right to demand more customization.

Not only were they given crap the last time, most of their customization also went to an allied race.


agreed but the skin and hair colors werent exclusive to belfs. humans and alliance high elves in the kirin tor and silver covenant, had them, and dwarves and gnomes. what was exclusive to belfs was the skeleton and textures. well the alliance high elves in the kirin tor and silver covenan also had the skeleton and textures.


As said.
Belf customization were also given to an allied race.
Allied races who were not supposed to receive anything at all as well.
Focus was supposed to be on the core races.

And Belf players were also smacked in the face with given crap customization. Seriously, body jewelry that can not be seen when wearing any piece of armour? Brilliant blizzard, brilliant.


That whole thing is nonsensical at best. Half of those options are repeats of other options and there is not 936,404,582,400 different Highmountain running around that look that different.

Whoever wrote that “possible combinations” needs a reality check on how customization actually works.

LOL “right to demand…” :rofl: You can ask and give ideas all you want. Literally no one has a “right to demand” anything. Geebus.

See below: