Time for full quel'dorei/high elf customization on Void Elves

my mecha would love gnome pink hair. :smiley: and so would my velf. hehe

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huh, oh you mean the hoods from citadel with the kirin tor eye?

It was brought up by them but it was never relevant to the conversation of faces so it was ignored.

If metal colours cause duplication of the same options, then those options shouldnt be counted more than once.

But to the best of my knowledge, metal colour does not affect the face options.

What’s satisfying to me might not be satisfying to someone else. It’s still an option. They exist.

You got the skin and hair colors. There’s your High Elf customizations.


I can’t believe I spent so much time farming this that I remember the name off-hand, but: One-Eyed Chain Helm, the mail hoods. They’re actually really small on elves for some reason, but just about every hairstyle either completely hides it or clips right through. Another example is one of the newer cloth chestpieces with the super high collars: only ponytails play well with it. I’d just like a few more updos and messy buns, tbh.

Okay, but serious question: why stop there? Why stop anywhere with any race rather than just massively expanding on player choice like any modern MMO? Isn’t it good for players to voice new ideas and share what they’d like WRT character design?

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buns is the best one. the tentacle is wrapped around it. looks cool.



Those are adorable :sob: The creativity of using Void tendrils as hairbands is just so good

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Well, got me there. always been pushing for more customization options. I just wish Void elves got more void options instead of being completely replaced by High elf.

Insert something self deprecating here.


cries in Vulpera

i think its the same artist that did this



That’s fair. It’d be optional of course, but I’d really like customization that heavily expands on the Void theme particularly when the racial activates, or to have a spell to switch between Void and non-Void states like the worgen or dracthyr. I feel Blizzard’s problem right now is separating the VE design into two distinct categories and making them feel like two races rolled up into one as a result.

It’s a tall order, but it’d be really cool if the racial rather than just turning my HE customizations purple made my character sprout a bunch of tendrils and gross Old God eyeballs and the like. It just feels kinda…uninspired right now

Oh, wow. That’s so adorable and creative! Thanks for sharing. YT animators are getting too powerful


did this one too



I swear elf players are the most annoying

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This just reinforces my initial point.

Again, it really just trying to argue for the sake of it. And be needlessly snide about it.

Is it really so hard to accept that Alliance don’t have sole ownership on what a “high elf” is?

That you dont like the facts I presented doesn’t make them twisted.
Were high elves part of the Alliance since there inception? No.

Fact is, if you want to claim void elfs can be “pure” high elves, then blood elves can too. Since they literally are the originals.
Meaning if Void elves get any more “high elf” customisation that blood elves don’t already have, it’s not unreasonable and frankly expected to be given to blood elves too, it ain’t a one way street.


…They made an HD Hammer of the Naaru. :sob: Blizzard, take notes PLEASE

One of the Paladin’s Prot relics is a one-handed draenei hammer, and it’s tortured me ever since that there isn’t a larger version for Ret

Im fairly certain they wont bother putting much effort in to druid forms when it roles out to all races.
However i really want void elf druid forms to be void monstrosities.

You walk around as a nice innocent elf looking all normal. People think nothing of you and you fit in to society like normal.

Then you start shape shifting into things like these

Thats some awesome fantasy there


Now that I’ve seen this I’m going to bawl my eyes out when we get [Default Bear Form] for void elves ;~;

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