removing content is trash
It’s a hideous mount imo
I was 50 cr off of getting 2400 in bfa which would have given me all the rank 4 essences for azeroths champion title. If blizz gave me some way to go back and get it easier now i wouldnt even wear the title. Sometimes you get em sometimes you get got.
I rode the mount just once circling Oribos with my guild and that was the last time I used it.
Still loving my fidget spinner from the Mage Order Hall. Also the water strider has a special place in my heart as well.
If the giant spider mounts could walk up walls that would have won me over, but nope can’t make them that cool.
Slime Kitty is pretty mediocre
im so lucky i got mrgiggleworth with a guild but i got kicked out the guild lol
“FOMO” is indeed something that happens because of personal emotions and / or the pressuring of others around them, but that does not mean that companies like Blizzard don’t abuse the heck out of fomo. You could even argue that they do actively cause fomo by constantly throwing reminders in people’s faces about the limited time items and battlepasses and such. That counts as social pressuring.
And it actually is. FF14 counters this, as far as I can tell, by making FOMO content purchasable content.
Been using my jiglesworth lately since OP reminded me that I have it.
Kinda wish i went for it…
Thanks past self</3
What if you got the mount token from the Time Dungeon? Theoretically it could give you the mount?
Yep. For the most part. There’s a few old event things you can’t/couldn’t buy, but this is usually one of two situations:
the event was licensed from a third party and the deal ended, so SE isn’t allowed to continue to provide the items in question. An example is the Garo crossover cosmetics from PvP (which is treated on an “event with unannounced end date” basis due the licensing, although after significant player demand when the first licensing deal ended in 5.1, they eventually arranged a renewal in 6.1); there was also the Yo-Kai Watch event (which was actually run twice, although some of the stuff was only available during the second go-round) mounts and pets that are not available from the cash shop.
the event is expected to return in the same form at a later date, such as the FFXV Crossover event and its associated flying car mount (which also has the perk of being one of only three four-seater mounts in the game, to otherwise get a four-seater you need to either finish one of the Shadowbringers Savage Raid fights or buy from the cash shop).
Other than that, they’re actually pretty dang good with FOMO, at worst, it’s “Fear of Having to Wait a Few Months and Pay.” Even the Fan Festival ingame swag tends to end up on the cash shop (which is probably a good thing, because Fan Festival, especially the North American one, tends to almost always wind up being a galloping disaster that makes BlizzCon seem smooth and trouble-free by comparison LOL).
On the other hand, WoW is not that bad with FOMO either, although I still think it’s kind of a scuffed move to remove expansion features as often as they do (I can see “drum up activity in our dying xpac” moves like Fated Raids and their reward being reasonable to be a limited time, but on the other hand, things like the WoD Legendary Ring not so much because of the lost lore: now all that remains of the storyline involving Cordana’s face-heel turn in particular is what little you glean on it during the DH starting quests since the rest was all in the Ring quests).
Titles are probably pretty reasonable overall to be limited time: after all, you can’t get a 2022 Championship Trophy anymore for something, right? You could get a 2023 Championship Trophy, but it would be silly to get a 2022 Championship Trophy if you didn’t, you know, actually participate in 2022
(And yeah, I’m expecting Slime Kitty to show up eventually on BMAH. As I’ve said before, I believe this is actually sound business, because the more emphasis is placed on old rare cosmetics via BMAH as a goldsink, the better it is for both of us: Blizzard sells their Tokens and gets the extra income an MMO needs because it’s clear industry wide that just the $15 sub isn’t feeding the bulldog, while the pressure to spend gold is pushed to cosmetics whales instead of having to be tied to player power. Compare SWTOR’s economy to WoW’s, for instance …)
My god I hate the BMAH. Worst thing ever to be added to the game.
You have rare things that become like 10 billion times rarer because blizz deletes the original method of getting the item. So stupid blizzard.
My favorite is with the achieves. Oh I swear guys. The plagued proto and black proto drakes will be limited time items to achieve. I swear. Now, if you have a trillion gold and good timing, you can just buy the darn plagued proto drake off bmah. But not the black one. Oh nooooo. Players who completed the 25 man wrath of the naxx 25 man achieves are the real players. The 10 man achieve players were just decoys lol.
Might as well put the original PVP titles on the BMAH to lool. Or maybe even the black quiraji tank. Like they have taken meaning out of having anything in this game in the first place.
Like if you are going to delete the brutosaur. Delete the bloody brutosaur forever. Why do I have to now farm trillions of gold for it and compete with other players and RNG for it now. We all thought we would have plenty of time to get that one to. Only to be told they were taking it away permanently. ANd then told it was coming to the BMAH.
Like to heck with the BMAH. Can they add all of these items to the traders post. Way better system we have on that one.
Personally not a huge fan of trading post either. It is basically a giant monthly FOMO. Every month, you either have enough tender. Or you don’t. Or you have enough time to get the activities done. Or you don’t. Like I hate this to. But at least it is way easier than getting anything off of the stupid BMAH.
holy crow. somebody who knows what they’re talking about in GD. I’m marking this day on my calendar.
How soon is now?
It certainly is - but the items will come back regularly. It’s a shame that Ion Hazzikostas loves FOMO this much.
Just wait until a recolor gets put up on the trading post.
Can you show me where you’re getting this definition? Because I don’t think there is any standardized definition of the term FOMO. It literally is just an anxiety of missing out on something, not being in on a joke or knowledge. As far as I can see, there doesn’t seem to be any definition anywhere I can find that makes the distinction you’re making. All FOMO is ‘self-inflicted’ in a way because it is being deceived into believing that your life will be drastically different if you do not have this thing.
WoW plastering advertisements on their launcher saying “DON’T MISS OUT ON YOUR ONE TIME ONLY CHANCE TO GET THE SLIME CAT MOUNT, RESUB AND PLAY NOW!” is FOMO based marketing.
Another example is Tyrael’s Charger, where they advertised it leaving the store soon, not to come back for the foreseeable future (it did come back later for a brief time, where it was once again marketed as going away forever) is also FOMO marketing. Businesses do this all the time to manipulate people into buying something they don’t really need, but if it’s going away it’ll be gone forever and then you’ll never have the chance to get it. It creates an anxiety in people that leads them to assuage the anxiety through purchasing.
If anything, the Slime Cat situation fits your definition of the ‘sociological impact’ that others have on you. If everyone else is getting the Slime cat, you don’t want to miss out on that, do you? You don’t want to be the one person who didn’t have it? It’s gonna be super rare after it’s gone, and everyone is gonna show it off… You could see it as the WoW developers putting that ‘sociological impact’ on you themselves with their constant reminders to get the Slime cat before it’s gone forever.
I’ll reiterate: I cannot find a single definition that defines FOMO as you have. There’s no distinction about whether or not it’s ‘self-inflicted’ or not, just that the anxiety exists in the first place.
Black and Plagued protos pissed me off for different reasons.
“Oh Naxx achieves are prestigious but not Ulduar, even though that raid was waaaaaay harder than derpy Naxx.”
Also: “Yeah we changed our minds on removing meta mounts but we’re still not going to add these back to the game.”
Bring back the drakes. Don’t bring back the titles. Everyone is happy.
That’s how I felt. I grinded out all 36 mage tower skins in Legion because I knew they were going away and I wanted the novelty. I wasn’t even mad about it returning with new rewards, I was really bugged that I had to do it again to get these rewards.
Not only is it a shame that he loves this stupid system. He also loves denying people certain things because of really biased a stupid reasons.
For example, I do not feel like rare stuff should just, be on prime gaming or twitch gaming or whatever. So if they add one thing on there, they might as well add EVERYTHING else on there to.
So we had a bunch of TCG items on prime gaming and twitch drops. But for some reason, the swift spectral tiger isn’t allowed.
Like seriously ion. If you are going to devalue the game, and devalue certain aspects of it. You might as well devalue the whole darn thing while you are at it. But no. We can’t have spectral tigers because ion has friends who are high off the government or some bullcorn.
They already wrecked the game as it is. Might as well wreck the rest of it.