TIL I can never get Slime Cat Mount

I did explain why but you didn’t quote that part.

And I 100% agree with Snozy on this. “FOMO” is a personal problem and I don’t mean that in a nasty way.

There are plenty of mounts, mogs, pets, titles, etc. that are removed from the game every season, every xpac and people don’t “fear” their removal. If you notice, people’s fears are very specific and it’s usually for things they think they could get only if they were playing, weren’t lazy or whatever excuse they come up with.

Do you ever see people say “hey Blizz I want gladiator mounts returned”? I’ll answer that for you since I’m a no-lifer that’s on the forum every day: no, you don’t. Why? Because people know they wouldn’t be able to get them even if they were brought back. They’re very very hard rewards to obtain.

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Rare thread where I can quote a whole wall of text from Tovi and agree with everything he said.

Although I am ok with them bringing it back after a good while.
An easy example, I had the tyrael mount and I think 10y later bringing it back was ok, so if you wanna wait to 34 I’m good with that

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It’s not cute, you are not missing anything

The slime cat looks a green blob on my screen unless I zoom in. It runs funny and over all isn’t as aesthetically pleasing as other mounts.

Not sure why it had to be FOMO, but I agree it will probably find its way either onto the BMAH or the trading post.

Tracked achievement percentages.

Heroic and mythic have seperate achievements. Normal and LFR share the same ones.

Achievements are tracked and the percentage of accounts with raid achievements are above 60%.

No one uses the in game guild browser. There’s your main issue. Everything is done via discord now.

I changed guilds because they weren’t at the level I was told they were. I’m looking for a guild that will make a casual attempt at CE while going deeper into the tier.

Every guild I joined was a heroic level guild pretending to have the organization of a mythic guild. I left on good terms and still catch heroic alt runs with them on occasion.

Only one guild did I leave because my schedule changed. I started shooting league pool on Wednesday nights and they raided Tuesday/Wednesday.

Must be a pretty small number for it to be 60%.

I’d love to see the raw data you’re pulling these assumptions from.

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It’s not. You just can’t fathom that most people that play this game partake in group content at some level.

Ahh you can show me the raw stats and prove me wrong then.

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I would but you will just ignore them again like you have every other time they have been linked to you.

Not interested in your constant backpedaling and deflecting.

If you had no fear of it being disproven or interpreted in another way, then I would see something by now.

I’ll just have to assume that it’s made up.

Yeah, I’ll be honest I would like to see this too because 60% seems awfully high. Maybe LFR but certainly not anything higher than that?


I had no fear the 4 times I and Capslock have already linked you the numbers where you either disappear or move goal posts.

Assume anything you want. You’re wrong as usual.

It seems to have changed now.

Either way all you have left is vitriol, it seems.

60% of the playerbase has some sort of raid boss kill at one of the three achievement levels. (LFR/normal share an achievement heroic and then mythic) with heroic being the most popular. This is all backed by achievements and warcraft logs.

I don’t think LFR is representative of actual raiding. What is the percentage of normal and up? Where are you getting these numbers, can you link them for me? I’m just curious.


If im hitting Kitchenwrath ( or whatever that things name is ) in a suffusion camp fight along with other random players, is that group content?

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Most people, maybe. But it’ll bring in enough participation, and that’s what matters to them.

It’s never changed.

You mean facts based on history of a known troll?

“up to 60%** have killed at least 1 boss on LFR or higher” = most people in the game are raiders

dude just go into politics, its clear your relationship with the truth is at least as lax as those people, you’d fit right in, those is you homies bro