I still think it’s funny you can’t use the actual name of the mount on the forums because it contains a no-no word.
J***lesworth, Sr.
They should’ve came up with a different name or just used slime cat as the actual name.
I still think it’s funny you can’t use the actual name of the mount on the forums because it contains a no-no word.
J***lesworth, Sr.
They should’ve came up with a different name or just used slime cat as the actual name.
Ah yes, everyone who paid for it. There couldn’t possibly be a subset of AH mount owners who are staunchly for it being reasonably obtainable for the rest of the playerbase.
Nope, not possible.
Nooo, clearly your body is submerged in the slime because theres no saddle
I wouldn’t use the word ”livid” but I wouldn’t be happy if they brought it back for 700 tenders.
Pugging for that cat was hell. Not because the raids were hard, it was because people are horrid. I put up with those horrid people because I was told the cat was getting removed.
The quickest way to get someone like me to stop participating in events, seasons, whatever is to bring back rewards and make them 10x easier to get at a later date.
If that’s what Blizzard wants? For people to procrastinate? Then fine, put every thing on the TP for 700 tender, and that includes gladiator and KSM mounts. However if they’re goal is to get people to participate in content while it’s current then no they should not bring back items they told us were going away.
And btw, I think this is not accurate:
The content you did to get the slime cat is still there. I don’t get this trend of calling a cloak or mount “content.” You can’t raid a cloak.
Actual content that has been removed:
Chunks of story and zones is content and they should never be removed, especially when they’re a major part of the story.
But how about a lava recolour for 700 tendies?
Sure. I’ve always supported recolors, especially since Blizzard loves to do that anyways.
How many otter mounts are there now? At least 10?
It was extremely easy to get for the majority of the playerbase. If you didn’t get it then it’s your own fault.
I remember doing norm CN for it and it took like 6 freaking hours to clear. And that was with a really kind raid lead. Once I realised how much worse it was gonna be in SoD and SoFO, I just bought carries for the last 2.
I couldn’t afford carries for that. The people I found wanted millions of gold.
That’s crazy. I think I paid maybe a few hundred thousand gold for full norm clears.
Well, it wasn’t normal clears though. It was that special mode that I can’t remember the name of.
But I did get my cat shortly after it was released. Maybe people were jacking up the price at first. Oh well, I got it for free so it worked out.
Yea it was empowered or whatever. I don’t remember the name blizz used for it. But you could either empower the raid or norm or heroic. There was a meta achieve for each difficulty that awarded a different title. I forget the name. My issue was that outside of the occasional LFR, I largely ignore raiding. So I was going in blind with open world gear and non-meta specs and talents so my dps was always gonna be not as good as the sweaties. The main issue for me wasn’t all that though. For me it was the huge time commitment. I just couldn’t afford to spend 5-6 hours clearing a raid.
I hear ya because I was the same way. 99% of the time I’m a loner in game and this mount “forced” me into raiding.
Which is why I would be pretty miffed if they throw it on the TP for 700 tender or let you blast through the raid when you out level it.
There are hundreds of other mounts that look just as good or better that people can get from solo activities.
Do you really want a keepsake of the expansion which nearly killed World of Warcraft? I skipped it on purpose. You cannot use the mount for anything relevant on a RP-server. Having and using it causes more problems than otherwise.
But I get on the regular servers this doesn’t matter when you stand next to the BlizzCon Pajama Orc.
I forgot I had it how much it’s pointless in Dragonflight…
All mounts are made pointless due to dragon riding.
Is it?
LFR becomes virtually unplayable after the first week or so because of queue times even if it’s a faceroll.
Raiding guilds seem to be rarer than ever. Wowprogress shows 36k active raiders on A52, 30k on Illidan, 29k on Stormrage. Everything else under 20k. That can’t be anywhere near most of the people that are still playing the game, in decline as it is. The guild browser on many realms is full of guilds, even big guilds, still talking about their hopes for Shadowlands.
I was in a huge guild during SLs and despite hundreds of active members and routinely double-digit participation during our peak periods we could never get the ten bites to sign up for a raid (Timewalking was a hit, grouping for Torghast was pretty popular, and there was always at least a spot of M+ each week, but raids? Nope.)
I’m getting the impression that M+ is still working out decently (although Exodia has apparently made a big dent in player morale) but raids almost seem to be becoming semi-passe (unless you count the occasional dip into Normal for an extra vault pick and/or the occasional feature that you can’t get on LFR, like the Zereth Mortis mount components in SLs).
As for the slime cat … at first I thought you meant that thing you have to do Plaguefall solo to get, but now I’m not even sure offhand if that was a mount or a pet, or if that’s even still available or not … so many things I apparently don’t remember because I didn’t play S4 I guess …
Yes. Stats put it at above 60% of the playerbase.
Also untrue. Been clearing LFR recently on my alt DK. LFR is an absolute joke.
No one uses the server forums anymore. It’s all on recruitment discords and warcraft logs.
I myself have been in multiple raid guilds this expansion. I was in 3 last tier.
Statistics don’t agree with this. Heroic raiding is the most popular. Also the majority of people complaining about exodia are just complaining. There’s always a meta for keys and it’s always changing.
Slimecat is a mount that was only available during season 4. You had to clear all three raids on normal while they were fated with the affixes.
Some people got mad because originally the achievement stated just clearing the raid on any difficulty while fated. However what happened is LFR wasn’t originally going to be fated so when they made the change someone datamined the achievement they forgot to change so people assumed it was going to be available in LFR as well.
??? Did you read my post? Was my sarcasm not apparent? If so, genuine apologies.
I was saying I bought it when it was on the NPC in BFA and I would actually be delighted if it came to the TP. BMAH only (and rarely at that) is a poor solution.
People should be able to get items in this game.
I am staunchly anti FOMO.
I don’t understand why, though-- you have it and have had it. Why does someone else buying it with tenders detract from you having it? It cost 5 million gold, but we’ve had like 5 years with it that other people haven’t. Just my opinion, of course.
This would be great. I mean, they could make it 1.5k tenders if that would make folks feel better? I’m not trying to be incendiary, but I just don’t get when people have a problem with stuff being obtainable.
Edit to add: You could also just make a non-AH bruto mount, and make a new AH mount for the Post. That could be a decent compromise maybe.
There’s no such thing as Fomo. If you have fear over a game then you have an issue.
Sources? I usually take a quick look at WoW Progress (which to my understanding scrapes from Bnet, like RIO) to get the lay of the land and it seems to paint a very un-pretty picture for raiding. It’s better this tier (10.0 might’ve been scuffed because any Mythic progress takes priority over AOTC for ranking there, and apparently Raz was such a pain on heroic that 2/8M was easier than AOTC) but seems pretty dang anemic.
Many middling realms are claimed to have two or three thousand active raiders. Are there really only 4-5k or so max level characters left per faction on a big realm cluster like Silvermoon &c (where my Horde characters are lately, since Turalyon died D-E-D dead) that claims to be a “high” pop realm (trying to avoid the super duper huge Horde realms as server congestion/instability and the promise of queues don’t appeal to me, and there’s way too much spam)? Only 50-60k active players left even on A52 or Illidan (since those have 30-35k “active raiders” - which WoWProg defines as Heroic - and you suggest 60% participation)?
Did all of my “casual-mid” crowd leave the building altogether while I wasn’t looking?
Not the server forums, but the ingame guild browser. It paints a horrendously gloomy picture when the guilds that have people still enthusiastically describe preparing for Shadowlands, LOL.
And maybe that’s part of my problem there too. I found most of the community discords (maybe I should try something like wow made easy instead? I’ve been thinking of that but I’ll see when I actually hit DF endgame) to be rather … uptight in recent years. Instead of a friendly community they feel more like LinkedIn for raiders with the same sort of professional-leaning atmosphere which is not really what I’m looking for out of a video game (this is still a video game, right?).
I did try keeping an eye out for guild ads, but another thing I’ve noticed is that off-hour raiding seems to have died HARD, and meanwhile unless I blow both of my days off on raiding, off-hour raiding is what there is for me. But barely any options for late night anymore and the few that are are way too hardcore (We’re talking HOF CE level).
Is there really no option anymore for evening workers but to buy an EU sub or to play OCE with pings that are literally worse than what I had when I played Quake on dialup in the freakin’ Nineties?
Perhaps another issue, stability and a steady group of long term friends is something important to me, not so much the job/sport mindset that seems to be all over the place anymore. But apparently we’re just expected to bunnyhop from guild to guild and even a specific guild is often just a temporary arrangement now? Only at the CE level or “giving up on raiding” are you allowed to put down any sort of loyalty and roots?
Yep would explain why I skipped it. Hadn’t had much luck with raiding in SL (only even bothered to do a PUG run in S3 because there was a ZM mount pattern I got and found out you needed stuff from Normal to build it) and the M+ array for S4 promised to be absolutely no fun, LOL
And ahh yes now I remember. Kitty was S4 achievement, the one from Plaguefall is a serpent (that one’s still available, right?).