TIL I can never get Slime Cat Mount

Put the Slime Cat on the Trading Post.


Considering raiding is done by the majority of the player base the minority are the ones who find it un fun

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Books are for nerds.


Tree is BiS.


Fun fact. This bug also affected one of the store panther mounts ages back. They fixed it in a month or so. Meanwhile the slime kitty has had the exact same bug unpatched for AGES. One mount is free in-game. One is from the store. Both share the exact same model. Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :thinking:


This is one of my main gripes about retail these days. They never release multiple skins of the models, which I think is annoying.

Last time We saw this was in wod. Even if there were battle boars that were impossible to get, at least there was one or 2 that everyone could get.

Only one brutosaur. No red ones, or blue ones. I honestly would love a red gooey slime saber to be honest. But blizzard refuses to make multiple skins of the same model. I just find that very annoying.


Yeah. At being ugly and boring and being useless because it can’t fly or fit through doors, and needing to be set on fire :stuck_out_tongue:


Is that color fushia?

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I honestly don’t stress on missing out on anything these days, Blizzard has done a good job of reinforcing the idea that nothing is sacred and sooner or later coveted things will be used to get us to “watch” a Twitch stream, connect our account to something or maybe in the future, sign up to Netflix or whatever to watch a minimum of 2 episodes of their new “smash hit” lol

I have the slimey boi and I think it should come back.

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i like this song and found it through a meme remix

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I hope they add many more mounts like this that get removed once the content is old.

You have to be trolling.

I was all set to get it until the actual model was revealed. I didn’t like it enough to stay up for, so I didn’t join my friend who did slave her way through it pugging.

Or Twitch drop.


A red/orange lava recolour perhaps, but not the OG one. (not yet)

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it’s ok it doesn’t fly >.<

This was also a bug with the DR mounts without saddles/armor. I wonder if they fixed that as well.

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This mount is a prime example of why people shouldn’t assume things.

I happily passed on booger cat.