Tier lists are inaccurate it seems


And I’d even go so far to say, even in difficult content, Meta doesn’t matter much until you’re at the very top of it. (CE, very high M+)

For sure.

I blame people not understanding the context combined with how easy it has been made to reroll.

The ease of getting an alt up to snuff is absolutely making people more likely to wait for meta.

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If you don’t do high level end-game, then you don’t play F Tier classes.

The F-tier is eliminated by gaining skill in your class.

Every single class and spec can perform above 90th percentile in the hands of a good player, with correct itemization and talents.

There is no such thing as a bad class /spec at your level.

I pretty much ignore tier lists, and just play the classes I prefer.

Even if they’re god-awful lol.

If you’re decent, you’ll be fine no matter the class, tbh.

Honestly accomplishing something on a non-meta is more impressive.

You’re only just figuring this out OP?

Actually you just stated that you don’t want to, not why.
And again it makes no sense to avoid X class because it is tiered F in M+/Raiding, when you don’t want to do M+ or Raiding lol

Yeah it’s just not meters that matter when doing lists. Group utility is a big one, and.who cares that you have those when your only content is delves and world quests…

i look ar RAID lists not m raids or m+ just regfular raids i ignore anyrthing that says mythic cuz its a terrable system

Tier lists are literally always opinion-based. That’s the problem.

The only “good” tier lists are the ones that can find the average of a large number of these opinions.

Don’t rely on tier lists to pick what to play in a game like WoW. Rely on knowing what those classes do and do not bring to the table, in terms of damage, damage profiles, buffs, group utility, defensives, etc.

I am a solid c tier, doesn’t matter if i play s tier or f tier

This isn’t vanilla. Class balance is close enough that you can play anything you want and do all the content you want.

The min/maxing of class balance only really impacts the top 0.1%

Nobody is doing tier reviews for Normal raiding.
It’s all about Mythic. Maybe Heroic.

These tier lists that you’re looking up are written/created by Mythic raiders.
Link us to one you’ve looked at.

I only care about two things in regards to a spec. Is it fun and am I any good at it?

There is literally no reason to care when it comes to normal raids. Heroic is even questionable. If your ceiling is going to be normal raids and delves then just play what you want to. Following tier lists for that is silly and kind of abusive of yourself to be entirely honest.

Just have fun. Why care what people want for a certain boss on mythic difficulty when you are doing normal?

Absolutely and I wouldn’t even say heroic is questionable.

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It’s like going to play a game of flag football at the rec center and being concerned about your 40 time.

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Pretty much. But specifically worrying about the 40 yard time of the guy playing QB.

Because the key point here is also taking the stat out of context, and applying it in the wrong way.

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The only time it matters is if your going to be pugging high mythic+ keys, then you probably want something meta so you can get more invites
Currently that is probably veng dh, prot pally- disc priest, mistweaver- some combination of mage, shaman, destro, bm hunter, aug, balance. So not a bad idea to have one of those available if thats you goal
And then all that can change with one balancing patch

the lists on wowhead and icey veins ive looked at both

Every single spec is viable. Unleds you are pushing cutting edge scores or ranks you can play whatever spec you like