Tier lists are inaccurate it seems

i just like how everyone always says the same thing every season about dev. its great but its not aug so b tier for you. like yea aug is great but unless your in the top 1% aug is dead weight cause people are playing it wrong

What people don’t realize is that there’s a different “tier list” for whatever level of key you’re doing.

Current Enhance may be the top DPS in M+ high keys, but pretty well never outperforms a Ret in a low key where things are dying fast. And put the Ret in a high key, and they’re not much more than just a padding spec with very poor prio damage (where as the Enhance has spectacular prio damage).

The sooner this tier list culture BS goes away the better.

so then does this mean youtube videos that are like “most fun specs to play in 11.1” should be ignored too?

This is what’s really important IMO, at least for most players (i.e. those who are not pushing CE or participating in MDI, etc.).

For most (“regular”) players, if you play a class that is “C-tier” or whatever but you really enjoy it and get really, really good at it, you’ll probably end up performing better than trying to force yourself to play an “S-tier” class that you absolutely hate and can’t grasp for whatever reason.

For the vast majority of the player base, tier lists don’t mean squat. Pick a class that you enjoy playing, and play it. It’s a video game, after all. It’s meant to be fun.

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maybe that’s a good thing. Maybe it will force people to just play what they want to play and find out if they are viable or not.

The best decision that I ever made in this game was to stick with the class and spec that I enjoy, rather than chase FOTM. Some of the most rewarding seasons have been the ones where my class has been ranked lower, because that just makes it easier to exceed expectations. I always perform well regardless.

Fun is subjective. A class someone else thinks is fun may not appeal to you.

Opinions are like poop holes…

I think tier list and bis gear is based on popularity used by top players and can change with or without any balance tuning.

Ah yes. The perpetual dilemma of the FOTM reroller. :rofl:

nothing wrong with plasying whats gonnas become strong / is strong

You aren’t going to do serious content? Then why care about tier? Play what’s fun for you

im gonna do whats easily doable and thats not m+ or anything like it shocking i know that someone hates the sh!t system that is m+

if my spec is doing 40% less DPS than the top DPS and I want it buffed doesn’t mean I’m a meta chaser.

Means I want my spec buffed so it’s not doing 40% less DPS than the top spec.

No I’m not rerolling to the “meta”.

I want specs balanced better so one spec isn’t doing 40% more DPS than another spec.

I played frost DK for over a decade before switching to spreist.

I don’t reroll much

Tier lists are made by the players who play those classes. Worlds best paladin who has never once struggled on a paladin any way shape or form will of course rank them higher than a class they are bad at. A dozen different WoW players making vids will give you a dozen different versions of the tier lists. Thats why you see Hpal as S tier sometimes while it is B tier in other lists with Fury being S tier sometimes and then B tier in the same list from someone else.


That’s fine do what you want, but if you’re not dojng hard content why do you care which spec is top tier? I play whatever spec feels fun, has a enjoyable rotation, and looks good even if it’s half as good as the topic spec it’s enough for world quests and delves

Haha forums trying to gaslight OP. You play what is perceived to be a bad spec you will never get and invite and no one will join your groups if you try and run your own key. Stick to A or above if you expect to have fun.

Here is my tier list of tiers


eye twitch
chemistry class flashbacks

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I’d add 2 things to this.

Does it look cool.

Does is have a class fantasy that appeals to me.