Tier lists are inaccurate it seems

one site says fury warriors will be S another says they will be C onie says DH dps will be A another says B for season 2 lmao this isnt helping a returning (possably) player to find out what ton level/play when no site is accurate as someone who will NEVER do M+ idc about thoes lists nor mythic raiding or even heroic for that matter


its almost like these are based on peoples opinions or something…


Tier lists are really most useful for creating discussions about the topic and those can be fun to listen to.

Beyond that they are mostly fluff because a player who can make a proper list doesn’t need it and players who go by them often aren’t playing well enough to get the full value of the class or spec in question.


The season isn’t out yet. How can you expect accurate tier lists when the patch isn’t even out??

Also if you dont care about the tier lists why are you so mad about them?

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I don’t play at a level where it matters but I like to look for curiosity and most that I’ve seen for 11.1 seem fairly consistent.

Are you looking at tier lists for different types of content or some that are outdated?

It kinda seems like you just made a thread about tier lists to tell us how you don’t care about tier lists and would never play that type of content anyway.

PTR players etc

for the avrage player who doesnt care about mythic+ or mythic anything

PTR doesnt really have good enough samples on many classes and the tuning isn’t finalized.

We know some things, like fire mage is going to over perform, prot pally is going to over perform etc. And those things are readily available for OP on most every WoW source. To OPs point, warrior both fury and arms are getting buffed and will do good damage.

But it’s not yet clear how every class is going to do, theres a lot of synergies to consider beyond simming DPS. Where warrior will fall on a ‘tier list’ remains to be seen.

So you don’t need a list. Play what you enjoy


But that is still where the tier lists are coming from.

And it explains why they are not definitive.

Prot Paladin vs Brewmaster in M+ is a special kind of tier list.

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It’s probably for different content.

Like I think fury is really good in raids, but falls down a bit in mythic plus.

I wouldn’t use tier list as any sort of law though. Just play what you enjoy, even when it is “bad”. I’d still rather have a good Feral Druid with me than the most mediocre enhancement shaman.


i still dont wana play something thats F tier tho

Literally nothing is bad enough that they are objectively incapable of doing max reward levels.

Just pick BM hunter because it is stupid babymode easy with no mechanical downsides since it has all the advantages of range while no downsides of it.

i don’t see why this type of player would care about a youtuber’s tier list. such a list should only truly matter to players who are playing the top level hardest content where group composition is absolutely necessary and is the difference between completing and not completing.

source: I am this type of player


So why are you even looking at tier lists…?


i stated why i dont wanna play a F tier class/spec

Anyone who talks about tier lists unironically is publicly confessing to being a meta chaser and enjoying it.

There are no F-tier specs in retail unless you are pushing for M+ title.

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