Tier lists are inaccurate it seems

The thing about tier lists is that the class/specs are the one being ranked.

But the masses tend to forget the PLAYER themselves are not.

It’s Maths, If the class is a 5 and the player is a 10 you get 15.

But if the class is a 9 but the player is a 1 then you just get 10.

if you are not running level 20 Mythic+ keys or participating in stuff like The Great Push or whatever on a regular basis, then whooooooooo caaaaaaaaaares what is S tier or F tier. play what is fun, cool, aesthetically appealing, and that you personally can be good at.


This ^.

People will play specs they find fun and enjoy better than ones that are strong.

If you’re not doing the kind of content where numbers matters, then just play what you find fun.

How about playing what you enjoy over what a soyfacing e celeb tells you to play

Tier lists are a meme and if anyone bases their choices off of them, they are rarely going to have a good time.

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If you are returning I would not look at the tier list. Many of these tier lists are also based off of streamers, that also tend to do higher content. For example, MM Hunter is being consistently being rated as C tier. What is that in reference to? Mythic? heroic? +10 M+? Delves? Fact of the matter is even if MM is “weaker” it’s definitely serviceable if you enjoy it. Look more into class changes.

Also, there are then certain streamers, a certain Balance Druid WoW personality comes to mind, that say their spec needs help to is not nearly as good as other people say. Tier list are fine for a quick glance, don’t let it influence your choice more than like 5% if you are returning though.

Tier lists are always theorycraft, and there are always changes within the first 1-2 weeks of a season.

You also need to be sure you aren’t confusing M+ with raid tier lists, since they are generally very different.

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Unholy death knight will be S tier.

:slight_smile: pleas

agian what i might enjoy might also be dog doo doo dps why cant somone do whats good AND what they might come to enjoy

Yup. You can play a “meta” spec, but more often than not they can’t come close to those numbers.
Which is why I find it fun to play xyz non metas.
“Ew you are playing that?!” “Yup just watch.”

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Metabrains ruin the game with their tier lists and performance charts.

If you don’t do difficult content, there’s little to care if your class does well. Just play what’s fun to you.


I would say its the people that over value these that ruin it more.

We could simply not care about them. Or just acknowledge few play at the level where they matter.

But people doing entry level content act like they have to play a S++ tier spec, or they cant do anything. That is what creates issues.

People having the idea that tier lists matter.

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AKA metabrains.

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You’re right, it doesn’t help. It really doesn’t matter unless you are a super high end elite player. Which 99.99% of people aren’t. Just play what seems cool to you.

Almost like people should look at click bait tier lists.

Then why are you even creating this rage bait thread?

I guess I considered more the “brains” the people theorycrafting the lists.

And people being brainless automatically following the lists without considering any context.

Metabrainless if you will :stuck_out_tongue:

If you’re a warrior and one site says warriors are S-tier then that site is right and all other sites are wrong.

If you’re not a warrior, then that one site is wrong and the other sites are right.

Like skipping very eligible dps to wait for meta in a +4…