Tier 11 Delves Not as Tank

T11 delves are “tuned” for 658
M0 is not.

Just pointing out the fallacy that is “cant get to recommended ilvl when content doesnt drop that ilvl”

Its really not. With Healer Brann, if you stagger your potions, youve always got a strong HoT rolling on you with insane uptime (unless you deliberatly take a long break between combat), on top of your heals, Branns heals, your defensives, etc etc

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Tier 11 delves are harder than M0?

Never said you can’t get it. I just said it drops 19 ilvl below the recommended ilvl.

I usually run double DPS if i go in as Feral, i save my defensives for his ground pound.

Outside of accidentally eating a swirlie, the damage from firestorm never posed any threat. Nothing a single potion wouldnt fix anyway.

Nope. I just think Blizzard played it smart and knows the target audience for delves fall a bit…on a specific side of the performance bell curve so they added an “overgeared” state to recommendations to help ensure success rather than having to nerf already easy content to help the target audience.

Yes. This is called insinuation

If people want gear to be dropping closer to the level its tuned around, we’d have to get rid of the gear upgrade system (fine by me). But doing so means people who need to over gear content to beat it will be struggling to defeat content.

Good ol catch 22

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Honestly, the recommend ilvl on delves is extremely meaningless then.

It’s really pointless to discuss the delve recommended ilvl. I’ve got 4 characters that I’ve done 3 11s this week and 2 that have capped vaults. I’ll cap the other 2 over the next 3 days.

I’m so glad there’s casual content where I can farm up mythic appearances completely solo. Plus Blizzard just did a sizeable buff on all Brann specs. Win in my book.

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It’s not. Players are trying to get to the end of a 6 months season on the 2nd week. It’s simply not available to everyone, particularly when you cannot depend on anyone else to pick up your slack.

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Its not. Its so Blizzard can safely say “well are you at the recommended level for the content” when people complain about struggling.

“Well how can i get 658 gear when it only drops 639!?” - progression. We gave you an upgrade system and currency that drops in lower tiers to slowly upgrade your gear until you can move up step by step.

Its the same reason Heroic dungeons have an ilvl requirement. To help ensure success. You can manually form a group to bypass it but then success is on you. And if you cant succeed blizzard can step back and tap the recommendation board.

Its not pointless because theres other players besides just you doing delves.

The only thing of note was the 50% damage reduction for AoE. Other than that, ive never seen DPS nor healer Brann get close to dying (outside of Zekvir??).

Are you one that thinks “I beat the content at the highest level and now I’m done and there’s nothing left to do”?

Holy strawman. This has nothing to do with what they said. They simply stated other people with different skill sets play delves.

You cant base everything about delves on your personal experience with them. You can ignore the ilvl recommendation. OP obviously cannot

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That’s a pretty sad reason it’s there. I don’t disagree but it’s kinda pathetic.

I’d be willing to bet the vast majority could do 11s at least at 645 ilvl. I may be wrong, going on pure speculation.

Which honestly is massive. I never got the “revive Brann” achievement last season because he could actually take hits. He’s died SO much in all my delves until this fix. It’s a game changer.

No, I play until I have hero track in all slots or until my raid group goes into a break until the next raid.

Depends on where youre pulling “vast majority” from

People who only do delves
Everyone who steps foot into delves

Demographic changes considerably based on which one you choose.

I mean sure? 615 healer with a lvl 36 Tank Brann…hes died a few times on my watch in 11s, but between S1 and now with Tank Brann in S2…AoEs were never an issue.

The buff makes sense simply because you cant control where he stands for the most part, and you cant design him to avoid every AoE as it defeats the purpose.

Calling it a game changer is a bit of a stretch when its not changing anything really. These aoes and “unavoidavles” and bonebreakers and things people are claiming are one shots…its not a one shot unless its 100-0.

Brann being at 40% for whatever reason and an ability finishes him off…yeah not it

Someone doing delves only is extremely time gated, which is fine IF they can clear 11s very early in the season. That’s my goal, all hero pieces upgraded to at least 5/6 for the mythic appearance.

Splitting hairs for no reason.

Clearly you’ve not run with a healer Brann on a dps and he died and you really need some pots thrown. It’s a game changer.

11s should be nerfed for tanks as a lil treat for dealing with dps and healer players everywhere else


I find it hilarious tanks are allowed to stomp these, but healers?

Go to straight to jail, skip GO.

If anything, tanks and healers should both have it easy.


No. It matters as it changes the entire outcome.

No. I explicitly stated that healer/dps Brann has never died in any of my runs.

Yea those are 2 different roles, so you know its not gonna be the same

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Tough goals require extraordinary efforts. And beside, you’re not required to solo.

Tanks take damage, pull, heal themselves, and do the majority of the damage. Healers can be incredibly passive.

Branns potions need to be spread out more and more visible

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Nah, just splitting hairs.

Tier 11 before the 50% aoe damage reduction?