This is you deflecting because i made a point you cant refute
Yeah. Where was this buff all of S1
This is you deflecting because i made a point you cant refute
Yeah. Where was this buff all of S1
Its just going to take me doing my 3 11s and 5 8s each week until I have all I want. Not really “extraordinary effort”, just actually doing the content.
Not required but this is the first time players are able to do something like this solo in wow’s history.
Wrong. Players have always had solo progression paths. They just didnt like that it was a lower number than everyone else
Easily beatable at 11’s i feel hmm?
My gear is muchhh lower
Doesn’t matter. It’s just splitting hairs.
All I know is Brann never died on me in S1 in an 8.
Was talking about getting mythic appearances as a solo only player. This is the first time that’s ever been possible.
Also this is the first time a solo only player’s gear ceiling being this high.
Good time to be a solo player.
I’ve been saying this since season 1, I have often found myself accidentally picking up two that were stacked when I only wanted one to further extend the HoT.
They’re also extremely hard to see sometimes, Zekvir was a mess in some cases they always got lost under him
I assume that’s what he meant by “something like this,” meaning this is the first time solo players have been able to get anywhere near the same level of gear as raiders and key runners.
100% does lol words by definition have meaning. What you say matters lol. But keep deflecting. Cant admit when youre wrong
Nor in 11s. Case in point. No change in UI, he stood in bad in S1 and never died. Nothing changes going into S2.
So I’ll reiterate. Its not a game changer when nothing changes from season to season.
No its not. I can go back and solo BFA and SL mythic raids for mythic appearances
Yeah, like i said, youre so worried about other people having more than you
I never got my achievement for rez’ing Brann until I did Zekvir. That is the only fight in all of S1 that my Brann ever got KO’ed. Even pre-nerf tank brann KO’ed for me multiple times from the hobgoblins and some of the boss fights, particularly when he would refuse to move out of bad.
If anything he needed buffed. Haven’t had a healer or dps Brann go down once in S2.
I must admit, I’m confused by all the “stagger the potions” comments I’ve been seeing.
Are… are you guys saying that some of you immediately use up the potions EVEN IF YOU’RE ON FULL HEALTH??
I didn’t do 11s last season, no reason for it. I can 100% tell you S1 healer Brann never died once in the many many MANY 8s I ran. S2 healer Brann died multiple times per run in S2 until this most recent buff.
Game changer.
I truly don’t care to argue this point anymore.
Oh let me change my phrasing because you want to be silly about it. This is the first time solo only players can get current tier mythic appearances from solo play.
What in the holy projection are you talking about? This is the happiest I’ve been in wow in a LONG time. I don’t care if other people are having fun or not.
So far i can do T9 with this Rogue without much of a problem, i havent really tried 10 or 11 though.
Depends on the level. Some people tap out in normal raids and lower m+. As such, solo players have been close to them.
Solo play should never have gotten as xoose as it has to the upper echelons.
Now before Lucrend jumps down my throat because he loves to try and twist those words into “he doesnt want solo players to get gear!!!”. Im just saying the content doesnt match the rewards.
Mythic raids rewards are on par
M+ rewards slightly below par simply because its infinitely scaling (i dont count failed timer runs as “completing content”)
Delves reward about 2 tiers (26 ilvls) above par
And this is coming from a middle of the pack player. Ive never maxed out on ilvl. I end up about middle tier.
Now as a middle of the pack player, if im completing T11s, on a healer, post nerf (arguably the hardest role), on a 615 where 60% of their healing doesnt work (Ancient teachings didnt heal Brann), and Brann only level 36…i think Champ 8/8 (Hero 4/6) is sufficient rewards and that it’d be enough to tackle any solo content at any level (Tier 11s)
As someone who’s only delving for gear and MAYBE will do keys on my bear and disc later I also think the rewards are “too good,” but of course I won’t complain
I assume you mean close not xoose. If so, here we are and if we ever go back to a world that gives solo players less than what they have now, I’ll just unsub.
I’m not going to jump down your throat. We’re just talking. But it’s the same thing. If you make delves so difficult you’ll lock a ton of players out of the content which accomplishes the same thing as just straight up taking the gear away.
Difference is you didn’t Brann taking the brunt of the damage in S1 either.
Like i understand the AoE buff and i agree with it. Its to combat bad UI. They could give us an extea action button that yells “ye cant stand there!” that has a 6 second CD and makes Brann move 8 yards in a random direction.
Or they just consume all 3 when they need healing, not understanding the HoT that comes with them.
Yeah. This shouldnt be a thing. Cosmetic part im fine with. The player power that goes with it is off putting.
Right. Because youre finally closer to having the geat other people have. If i mention lowering thr overall ilvl of your rewards you have an aneurysm.
Youre not even at max champion track ilvl and youre completing max level delve content. So player power that comes with Hero/Mythic track gear isnt required to beat your chosen content…nor is it needed to solo old raids because of the way scaling works.
But saying “see youre fine with X lvl gear, you dont need Y lvl gear” you lose your mind. Because the arbitrary numbers on your gear end up less than someone elses.
The kid who cried because he received 4 quarters when the kid next to him got a dollar bill.
Why’s that? Because players who do “higher content” aren’t as special now?
I’m fully aware you’d like to see delves capped at vet track. Doesn’t bother me. Blizzard sees it different and I’m here for it.
No it’s not required. It’s a goal to work toward. I could see complaints if we were full hero track and 3/6 upgrades on week 2 but that’s not and will never be the case. It’s a slow climb I’ll be making throughout the season.
Makes them faster though. Wait wait, let me phrase that properly. Makes SL raids faster. SL raids are easily soloable by any class/spec but they’re still not 1 shots. Makes taking down the bosses faster.
There are no “cosmetic mythic appearances” to work toward. Not how it works. With great appearance comes great power or something like that. It’s fun to get stronger no matter what you do in the game. I’m sorry it upsets you.
Not sure I even understand what you’re trying to compare here.
Why? You said everyone can do it with 645 gear. Thats less than max champ gear. You contradict yourself so bad. You need it because youre worried about what other people have.
Its not. You dont have to increase the difficulty. You can lower the rewards. You said the vast majority can do it without the overly generous rewards delves offer. So that seems like the obvious choice
Content remains same level of ease/difficulty.
Progression remains: character power goes up, and further than it has in any prior expansion. And if you truly dont care what other people have then it wouldnt matter what the ilvl is between you and others, bigger or smaller.
Difficulty to reward is skewed way outside the lines
Its not a slow climb. Week 1 youre downing the max level content. To put that in perspective: some of the best players in the world still havent beaten their chosen contents max level ONCE. And theyve put hundreds of hours into it.
Youve beaten your max level content multiple times in a couple hours.
Theres 26 upgrade tracks in S2. Ranging from 597 to 678.
Delves, the easiest end game pillar allows you get 85%, 22/26 of that…like holy god. Im all for solo players having progression…but good lordie that needs to be cut in half
Not really. You wont notice the one GCD difference between having 636 and 649 for example. I covered with the scaling.
That could eadsily be remedied behind achievements
Pretty much. Blizz at least seems to disagree. S2 they added gilded crests. Who knows what next season will bring.
As long as delves stay popular, and they likely are the most popular thing in the game at the moment, Blizz is going to make sure people stay interested. If they have to keep expanding the rewards to do so, then that is what they are going to do.