Tier 11 Delves Not as Tank

Clearing tier 11 delves no problem as my 630+ tanks. Not the case with my 635 rogue. 4 desperate attempts literally playing to my max ability and couldn’t finish. Literal complete waste of over an hour. I wouldn’t be upset if it weren’t for the fact my tanks can literally cake walk this. why cant you make delves a consistent challenge for specs? It’s insane that healersa still struggle and need some random tank spec that also got nerfed anyway. figure this out please because its super discouraging having to figure out whether or not you want to to bother with dps or healers because theyre so disadvantaged.


Are you staggering Brann’s healing potions to keep the HoT uptime going, and using defensives and CC?

I’ve never done rogue in delves, I imagine its rough. After they nerfed tank Brann I switched from healing him on my Evoker to doing them as Dev with healer Brann at about 630 and found them fairly easy.


I have no issues doing 11s as dps, I just make brann go tank. Not geared enough to have a health pool that can soak the blows these enemies do so I just race to kill them before they kill brann and kite if i have to.

(before you go telling me my 645 character is geared enough, I am referring to alts mostly who exist around the 620-625 mark)

See, that right there is your issue.
I’m not saying you could do it easily on any other dps class, but it would certainly be FAR EASIER than rogue.

Do one with a tank and then a dps. You will see the difference; it is not about potions or curios. Maining an 660 lock right now, and it was challenging, then did the same with 637 dh tank it was roflstompmaogg.


Well there’s your problem.

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I do a lot of Delves on my alts and main and prefer Brann as healer.

Staggering the healing potions seems to be most effective. For the squishier ones, I pull small groups and go slowly and it’s usually ok.

It’s also helpful for me to learn how to use my whole toolkit on alts.

That being said, I can’t imagine how tough it must be for healers. I’ve had several people tell me that Rogue is also very tough if you get mobbed. I tun my Druid healer as a tank and I am a terrible rogue so I can’t say how it is.

Pull smaller and stagger the pots and see if that feels better. Also try different curios to see if they are any better for you.

I’m well aware, they are a joke as a 615 BrM even.

But that doesn’t help the OPs rogue much.


Could be partially the kit of rogue? I’ve tried them as DPS and haven’t found em too bad. Albiet for me as Monk/Pal/DK have tried both Tank and DPS.


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Perhaps do 8s instead until you gear up instead of crying on the forums

Did you read my post? my issue is the discrepancy among tanks and dps…

Delves were a lot harder last season. I got spanked in T11s even with max gear. I’m 652 Ret and I comfortably do T11 delves now. They got rid of those ridonculously OP trash packs that liked to spawn on check points.

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Rogue has great tools for survival in group content. In solo content they’ve always struggled a bit, they’re not really built for taking consistent damage and the need to restealth in combat can cause issues. It’s like playing a melee hunter with no pet.

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For me I found the trick was just using Brann’s potions properly. If I did then I would clear the pack no problem. If I didn’t, I run out of potion and slowly watch my hp whittle down until I died.

Usually though the three lives are enough to cover my forgetfulness. Remember which packs are nasty and require cooldowns and you’re all set.

Not really, doesn’t help the fact OP left out some context on what they’re struggling with exactly. So far all the T11s I’ve done on my Rogue I never bricked them.

I assure you they’re most definitely not even Blizzard went so far to nerf T9-11 if you’ve followed the PTR. The minibosses in S1 were more deadlier than S2. The only one you really have to worry about now is the explosive unit.

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no your issue is your undergeared dps can’t tank 11’s. don’t try to make it about balancing.

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It’s certainly easier as tanks, but the OP said it was impossible as dps which I disagree.

I’ve done it at low geared rogue, mage, lock, hunter and evoker and didn’t have too much trouble. The key was pulling 1-2 packs at a time and using healing Brann potions.

Recommended ilvl shows 658 or something, does it not?

Yeah every time I see one of these posts it ends up being the same problem. Someone tanks an 11 then they try to do an 11 as dps the same exact ways. Pulling multiple packs at once, using dps Brann, etc.

It’s almost like they don’t want to accept that you play different based on your spec