Tickets down?

Is the ticket system down? I tried to submit a ticket online this morning and was given this error.

You can’t submit this ticket.
An error has occurred. This may be a temporary error, so please try again later.

I tried to submit it in-game instead and am getting the same error.

Not that I’ve heard. You can also submit tickets here on the web - through the Support link above.

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That’s what I tried first, and when it didn’t work I tried in-game and got the same error message. Odd that I’d be broken both ways, I wonder what I did wrong lol!

If it’s not a billing or an account-related issue? Please don’t hesitate to try and explain what help you were seeking. There are a lot of knowledgeable folks around here who are happy to help or to perhaps point you in the direction of finding a solution.

Just in the chance you are still having errors submitting a ticket as time goes on, it is an alternative.

I can try, haha. Thanks Leilleath! It was just a question to clarify covenant transmogs and renown. I’ve made a thread and got some good feedback (Question about Covenant Cosmetics and Alts), someone linked me to another thread where I replied (Renown 80 and covenant mounts/transmog/campaign explained), and I also read the support article ( and all three give different answers.

For example, the help article states that if I have a Priest with 80 Renown on Venthyr, the cloth campaign gear is unlocked account wide for cloth wearers, but I would have to do the campaign again on my Shaman (their example) to unlock the mail campaign gear. In that sentence it doesn’t say the Shaman would also have to reach 80 Renown…but in the bullet list above it says you DO have to earn 80 renown on each character for each armor type.

Unlocking Armor-Specific Covenant Cosmetic Sets

Some covenant cosmetic sets are unlocked by armor type. These can be unlocked as follows:

  • The covenant armor set must be the preferred armor type for the character that obtained it
  • Renown 80 for that covenant must be reached by the same character who obtained the armor set
  • This must be repeated for each armor type that you want to unlock


Your priest unlocks the Necrolord campaign cloth appearances and earned 80 Necrolord renown. Your shaman would still have to unlock the Necrolord campaign mail set to make it available for other mail wearers on the account.

But then in the thread Renown 80 and covenant mounts/transmog/campaign explained, the player says that they did NOT need 80 renown on each character/armor type, just once for the covenant overall, and the campaign armor appearances were unlocked for their appropriate armor type alts.

I just wanted to confirm how this all works, since the support article and the player’s experience say two different things?

Also how would the vendor-purchased weapon appearances work? Like, my Night Fae Druid (renown 80) already has the leather armor unlocked, if I want to get the Warglaives appearances would my DH have to do the campaign or earn renown 80 too, or just be Night Fae and purchase them off the vendor? What about my Warrior? I know I’d have to do the campaign to get the plate set unlocked, but would I need 80 renown again to use any purchased weapon or shield appearances on alts? The help article says yes, the player example says no. I’m just so confused!

Edited to add quotes so you don’t have to click through a million times, and add the weapon question.

Aha, I gottcha!

Speaking from what I’ve got going here. My Night Fae Druid and Venthyr Rogue are both 80 renown, but my Kyrian DH is only at 51 renown. Because I do have her campaign completed though, I’ve got the leather Kyrian set available on any of my leather wearers too. (Though I should note I do have an 80 renown Kyrian Paladin)

My mage, who is my only level 60 cloth wearer at current, only has the Night Fae set unlocked, since I’ve been lazy and have not pushed her through any other covenants as yet.

But then I hop to this gal, my obviously not leveled monk. She hasn’t even finished all of the Oribos opening quests, though I leave her camped there at current. She’s chosen no covenant of her own yet, but has access to the same campaign mogs as my level 60 and 80 renown leather wearers.

So it hinges more on that you need to have the class campaign done on each kind of armor. Then to make it account-wide, you’ll need to have an 80 renown with each covenant on at least one character. It obviously doesn’t have to be the character who worked through the campaign to earn the armor, such as with my Kyrian DH and Paladin situation.

As for the weapons? You would have to be able to purchase them and equip them. So your Druid would not be able to equip the warglaives to learn the appearance for your Demon Hunter to use. But now like my NF Druid? She can use the fist weapon appearance I learned on my Venthyr rogue,

I hope this helps? Even if it is rambly and picture heavy.


  • Complete campaign questline to earn the armor pieces on each armor class per covenant as desired.
  • Earn 80 renown on each covenant (doesn’t necessarily have to be that specific character who earned the armor class)
  • Weapons have to be equitable by the purchaser.

Short answer:

This character is 80 with all 4.

The 9.1 gear fully open account wide.
Mail covenant campaign open all 4

For plate, cloth and leather I only had to do the campaign to unlock those armors. Because my hunter is renown 80 in all covenants, once I unlocked the campaign armor for the other armor classes, I did not have to raise renown for cloth, plate or leather for it to be account wide. My hunter did that work already.

My pally has been 80 for Kyrian and Venthyr only. But i did all 4 campaigns. So my warrior who is 50 can still wear Night Far and NL campaign plate armor thanks to my hunter being 80 in them.

And of course being renown 80 in all 4 unlocks the mounts account wide.


Yep, it certainly does! It confirms what the other person said, and that the official support article isn’t accurate…or at the very least could be worded MUCH better to make it clearer.

  1. Campaign must be done 16 times to unlock all armor type + covenant combos.
  2. Only need to earn Renown 80 with each covenant once to unlock the appearances for alts, not on every character you unlock new items on (whether from the campaign, or purchased off the vendor).

So if I have 80 Renown on my Night Fae Druid, I can complete the campaign again on my Warrior to unlock the plate set that any future level 48+ plate wearer can transmog regardless of covenant (or no covenant at all, post-shadowlands) even if the Warrior never reaches 80 Renown. If I stick around for a bit and buy the shield and 1h sword appearances as well before switching to Kyrian to start on that campaign for plate, I could still use the Night Fae plate, sword and shield appearances on my Paladin.

That makes sense and is how I thought it would work, but after seeing that support article I thought I would also have to get the 80 renown on every alt and on every covenant they switched to. I’m glad that’s not the case. Getting all the different campaign armors and saving up for all the different weapons is going to be enough work as it is, hah!

Thanks for confirming yet again, you rock!

Now if only we could get that support article changed, because this is clearly not the case: “Renown 80 for that covenant must be reached by the same character who obtained the armor set”


The best thing you can do is at the bottom of the support article? It asks if the article was helpful or answered your question(s), with [Yes] and [No] buttons. If you hit [No], it’ll pop up with a little questionnaire:

That’ll flag the article to be looked over and hopefully updated in time. :slight_smile:


Feedback submitted. =) Hopefully it can be updated soon!


I just want to add that, unless I’m mistaken, other armor types can swap covenants and simply purchase the campaign pieces from the covenant’s quartermaster.

I’m surprised none of the blue posts here have come up with this possible solution: Rewrite the ticket description, or make it a one-liner, and put the actual issue as a comment after opening.

I’ve had this happen before, and attempting to resubmit throughout the day kept hitting this vague error.

As soon as I reworded it completely, the ticket went through. Looks like your ticket is being blocked from submission due to a phrase/word filter, and it’s not telling you, just like it did to me.

Technically there was just one blue post, affirming there currently was not a problem on their end with people placing tickets.

What you most likely experienced was actually a bug, but could have been a browser error also. It may or may not have been the issue OP experienced. My suggestion would be following up with a bug report on the website bug subforum.


Just to reiterate so op can check this too: Changing the wording of the submission itself immediately after repeatedly trying to submit the old text is what made it go through. ie, there wasn’t any actual server downtime, it’s some coding on their end blocking submission based on wording for whatever reason. Editing one or two words didn’t fix it, it required a considerable rewrite.

If it’s not intentional, it could be a word filter glitching out.

You’re missing the part where the issue was solved here and the ticket is now unnecessary.

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Depends if they need users to repeat an action to log it for QA purposes.

Then one of our SFAs would say as much. They’ve done it plenty of times in the past to test the system when it’s needed.

It is more than likely just something simple in the browser or whatnot, as is often the case. With people nearly constantly complaining on how long ticket queues are, there isn’t really a reason to clog up the system with something unnecessary. If it was something more widespread, we’d be seeing multiple (read: many) threads bringing it up that the system isn’t working.

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I sure as hell don’t remember which ticket or remember the contents that bugged it, when I experienced it myself. Also, IIRC it was repeatable in more than one web browser.

I’m just hoping OP does, so they can narrow down the code that’s tripping, for a bug report to submit.

As for why this issue is rare, I have a suspicion it’s word filter related and relies on certain terminology which glitches it. They have that automatic relevancy system that tries to bring up relevant forum posts or solutions as you fill in your ticket, so something that complex may have an underlying bug.

I think you’re confusing the filter that helps to get tickets in the proper category as something that will specifically bug out because of a particular word or filter…something that I’ve honestly never seen nor heard of to date. Unproven theories are dangerous to post around here because sometimes people will grab that tin foil hat and run away with it.

We do see people who are unable to complete submitting a ticket, getting stuck in kind of an endless loop that gives a player other options to pursue. Often times that comes about because submitting a ticket is a fruitless endeavor due to the fact that it is something a GM cannot fix, so it will not allow a player to submit a ticket for that particular thing. A lot of times that people come here complaining about their system erroring out like this, it is typically something revolving around a browser issue player-side. Often times resolved by clearing cookies and caches or updating this or that. That’s not always the case, but it seems to be so more often than not than some massive game-wide bug.

All of that is moot in this case though. Napayshni had a question that we were able to clarify for them so all is good.