Players who reach 80 Renown with any Covenant will be able to freely switch among any of the four Covenants without cooldown or restriction. In addition, cosmetic rewards that have been earned from a Covenant with which the player has reached 80 Renown may be used even if that character is currently a member of a different one. Both the Covenant switching and the use of cosmetic rewards will also apply to alts once the Renown threshold is reached on any character. Example: A player with a Night Fae Druid at Renown 80 can use appropriate Night Fae cosmetics on their Rogue, even if the Rogue is a member of the Necrolords.
My main is a Night Fae Druid with 80 Renown, so as expected when I looked on my Kyrian Rogue alt the other day I could transmog all of the Night Fae armor AND cosmetics. On my Necrolord Death Knight though, I only have the non-leather specific pieces, such as cloaks and the other special back pieces, and the recolors of the Grove Guardian’s Regalia from Renown/Korthia.
If I want to unlock the plate Night Fae armor and recolors from the campaign/etc, do I have to get a plate wearer up to Renown 80 with Night Fae as well? Will I have to do the campaign again?
I guess tl;dr, if I want to unlock the Leather, Plate, Mail and Cloth campaign armor sets (and not just the cosmetic only sets) for all four covenants, do I have to get one character to Renown 80 on each covenant…or FOUR characters to Renown 80 for each covenant - one for each armor type?
Like, my Night Fae Druid is already 80. If I get my Necrolord Death Knight, Kyrian Hunter and Venthyr Priest up to Renown 80 and finish the covenant campaigns on all…will that unlock all the sets account wide? Or do I need to swap them all around so the Druid hits 80 in all four, the Priest hits 80 on all four etc?
Unlocking the leather set on your druid will not unlock the other armor categories. So you will have to go through the campaign on a plate wearer to unlock the plate.
They eased up on being able to swap out Covenants though, so you can do the campaign on one plate wearer for each Covenant instead of on four separate plate wearers.
It’s just a matter of time investment. Or maybe you can take your alt, swap covenants, and buy the 40 renown bump and unlock it that way. Oh no, you can’t… because they are story rewards. Nevermind.
Oof and oof. Getting 80 on each isn’t that big of a deal with all the catchups and easy switching now, but doing the campaign 16 times…four times for each covenant over and over…not looking forward to that part.
It’s been one of my biggest gripes because cosmetics are my end game. Even all the catch ups and increases in Anima drops to collect armor sets that are literally 4 different shades of the same color. I’m getting the ones I want, and not worrying about the ones I don’t.
And don’t get me started on the RNG of collecting the transmog sets that don’t have armor type restrictions in Korthia. I don’t mind a grind here and there, but RNG is the devil.
When I came into Shadowlands (post launch) I got about 14 toons through the Maw Intro and set up for ToF and picked their covenant based on recommendations for raiding (I like LFR lol) and although I appreciate the abomination dog theme of the Necrolord leather set… I agree it’s ugly as sin and not thematic for any of my characters. I think Kyrian armor is ugly too but I chose Kyrian over Necrolord for my monk. My goblin rogue is Necrolord, so I am sure I will collect that set whenever I get him to max level but… I’m not in any rush lol.
My alts are just there for professions and transmog, I honestly don’t care about the ability at all…especially since they’ll be gone next expansion anyways.
But wait, since I already have a Leather Night Fae at 80… If I want the Night Fae Plate to unlock for alts and not just the one character, do they just have to do the campaign since I already have someone at 80 with the Night Fae? Or do I have to do the campaign AND 80 sixteen times?
If you wanted to unlock every armor set for every Covenant, you would need at least one toon of every armor type to complete each campaign. Or one toon of every armor type for every covenant. Anywhere from 4-16 toons. I hate to tell ya but as it is right now, there is no way to get those sets without doing the campaign for each of them.
For the armor sets they are talking about, I think they don’t need any more than 40 renown because that questline wraps up at… what, 20 renown or so?
The patch notes say that you need 80 to use the cosmetics if you switch to a different covenant…but also that it applies once the renown threshold is reached on ANY character. Thus my confusion.
It seems I definitely need to do the campaign sixteen times to unlock each armor type for each covenant, but is the renown threshold per covenant, or per armor type?
I mean, I’ll eventually find out as I finish campaigns and renown on the alts, but man they really could have made this simpler to unlock…or at least easier to understand HOW. Sheesh, this is a mess.
Ahh. So I went and checked because I didn’t realize this.
My Venthyr 80 Renown Warrior has access to the Venthyr, Necrolord, and Bastion plate sets. I have not completed the Night Fae campaign on my other paladin alt yet.
I checked my Necrolord 46 Renown DK and he can wear the sets too. So I don’t know what the condition is, if it’s just ONE toon needed at Renown 80, if that’s per armor type, or what. But I don’t think you will have to grind them all to 80.
I hope that at least answers some of your questions. I know it certainly doesn’t answer all of them.
Did you complete the Venthyr, Necrolord and Kyrian campaigns all on the same Warrior, or on different alts? Did you reach 80 Renown with all three of the covenants, or just Venthyr?
I did the campaigns on different characters. Venthyr warrior, Kyrian paladin, and Necrolord DK.
My warrior is the only one with max Renown (out of those toons… I have about 5 max renown alts, mostly leather wearers), and I have yet to actually swap Covenants for any character.
I’m assuming you have a different Necrolord and Kyrian alt at 80 then, not the DK or Paladin?
If so, that would mean that you just need to have one character per covenant at 80 - regardless of class/armor type - to release the cosmetics from that covenant to alts. If you want the campaign armor for each type you’d still have to do the campaign again, but as long as you have ANY character already at 80 with that covenant, it would then unlock without needing to get to 80 again.