Ticket resolved without a response

I was given an automated response saying ticket volume was high with a list of links to FAQs in the meantime. My ticket was also resolved. This is horrible, horrible service.


Resolved or answered?

Resolved. Was sent the post-ticket survey and everything.

If you’d like to give us some back round on what your ticket was about, we might be able to help point you in the right direction. There are some issues that a GM just cannot help with.

I see that Vrakthris is also responding. He might be able to give more insight.


I am sorry for the confusion, Pelmonas. If you notice, the response you received says “If the issue persists, please get back to us”. Which is intended for you to reopen or otherwise submit another ticket if you are still having trouble.

The automated response, as noted, goes out during periods of high ticket volume. We commonly receive a lot of tickets that we generally can’t help with, such as those asking for Game Info/Hints, providing Suggestions, experiencing a Bug, etc… The response is intended to direct folks to appropriate resources for their potential issues so that you do not need to wait in a long queue to then be directed elsewhere.

In your case, what you seem to be reporting is either an issue with your UI/addons or a bug.

I would recommend resetting your User Interface, as that is the most common culprit when experiencing issues of that nature. If it persists, even with a default UI, please submit a bug report so the our QA team can take a look.


My issue has nothing to do with a UI/add-on. It’s about items I fish not being looted. Notably Coin of the Isles.

Have you been experiencing the issue with a default UI, Pelmonas? If not, then it is difficult to say that is has nothing to do with the UI or an add-on, especially since the issue you describe is part of the interface.

A UI reset is the best and most basic troubleshooting step.

If the issue continues to happen with the default UI then you’d want to submit a bug report.


And on the note of add-ons. I have a single one installed in AIO. And that was recently added this past week, this issue has been occurring since the expansion went live.

A UI issue is more than just about addons. Certainly, addons are often the main cause of those issues but you can also have corrupted files that can cause issues. Returning the UI to default is the best way to be certain that it is not part of the problem.

If the issue persists, it would be best to report it to our QA team so they can look into it. A Game Master wouldn’t be able to assist in this issue as they cannot verify what you may have fished up nor can they provide the item.


This was a fresh install of WoW for the expansion.

Excellent, then that is definitely pretty good evidence that it is a bug… which should be reported as I mentioned.


Also evident of terrible customer support in game that I had to come here and go through all this instead.

Given that bugs are something GM’s cannot assist with that is why they included the FAQ links.


I’m sorry you feel so, Pelmonas. It is standard in most games when something isn’t working as you expect it to be that you check the available knowledge base and forums and failing that, report whatever you are experiencing as a bug.

The response you received provided links for all of those things.

You should receive a survey from your ticket, if you have feedback you’ll want to fill that out.

Good luck to you.


That was not stated anywhere. Nor in the linked FAQs. They linked all the things I did before submitting the ticket - searching support articles, checking known issues, and checking the forums for recent posts.

It used to be at some point, but where that particular article has disappeared to, I cannot say. But it’s commonly known enough that it’s been reported in various third-party sites. Bugs have always been a developmental issue. Only in very rare cases are GMs given the approval to help with a workaround, but the majority of the time it is necessary to wait until the Devs come up with a fix.

I’m sorry that it has disappeared into the nether, it makes it very inconvenient for folks like you who did take the time to look into things.


This? Google search no longer brings it up. I think Vrak took down the 2018 version and replaced it.


Either that or cycled through the spotlights and forgot to pin it.

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Not everything like this is terrible customer support. Lots of things people ask Gm’s like other people have said can not help you with. If they tried to do more with all the requests like this ticket times would skyrocket well beyond what they are now.

Plenty of other games give far less then wow does. Another game like I have said in the past had auto banned my account do to a log in that I made that did not seem right and locked my account for 17 days before getting any help.


I replaced the old one from 2018 back in November. I had been updating it over the years whenever anything changed, but that isn’t always apparent, so I figured a fresh one would be best. :slight_smile:

For some reason it was marked as unlisted, I’m not sure if that had any impact on if it could be searched, but updated that several days ago.