Thunderlord Horde Reconnections

I played Eod, a tauren hunter, for many years and started from day 1. Mostly played with Clan Scooyrit since raiding MC. I’d love to connect with the crew! I miss those days so much. We had tons of fun tackling MC, BWL, etc. Best times of my young adulthood.

I remember you from CS, Sevenfold, good to see you here man. Hope we connect again!

Good to see you Findoora! It’s been a long time! I was Eod (hunter). I miss you all and hope to connect with ya’ll again!

Smooth - Undead Priest
Baronmonkey - Troll Rogue

Clan Scooyrit

Circu - Troll Mage
Guild - No Contest

Tak! It’s good to see you. I’ll keep in touch. Hopefully we can coordinate to wind up on the same server, once Classic goes live.

Character: Toloth - Shaman
Guild: Nox Necis
Looking For: Dirtnap, Meathook, Reality, Garmuc

If enough of you show up, I’m game for round 2.

Character: Buford
Guild: HammerTime / Forgotten Empires
Looking For: Social, Livis, Nooga, Beyota Nashir, and Branagan

If we can help me find anyone of them I will be soo happy. I quit just after AQ and I think about 1/2 that list did. Hammertime used to have the pink tabbards with a giant red heart on it, we had a heart on.


Kholdstayr. I was in Forgotten Horde at first, and then did a lot of PvP

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EOD! Hell yes I remember you. We have a group of us old Scooyrit and Kokujin guys getting back together for Classic. We are planning on rolling a PvE server this time though. Would love to have you! We have a Discord if you want the info.

Smooth, that’s a blast from the past. How you doing dude? Been like 15 years. So many old Scooyrit guys in this thread.

Is /p point Erik referencing the warlock Erikfacekila? I’ve been playing with him for like 15 years and Moletank name sounds really familiar.

What up!!!

We are just some cool guys looking for other cool guys who want to hang out in our guild discord. Nothing sexual. Dudes in good shape encouraged. If you are fat, you should be able to find humor in the little things. Again, nothing sexual.


Yep! I raided with him / you guys in Kokujin in BC on my shaman for a little while.

To my knowledge Social doesn’t play anymore. I’ll hit him up and let him know about your post, though.


Character Names: ISAYMOO (Huntard), Funkflash (Rogue), FunkFuzzy (Drooid)… few others
Guilds: Forgotten Horde, Forgotten Empire, Fedex… maybe some randoms prior
LF: All the non-Iowans who shared many of nights on this game!


Was waiting for this reply! SMOOTH HI IT’S ME SEVEN.

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Eod, I remember you! Good to see you too, buddy!

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I remember the moles!

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That’d be great! I’m fine with a PvE server. Yea I’d love the discord info and intend to start playing classic at launch. I don’t have the kind of time to play that I had 15 years ago but will definitely make some time in the schedule to play.

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