The ole mole, I see you boo
Etna, Undead Priest
Chair, Troll Rogue
Forgotten Empire, Vae Victus
First server, first hard dive into raiding and pvp. Have a lot of memories from playing here as well as a few long time friendships. Left around Naxx/BC to play alliance toons and server hop.
Tigtig – Troll Priest, Forgotten Empire/Horde
I used to get harassed in vent, now I get harassed in discord.
I had no idea what I was doing and got carried, now I still don’t know what I’m doing and get carried.
Those were good times. <3
Bubblybear#1989 add me on Bnet and i’ll send you the link.
Bubblybear#1989 add me on Bnet and i’ll send you the link to discord.
Ved - Undead Rogue
Cake or Death, Fists of Khaos
Looking for any of my old Fokkers
Valek- Undead Priest
LWS or Clan Scooyrit
Found most of my old guildies already, but still hoping to get back in touch with my old navy buds that played: Hale, Blackevil, Bandezard, Damytire/Zerkerbot. Of course I want to know what Frozenguy has been up to!
lol Whats up Zord Lords!!!
Sup Zord Lords
FH Here !
remember an undead priest named Madhealer/Bocarwa ?
Character: Bonezord - Undead Mage
Guilds: FE, Forgotten Horde, The Zord Lords, Macho Manly Menz XXL
LFM WSG, Uchezord?
Character: Lucai - Undead Mage
Guild: Exodus
Character: Tuug (originally Tüüg)
Guild: Legion of Darkness
I remember Madhealer.
Hey Seven! You doing classic?
Let me know which server. I’m only going play casual, no where near the amount of time that I used to play.
Dafino / Troll / Shaman
Orgrimmar Brotherhood
Lebowski / Orc / Hunter
Nytfall / Orc / Rogue
Holy magoolies. These name. Talk about nostalgia.
No Contest
I already see Unorthadoxx posted. Wheres the rest of the No Contest Scrublords?
Toon: Vicole Undead Priest
Guild: Darkness Brothers; FedEx (merger w/ Forgotten Empire)
Feels like I know a lot of the guild names below don’t really remember much from the raiding days. I remember Osi a Druid, the woman from Australia just because we paid her gold to say funny things. I could name a few more just hoping to see some people link up.
Anyone seen Storm? I remember when Cloudxox made a alt hunter called Stormswatch lol hilarious.
We are rolling on Mankrik.