Holy ish, Rhyos in the house!
Runningstar, Tauren Druid
Guild: Clan Timberwolf, Impact (former was leveling, latter was raiding)
Posting in case any of my former CT guildies check here: Plainkiller, Jenjaya, Ged, Grosk, Zuelajinda, Oatmeal.
you got geezer ppl already?
Kasuya Orc Shaman
Mostly did world pvp with my RL buddies Bacelyne an Orc Hunter and Gintok a Tauren Shaman.
Just seeing if anyone remembers us maybe. My buddy Bacelyne and I would kill fresh level 60s by kiting them when we were around level 30ish.
Takhian, orc warrior in Vanilla
Clan Timberwolf
Good to see someone familiar guild names around, and you in particular RS! Thought I’d be the only one looking for the old group.
Outlawsz - Undead Mage
Edarkies, FeDex
Good to see some familiar names after all these years.
Character: Gre, Undead Warlock
Guilds: Forgotten Horde (Empire for a bit during the merge) and Team Laos
A couple. I can’t remember who was in Geezers before, but I know Moanah - Undead warlock was. She still hangs out with us sometimes. Was Quislina in Geezers? I found him and he is on our discord sometimes too.
Enceno (or Encenoa) the Tauren Warrior.
This realm was eventually merged, I believe, into a connected realm consisting of Destromath, Azgalor, Azshara and Thunderlord.
Spent a long period of time being the GM, RL & MT of the guilds I was in and would love to connect with any former members who are coming back for classic. Lots of of the people you played with exist within a Discord server we run to stay in touch. We’d love to play with you again or at least connect.
Guilds I ran: Deviant,
Guilds I was in: Clockwork, Crypt Fiends, Reading is Fundamental & Sabbatum
Connect with me on Battlenet as Enceno#1753,
on Discord as Enceno#7514
or join our discord at (add https://) discord.gg/Qvn5gwA
Ravelt - Troll Hunter
Literally anyone who remembers me
Draggeth Orc Hunter
Darkness Brothers was my first guild but during break down I went to LiQuiD
Sidious - Druid / Myre - Rogue
Warstomp Clan / Eternal Darkness
Ran with Krauser and Jordano during their HWL pushes and raided with WSC into BWL before joining ED to raid AQ. Good to see all of you again.
A big ISOLLATOR to you all as well.
Who else here feels older after reading this thread?
Dude, your name stuck in my head for so long because I still have the group macro from C’thun.
/p bellous
/p mole soul
/p point erik
Toons: Molepriest, Moledude, Moletank
Guild: Forgotten Empire / FedEx, Orgrimmar Brotherhood
Honorary member of “the Funks”
If anyone finds Soulkath, let me know. Pretty sure dude is a spy.
Also @Social: Bacardi & Cheetos > Cake & Beer. Always and forever.
Feel free to add me on Bnet: MoleDude#1498
oh man… the Thunderlord days…
Toons: Zorgonzo (troll rogue) Anic (undead priest) Daxy (wife’s troll hunter)
Guilds: Servi Letorum
Hydroponic-undead mage
PurpleIndica-Tauren druid
guild= Exodus, Nightfall
I played from Jan 05 to right after Wotlk before moving to Skullcrusher.
Everyone I know seems to want to roll Alliance for classic. I haven’t decided yet, but def leaning Horde, since I have always been Horde. So I figured it wouldn’t hurt to see who all is coming back.
I played an Hunter named Saynu was in Forgotten Horde
I also played a Warlock named Delrisa and a Paladin named Chardilan in BC.
Been a long time, I miss the old server communities.
Main Character: Kroogah (Orc Warrior)
Guild(s): Bloodrage, LoD, AOS, and a few others I have forgotten in my old age
Hope to see you all out there rocking the mix-matched gear again!
Toon: Ihealu Troll Priest
Guild: Eternal Darkness; FedEx
Was with ED from MC through the all of classic. Currently unsubbed, but may come back if we get the gang back together again. Someone find the Brits!
Hey Nate good to see you again! I was Eod, one of the scooyrit hunters