Three New Realms Now Open -- 8:20 p.m. PDT August 26


for a fee
look, may be coincidence but this looks like an ‘accidental’ cash grab as people settle on different servers and due to queue times will actually level on that ‘new’ server’.

Meaning friends, family, guilds, all spread out so people need to spend the $25.00 per realm transfer to ‘sync’ up.
I like to think Blizzard is not like this but we ALL know Activision is and after the Diablo mobile game I’m pretty sure these people do not listen to the fans.
After all wasn’t it a Bliz dev who told us we don’t really want ‘Classic’ or something like that?

Old Blanchy is the best name


I hope Blizzard realizes that by being stingy with the servers, they encourage people to STAY ON, once they get in, thus increasing the queues for everyone else.


right and everyone was saying we need 2x as many realms.

and they double realms!

im with you.

3rd time’s the charm for trying to get my desired name! Let’s gooooo, Smolderweb!

why you guys mad bro? you wanted to live the classic wow experience and guess what… this is it lol - vanilla launch was exact same - feel honored that each and everyone of you are getting a real accurate idea of this time


“Very soon”…30 minutes later…


spend $18 a month to wait all night in a queue and not get to play because I have a job and cant wait 2 hours to get in. thanks for nothing Blizzard. Why do you not have more realms open? This lack of concern for your customers is why I stopped playing in the first place!!


Really? PVP? How about some central time zone servers? I can’t log in to anything anyway.

Give us a guess here. Some kinda time frame. I don’t want to camp a realm screen for hours if I can help it.


230,940 players waiting in US ques , this is atrocious.

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stay on it, it’s like changing lanes on the freeway, you’ll likely regret it and only make it worse.

Depends on whether or not you like the RP stuff that takes place in Moonguard since someone dubbed it Moonguard 2.0 LOL

The East Coast servers are based in Chicago.

would totally roll on this server… but I’m afraid that’s where the ERP peeps will go… O_O.

LOL, yes, how come no one remembers this is how nearly every patch day went?

Pretty silly to have so few servers in the first place. Shows that the “You think you do but you don’t” attitude of the current president is still the main train of thought.

What are you guys gonna do here in a month when it’s time to turn off layering but every server is still overloaded? Vanilla WoW launched with 87 servers for NA alone, and that wasn’t close to enough. What made you think 9 realms was enough for Classic? Launch day isn’t even over yet and we’re up to 21 servers now. And even then queues are still over 10k for most.

Like holy poop, have more faith in your game. This is title that put modern MMO’s on the map. Of course it’s gonna be popular. And I don’t think this “massive die-off” is gonna happen. This is just gonna be a clusterfk of queues for the next month.


Only problem I see with adding new servers, is that once the player falloff happens (we know it will), you’ll have a bunch of dead/near dead servers and people will be complaining again

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That’s awesome Blizzard decided to wait until the show completely crashed to realize they underestimated the hype. Better late than never I guess…

There was ERP on Gob

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