Three New Realms Now Open -- 8:20 p.m. PDT August 26

Actually, Blizzard was suppose to make this better. Poor project management and this is coming from a PMP!

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you will every single server is over 5k que with high pops being 20k

are you guys gonna offer free realm transfers when these possibly go dead after the honeymoon phase is over?

We’re all too afraid to leave our current ques, even if new servers are opened within the next hour.

they have faith in the game but they ALSO have faith people will pay for Realm transfers to get on the servers their friends, family, or guildies wound up on


That’s grobbulus

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Is there a time stamp for these? I’m really excited about the RP-PvP server on eastern time!!


thats nice and all but my entire guild is still half logged in on herod. soooo…

Do you think a server called Sulfaras will die? :smile:


THANK YOU for East Coast RP-PVP :D!


Based on the 5 minutes I was on Bloodsail earlier, they went to Bloodsail.

ERPers don’t want their ERP interrupted with PVP. They won’t go to a PVP server and they certainly won’t have open ERP like on Moon Guard because instead of doing their weird futa RP or whatever they’ll be doing corpse runs all night.


blizz fix ur que times. what the actually hell.

You guys are still pushing this honeymoon phase and drop off. Right now servers need a 75% drop-off to not need transfers off because they are over-populated once phase2 hits.

DC Grobbulus again, to let the ones that recently got in due to the massive server crash to go to the new RPPVP server instead of the people that were level 10 already.

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Already did. Got kicked opening a chest at level 10. Not dealing with Grobb’s population. New realm won’t have pre-established communities keeping their realm pop too high.

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unlikely to play on an rp pvp but glad the east coast got one aswell

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Honestly this is all too little too late. People have friends that have already spent 5 hours in game leveling as they are waiting in queue. Those people wont want to reroll and their friends wont want play without them. This is all completely pointless. It really only solves a problem for a fraction of the users who dont care where they play. Server capacity needs to be increased. Free transfers at this point wont cut it either as people want their reserved names.


Well the problem with that is you have all these people who paid $15 to play for this month and they can’t support the player base. Of course the majority will not play anymore after the first month, but they paid to play so Blizz has to do SOMETHING about it.

Probably because some of us would like to play at sometime. It doesn’t help that people told them launch would be like this. Especially for those of us on Grob. Grob got screwed over so hard.


I’ve joined the queue for several new servers to reserve names, the quenes aren’t bad/existent at all if you’re quick