Three guildies banned at once (Incorrectly and falsely flagged)


The appeal ticket is not a way to plead your case or to provide outside ‘evidence’. It’s a fresh set of eyes going over the evidence at hand (which are Blizzard’s internal logs).


Again I do want some clarification. Would a router being changed cause something like this? does anyone know if that’s possible

Thing is people would tie up the phone lines for stuff that cant be handled over phone loke this case. Where playeres with more serious issues like hacked accounts couldnr get thru how do i know i never could get thru when my account was hacked.


No, innocent players tend to never have account actions to begin with, let alone when two are caught up at the exact same time.

That’s not to say they are not innocent, it’s to say that, that is why there’s an appeals option.

That said, discussion of account actioned is technically a violation of the rules on the forums, because it end up being an argument of either believing or disbelieving and neither side has access to Blizz data.

Your guild mates can appeal via a ticket only. Nothing else. That’s how it has always worked.


It would not.


No, not even remotely. An IP change won’t cause someone to have an account action apply to them. More so when it’s related in the cheat class they applied. A cheat program won’t have anything to do with how an IP change.


A permanent ban is just as important though. Either way a company should have a system better then this in-place but it is what it is.

Thank you all for your responses thus far also, Ive just never dealt with this before so Its good to know.

A few last questions rather.
Would a new pc have anything to do with it being flagged?
Would them all being connected and playing at the same time flag them for multiboxing/botting/account share?

Make the suggestion though -via in-game feedback or posting in the general forum (monitored by community managers).

Outline the proposal for a new system.

If questionable software was installed, just like if it’s installed on the old pc, yes possibly.

Otherwise, no - same as changing routers.


I’m not part of a billion dollar company. It isnt on me to figure that out. My slight rant there about that is just that. As a customer It doesn’t seem okay but that’s just my opinion.

also thank you just wanted to know about that pc component of it.

No insight to gain from posting here. No one here can tell you anything, Much less tell a third party anything. Your guildmates will have to file an appeal!

Contrary to that I have actually gained something from this but thank you.

no, Ive had brand new computers. I’ve also played together with my husband many a times for days/weeks straight. Ive never been flagged or banned because I don’t cheat.

It is sad when people lie to us and cheat but it is more likely that than anything else.


They already figured it out and you’re not satisfied with what they came up with. So if you have suggestions for improvement, that’s what you would want to do…submit your suggestion.

People change hardware, software, routers, internet provides and so an all the time. These are not reasons why an account would get caught for cheating/hacking. A cause for that would be software installed to cheat or hack with. That’s about it.

Again, their only option is to appeal.


Well, it is; if you say they should do better, you’d be the one offer up ideas. If you don’t want to, it’d be better not to offer it up yourself as the person. Akin to telling someone ‘you think of something’ isn’t helpful to improve something.


its crazy we are focusing on that rather then the issue I made the post about but sure where do I go to put this suggestion in?

You can post in the General forum or use the in-game suggestion feature.

The issue you made your post about is, to be blunt, between those guildies and Blizzard. It doesn’t involve you nor do you have access to any information on Blizzard’s end to help with their appeal.

This is why threads like this are technically not allowed.


In game suggestion feature? perfect

Im aware that I am a third party here but it impacts me too, hence why im here and I have gained some clarification on this. On this not being allowed that’s odd talk about a ban being hush hush or being involved as a third party like in this scenario I don’t see the issue but feel free to have this taken down Ive gotten what I needed here.

At the end of the day I want eye balls on this, they are innocent and I hope to come back and update that they have been cleared.
Thank you for your replies.

MVPs (green text) don’t have moderation powers.

That happens when they appeal, not via a forum post from a concerned guild member.

That’s up to Blizz to determine. I know you have their best interest at heart here, but unless you have access to Blizzard’s systems, you can only go by what your guildies tell you.


Its for many reasons why this kind of thread isn’t allow, more so from a 3rd party:

  1. It tend to become a guessing game of ‘What ifs’ on what could’ve caused this, often ending up pointing at everything and everything under the sun as Blizzard won’t state what got the account action.

  2. The blues here won’t be able to talk about it as they can’t provide into to 3rd parties about someone else account. That’d be akin to going to the doctor office and asking them to tell you about someone else’s file.

  3. Unless the person had the own account action, it doesn’t affect them, even if it seems like it. More so when the account info can’t be talked about toward said 3rd party.

With that said, most of this will often end up making the poster mad as we’re unable, along with the blues, to help as everything we can be boiled down to ‘Have them put in an appeal’. Nothing what we thing, say or believe have any factor into it, nor find out what caused it.


No hurt feelings here, Just a concerned guild master.

again the effect no matter what is still apparent, I cant continue playing if this is not overturned but I’m still hopeful and yeah as a third party I’m doing what I can, this post was purely just to stab at some things and get some people who have some know how.