I used to be almost certain both elven models lost a couple inches in warlords and I’m glad I’m not the only one who sees it with nelves at least
Yup, outside of faction war the horde is irrelevant.
No matter how much you complain about it the only source implying orcs were taller than night elves or even significantly taller than high elves (or really taller than high elves at all) is the movie
And no matter how many times you ignore me. I will repeat myself again the novels have them as the same height at 7 ft, and the RTS wc3 has them taller.
Wasn’t it the cata manual that had all elves at least a head taller than orcs?
Might have been mists (it was also third party like the warlords manual though, made by the same publisher even, lmao)
So I am looking at the game wiki comparing ingame heights.
And yeah, Male Orcs are as tall as Female NEs but slightly shorter than Male NEs.
But in the game the Male Orcs have this hunch sometimes which makes them appear shorter.
Female Orcs though are clearly significantly shorter but actually the same height as Male Humans which is supposed to be around 6 feet.
Trolls though are gigantic. Holy molly.
ya that sounds about right for in game heights.
As expected they are ignored and it’s really sad because the 2 characters are having problems. She could have gotten cool again in Shadowlands, but her whole stay in Shadowlands was completely wasted.
It’s really a sad game how the authors deal with the horde. In Shadowlands, the Horde could have had a feel-good moment as they were truly annihilated in BfA.
You can see the writers don’t care about the Horde and it shows with Thrall and Baine.
When they return to the living world, absolutely nothing has changed.
Here is the link just fyi
Height differences is one of those things WoW could really use for their world building.
Like do gnomes have gnome inns?
Like do Tauren get special beds to support their weight when they visit elsewhere in Horde territories?
I think they explored this a little with the whole Thalyssra x Lorthemar thing they did. Where she is like well over 6 feet tall and he barely reaches 6 feet even if we include the ears. Like he had to be standing on a box or something? Idk little details like this make the world more fun.
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Conversation got side tracked it was more about the treatment of Thrall. Then went from how wow in game racial heights are not accurate and what not.
Don’t pay attention to character sizes. None of them are accurate, this is really a none issue.
Have you see how tall Andiun or Jaina are? Absolute 9 feet giants but I doubt Jaina stretches past 5’10 canonically
Yeah, how they handled it was having Lor’themar have to lean down to kiss her.
…heights are pretty fluid in this game.
true, it’s is just his over all treatment. Dude got stripped of his powers, his storyline was cut in BFA seems to be cut in shadowlands. What is he a warrior? Shaman?
Also the wowpedia table is wrong anyway (the one source for belf/helf height is the warlords manual, again), high elves are taller than humans in pretty much all canon depictions other than the third party wod manual
Hell, the Knaak novels establish fem high elves to be noticeably taller on average than male humans
Heights should go Upright Trolls => Tauren > Nelves > Helves/Belves/Velves => Orcs > Humans > Dwarves => Goblins/Vulp => Gnomes
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While I was not a fan of the Warcraft Movie overall, one of the things I did like is how they presented Orcs as being WAY larger than humans; if you tried to fight them with brute strength they would squash you like a bug; you had to use their bulk against them and fight smarter.
This seems like a good stature difference example, with even an exceedingly athletic human.
Wait he leaned down? Lame. I thought she did.
A failure and a coward. Everything since cataclysm is entirely his fault. I understand his character but if I were to take this story seriously (lol) then I view thrall as the person directly responsible for everything bad that has happened so far. His first Sin was not rushing back to Jaina’s aid.
Dude she killed her father for you. Like are you serious? Other shamans were telling him “we got this bro, don’t worry about it” but he still refused to come.
I’m not sure where you’d get in-game or in literally any material that high elves are meant to be below 6’ tall on average when their game model is about as tall as orcs (and the fact that we still have male orc warriors reeing that not only are they not much taller than high elves but also not taller at all than night elves is hilarious)
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High Elves seem to be the same size as the humans. Check the link I provided. But the elves are much more lanky in comparison.
Yeah like I said three times, the wowpedia table treats the third party Warlords manual as canon for belves and literally only belves (even though it was clearly off for most of the races)
The BC height table is the only first party height ref we’ve ever had. Orcs aren’t that tall
Present Model Heights, showing hunched and unhunched.
I leveled a goblin with a friend leveling a Tauran. We had to use the Tauran starting zone. The individual steps in the village were as tall as my character.