Thrall Size decrease

The tauren are cheating. All that height is in the hump and not the head. I decree the trolls as the true tall kings of wow.

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we have first party height ref from novels which are canon broā€¦

Think about it. The smaller he is, the more haft his axe gives him.


ā€¦Iā€™m ashamed of you.

And also ashamed I didnā€™t make that joke.


Aggra made him stop hitting the bagel stands to and from work.

Itā€™s a metaphor for what the writing has done to him over the years.


Aggra has him on a vegan diet and she makes him hold her handbag when sheā€™s shopping for rocks, sticks, sand, dead squirrels, and whatever else orcs consider fancy decor.

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It is stupid that they follow the sexual dimorphism of height even in fictional races, in favor of males.


They shrank them ages ago the model used to be taller but doors were a problem in some places. Lore wise bulls are 10 foot tall and even that is shorter than what they were in Warcraft 3 which looks around 12 feet.

The Cinimatics also show them as much larger. In the original the Tauren towers over that grizzly bear and in BFA the Tauren looks massive.

Edit: Just watched the BFA cinimatic again. Why couldnā€™t we have got THAT expansion.

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Blizzard did not give us the expansion we wanted. They did not give us the expansion we needed.

Blizzard gave us the expansion they felt we deserved.

Because some devs have contempt for their fans, and remind us of that through tweets and interviews.


Warcraft is still pretty much written for guys. I remember the whole foofora of the Male Blood Elven look when they first came out. Male players were screaming about how ā€œgirlyā€ they looked.


I recall the main accusation being they were too ā€œgayā€, as if that were an unpardonable sin. I have never forgiven Blizzard for caving and giving them more muscle.

Maybe Thrall didnā€™t get smaller, maybe Anduin just got taller. He is a grown a** man now.

The wording of this statement deserves acclaim, given what male players were actually calling male nelves.

Kudos Drahl. I see what you did here.


Or heā€™s getting ready to ā€¦ hatch.

out of an egg?

more like as an egg. Gonna split right down a middle and out he comesā€¦

Ahn Quiraj was merely a set back!

Most animals reflect that because the male has to physically fight to pass on its genes thus only the strong have children. It makes sense that most creatures in wow would also follow this specially with how dangerous the world is. Weak people wouldnā€™t last long in wow even cities are not a guarantee of safety.

Kinda explains why everyone is roided up now that I think about it.

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Wow is a fantasy universe. Millions of years of evolution didnā€™t take place turning competing male animals into male humanoids. The logical basis for why men became taller with larger bones IRL doesnā€™t apply to WoW.
Because females and males face similar sexual selection pressure.