Thrall Size decrease

Why is Thrall getting smaller? He is small than Anduin now, there is no excuse for his treatment.

His entire treatment in shadowlands has been odd. He is shown as a warrior his arc with his mother is well lacking to see the least.

Does he get his shaman power back ? at times he uses them at times they should him as a warrior. His level is 52 or 53 when racial leader are normally 60 or 63. Now they are making shorter again.

Blizzard haven’t you embarrassed this guy enough. He looks like a dwarf now.

Blizzard it is okay for the horde to have a powerful and or a cool character. You do not need to keeping going out of your way to make them lame.


Well we all lose some bone density as we get older…

Otoh I wish all the races had height adjusters and weight adjusters

Maybe I want to be a short orc

Or a thick elf

Or a tall vulpera

I welcome short king Thrall


We’ve shrunk night elf pcs a few times for no real reason, too.


Normally main character are taller then their normal size npc or player, but Thrall is the same size as a orc PC. I haven’t seen another racial leader or important character get this treatment.


Worgen are also shorter than they’re described in lore, and there was that whole kerfluffle to get Zandalari up to the right height.

…I don’t know, maybe someone mains a tauren and CANNOT STAND when anyone is taller than their character.

The real reason we haven’t gotten ogres or forest trolls.

Maybe my fictitious heightmaster dev just wants to put Thrall in their pocket.


I liked the less bulky Cata Thrall model tbh

Taurens are also smaller then in lore so are orcs in game. I mean I can understand that for in game reasons. However making all important character bigger and taller than normally npcs and shrinking one thrall. To the same size and npc is just odd.

Ya the blade master Thrall model in cata looked alot better.


Are orcs though? The BC manual showed belves and orcs were about the same general height range (a few inches above humans to somewhat shorter than average nelves), which is about what’s shown in-game - except for human leaders who are all gigantic compared to other leader NPCs (hot take here, Turalyon should have been the shortest person on the Vindicaar’s bridge, none of this “we made the human character 12 feet tall to give the optical illusion that high elves are tiny waifus” nonsense)

Ya the blade master Thrall model in cata looked alot better.

I was genuinely surprised at the throwback model they gave him in BfA after three expansions of roughly the same unique one


They did bulk orcs up for the movie, specifically. Otherwise, I get the general impression that they’re bigger than humans, smaller than night elves.

Individual orcs may vary.

And honestly, after how huge the apparently regular humans of Kul Tiras can be (bigger than draenei to female undead size), all bets are off. Maybe Thrall has been a very small orc this whole time and no one has brought it up. Lor’themar has to lean down to kiss Thaly… Uh… Offensively’Elven’Name McNightborneleader SO ALL BETS ARE OFF


They are as tall as night elves but bigger, per lore both aobut 7 foot. Look in game Thrall again is a midget compare to NE NPCs.

But ya Kul Tiras human are just huge, no idea why that was added, maybe to counter taruns or something.

lmao, no, what is this overcompensating nonsense

The only official height charts we’ve ever had have orcs shorter than night elves and about as tall as high elves (the third party Draenor manual was obviously wrong on several races both in-game and in older manuals given that it had ridiculously tiny tauren and high elves almost as short as dwarves)


Thrall has been a companion npc a few times. So they’ve probably shrunk him down to be normal.

Which is rather dumb…since they went out of their way to say that although some of the Drust sided with the humans, there was no interbreeding involved so there’s no actual genetic reason for some Kul Tirans to be bigger than normal humans other than the meta Blizzard wanting to make the model different from vanilla playable humans.



This, right here! Someone got their feelings hurt that the mean elves were taller than their toon and bam, repeated night elf shrinkage.

Thrall was too tall, and now he is small.


That was weird to me. Don’t they straight up throw a horse at one point? Just massive. Too big.

I was wondering what the hell they were going to do if they ever got to the Tauren. They’d have to be king Kong sized to make the Orcs look weak by comparison.


The one odd bit of dubious canon that I’ll never let go of is the old baseline strength.

…Because it had dwarves ridiculously strong (I think only tauren were stronger/same), and that’s hilarious. Let’s arm-wrestle, orcs.


I remember someone who was borderline offended that male orcs would be shorter than even male blood elves if they didn’t have that stupid side lean idle posture (there’s a few m orcs ingame who are shorter than the fem belf/velf player model too)

I suspect the real answer is that it varies between individual, maybe between clans, environment (genetic demon blood fallout, etcetera).

But there’s 100% a reason that the giant growth potion was popular for a long time, and it wasn’t for its stats. Some people cannot be short.

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In game models for major NPCs tend to be all over the place in size because they often need to be changed based on the content (making easier to see and so on). My assumption here is that they either didn’t purposefully shrink him down that much, or they did so because of how many NPCs are around and they were overlapping. Jaina also looks about as tall as Anduin in that picture as well, which I’m pretty sure isn’t the case in lore anymore. In game has never really been accurate for height for a given NPC lore character, cinematics are the much more reliable metric.

In terms of racial height, Orcs are, lorewise, on average about as tall as upper tier height for humans, with outliers likely pushing over seven foot or dipping just below six foot. So your average Orc dude would be about 6’6", while a Human would be about 5’11". The difference is that Orcs canonically mature mentally and physically more quickly than Humans (and are, weirdly, the only race to do so in lore).

Of course on RP servers there are the people in an arms race to make their big manly man Orc/Draenei/Human/Worgen the BIGGEST AND STRONGEST. It never matters because their knees are all within reach of my Dwarves’ hammers.