Thrall Size decrease

I RP my undead warrior as a vargul (undead vyrkul) and man its annoying how few growth effects there are left.

Because people kept abusing them to grief players. With that potion and some engineering toy though I could get him properly huge for a brief amount of time at least.

Just this giant meaty skeleton who’s illiterate and barely conversant in Orcish stomping around. Surprisingly good natured though. Is always keen to tread carefully around the little little friends as he calls them, goblins and vulpers. Everyone else is just little friend.


If Thrall is having issues with rising to his full height, he should talk to his doctor. They make pills for that now.

You’re welcome.


Overcompensating nonsense umm okay bro. My estimated are from wiki, but in wc3 which i played like crazy, orcs were taller then nights elfs. I have heard from blizzard that race model heights in game are not accurate so i used WC3 as reference. I got the 7 foot from this wiki though it might be more accurate

But why are you so hurt if night elfs and orcs are the same height?

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Dude… if the in game models aren’t accurate why the hell would WC3 be accurate?? Also, Wowpedia as a source can be a bit suspect, they’ve fallen down in terms of moderation lately. The height page alone (which I do reference) has changed about five times in the last year and used to have lore height estimates for several other races as opposed to just their in-game heights.

The only in-game model we know for sure is wrong is the Tauren one due to the game limitations, really. But we have no clue as to the variance of height with that page you linked. The disparities are all wonky too, the female Orc upper limit is 6’6" but the ‘average’ for male orc is 7’? And why is 7’ such a uniform height throughout in that first section?

because someone from blizzard has come out and said in game model height isn’t accurate. The wiki sourced a book, again I said the wiki might be wrong.

But whatever I do not really care to get into this any further then i have. The point was Thrall’s treatment and his height change.

Plus the RTS doesn’t have in game wow limitation.

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Good god, Male Orc Warrior really is the meme to match Male Human Paladin…


Tbh WoW is always terrible at scale.

Kul Tirans are about the same size as Tauren and I never know how big Azeroth is supposed to be.

Like I’d just assumed Ashenvale was this huge forest that would probably take days to traverse on foot, and even with a mount would take a fair amount of time.

But then the Horde just immediately blitzkriegs it so, I guess it’s more like a suburban forest preserve than the black forest.


The one reasonable comparison is the height guide from BC, which mostly holds up. It has orcs as smaller than night elves… Which they were before repeated night elf shrinking. Though, “reality” may vary widely.

And speaking personally, I just think bigger night elves is more interesting. Kind of upends the large brute angle on orcs if there’s a bigger “pretty” race.

Though the writers haven’t exactly narrowed it down. Maybe orcs are solar knights and change height and strength by time of day.


The wiki table uses the third party WoD manual which was notoriously wrong about everything (it had like 6’ tall tauren lmao)

The actual bliz-published height chart from BC showed orcs having about similar heights to blood/high elves

Good god, Male Orc Warrior really is the meme to match Male Human Paladin…

I thought Mists killed the meme but no, it never dies

it used a world of warcraft novel as a reference not WOD manual. Since the novel came out after i think it would over write the BC charts, also that was with orcs hunched. If they were 6 8, i can see them hitting 7 foot standing straight.

If we relied on the RTS Orcs would be human sized and all elves would tower equally over everyone other than tauren and upright trolls. I’m fine with that

did you play the wc3? orcs are not human sized, night elves are. orcs are noticeably taller/bigger than humans or night elves.

Thrall was in the shadowlands?
What has he done?

not alot, he chilled with Baine on the side.


Did they actually shrink down Night Elf characters?

Yup! Twice now.

Never really explained why. But this is probably not a crazy conspiracy that exists entirely in my head.

…I should go to classic and check night elf sizes.

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Blizzard makes characters bigger or smaller depending on their importance. Thrall (and sadly most Horde characters) are fairly irrelevant in this expansion.


That’s very odd. I definitely think they should readjust some races heights. Like Worgen males for example. A long while back i tried playing one for the first time in years and it bothered me how short they felt because they’re hunched over.

Yup, outside of faction war the horde is irrelevant.


Night elves got dinged in height in WOD and again late Legion for reasons that were never clarified, but I can only charitably assume weren’t totally fragile egos being dented by tall purple women looming over them in Dalaran.

Worgen have always been tiny, but given all the assorted issues Bliz has with worgen and their models, them not actually being the stated 8 foot is the least of their concerns.