Thrall and Jaina in Dragonflight?

Their anima?
The souls go on and become deer or whatever.


“Oh no you’re out of anima, here’s more mouths to feed.” Not making it better.

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Souls don’t get eaten when they run out of anima, my dude.
At least, not in Nelvenweald.
Yes in the Maw.
But apparently not in the maw, given Sylvanas is saving the entire night elven race?

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Ursoc did :slightly_frowning_face:

Ursoc was a god.
Ardenweald had an endless host of mortals who did nothing but watch plays.
It had Drust who disguised themselves as those mortals.
Those mortals were never in danger of being consumed, despite it being tactically advantageous to consume them as to gain any mote of power and to also destroy the Drust invaders.

So, no.
Souls didn’t get eaten when they ran out of anima.

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It’s funny when you think about it though. The souls of the Teldrassil victims might be better off now than they would have been if things went the proper way, and they were all disintegrated to sustain Ardenweald during the anima drought, like Ursoc.

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This didn’t happen to mortals at all though.
Again, they’re perfectly fine and being infiltrated by drust.

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Then how did Elune think sending their souls there would help?

Because she is aware that anima exists.


Fandris isn’t available any more. And Shandris IS the leader of the Night Elf military.

Why should the Night Elf military have any reason to go to the Dragon Isles, when so much of their own territory is still unsecured? I’m just… seeing less and less reason for Shandris to be involved in Dragonflight. Tyrande, sure, that makes some sense, but she’s had enough spotlight for a while. I’d be happy to see Malfurion taking a role.

60-40 you must be on something my guy. 80-20 it is not even close. Just Kadghar alone has more questing then all her character combined in neutral questing.

This is nothing compare to all the alliance leaders we quested for in legion

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I still ship her and Stellagosa.

They can banter about finding lay lines forever and it will never get old.

During Cata (including prepatch stuff here), Aggra was part of the Earthen Ring, a neutral group. And I believe she still remains as such. Including her in a list of “horde characters” is silly. News flash, a character can be neutral while being involved with someone who may not be all the time.

Khadgar stopped being an Alliance character the moment he meant A’dal tbh. This is clearly shown in WoD where he was willing to work alongside the Horde. Even if it meant disobeying Jaina, who was the head of the Kirin Tor at that point and was clearly anti-horde following the events of MoP.

Mortal souls don’t need a life seed when they arrive in Ardenweald. Since they were never intended to go there. Given that Ardenweald was intended to be a reset station for immortal nature spirits, such as the Wild Gods. Whom get resurrected and returned to their home planet upon completion. All those soulshapes you see in the zone are mortal souls that were sent there. So why would they be turned to Anima dust? Given that during initial questing in the zone, you encounter a soulshape who is more or less forced to give up a portion of their Anima. And yet that person didn’t get turned into dust. What happened to Ursoc was because he was dependent on a life seed to survive. What little Anima Ursoc had was unfortunately consumed to serve the whole.

TL:DR version: Wild Gods are dependent on Anima in Ardenweald and can not survive without enough to sustain them. Mortal souls are not unless in special cases like Ysera (Ysera was mortal following the defeat of Deathwing). Whom was placed into a life seed most likely due to Elune, or the robot Arbiter confusing Ysera for a Wild God. Since the Green Dragon was so attuned to nature thanks to Eonar and Freya uplifting her.

Cenarius wouldn’t exist without Elune though… Since you know, Elune is his mother.

Nah, he will be fine in one of my trinket slots when season 4 rolls around. Either via drop or those 3 bad luck protection tokens from completing quests to kill fated raid bosses.

Mortal Souls can live off their own Anima and can even restore it over time (at least with respect to Ardenweald). We know this because an early quest in Ardenweald has us ask a soulshape for some of their Anima. The only souls that solely depend on Anima in Ardenweald are souls that are placed into life seeds. Mostly Wild Gods but sometimes a mortal soul can find their way into one. Such as Ysera and Vol’jin.


If that was the case then characters like Magni/Khadgar etc should not be considered Alliance character while aiding the Horde. Again, these guys were part of neutral organization while working with the Horde.

Missing the forest for the trees.

Pick a better example next time then :stuck_out_tongue:

Why? Aggra was never part of the horde that we know of. She was introduced in Cata’s prepatch as a member of the Earthen Ring from the start.

Well you are wrong, and thanks to Wowpedia, I have the exact page, The Shattering 314:

“and when we hear of you, we all thought you would come home to Nagrand. But you stayed in Azeroth, even when we, the Mag’har, joined the Horde.”

I disagree, that is like saying Thrall wasn’t horde in cata because he left the horde to work with the earthen right. Kadghar is an alliance figure heh has a statue stromwind. Just because he work with the horde doesn’t mean he isn’t alliance.

Also to start off the conversation I did say horde centric and alliance centric heroes. Yes kadghar was worked with the horde but that is all.

Khadgar hasn’t gone back to do alliance only things since while Thrall has with respect to the horde. I would say that is a significant difference.