Thrall and Jaina in Dragonflight?

yes agreed but kadghar is still an alliance centric character who works with the horde. I just used Thrall in cata as an example again only in cata where he stepped away from the horde

They do end up in Dragonflight eventually. The writers should’ve added them to the earliest parts of the story.

Who would think that the king of trolls is a practitioner of the dark arts! Of necromancy! Perhaps a follower of the scourge? Of bowsamdi or something much darker?
Great cameroone the invalid.


The “king of the trolls” being anyone who attacks me.

Now xoxo gossip girl be on your way.

I’m staying in this community forever.

I don’t need a troll king like Syiax telling me where to be!

Well you are going to become a broken record with all the “stop trolling / attacking me” posts.

Well, I don’t know about that so much.

You can post here, certainly. But you keep insisting this community is “attacking/trolling you” whenever someone points out your lack of understanding of the lore. That is by any measure showing how not a part of the community you are.

By all means keep posting here. But do not expect to suddenly become treated as a member of our niche little community here.


That’s what a troll who takes pleasure in attacking me would say.

So if he is part of the community, and the community is trolling him, does that mean…

he is trolling himself?



New troll achievement unlocked!! :rofl:


The problem with using, or not using, thrall is that the Horde is so severely depleted in leaders, and interesting characters that there is not much left. It is pretty much impossible for blizzard not to use him without taking the time to develop new characters.

Jaina, and the other hand, I shut up a lot. And the lions does have plenty alternatives. But I have to say all signs say a blizzard intends to keep using her a lot.

Yep… we keep needing to kill them because they get “corrupted” or just go crazy… or you know they just stumble into a lethal corner or step…

You speak horse @#$&.

When you are the topic, that is the vernacular.

Even more horse *@&$.

what is the reason for this necro?

Not to necro an old thread, but if we are going by game play logic, theramore is an alliance capital because mages get a port there.

Another point, what’s left of lordaeron? Well seeing as the first war SW was destroyed and a ton of its population was gone. It was the northern kingdoms that’s help rebuild and repopulated SW. So it’s still the blood of the old.

I dispute this on the grounds the Horde equivalent is some teeny camp in the Swamp of Sorrows that is so insignificant that I cannot recall the name of it. Also, both Horde and Alliance get to teleport to camps in Tol Barad.

But mostly I am just salty that the Swamp of Sorrows thing is so teeny and unmemorable.


I was gonna say… does that mean Stonard is a Horde capital by that logic? I think that’s the Horde equivalent portal to Theramore.