Thrall and Jaina in Dragonflight?

Fact that Tyrande didn’t kill her during the cinematic with her vs Sylvanas because she had Plot Armor is kind of weak and made the whole night warrior lore pointless.

But hey atleast Sylvanas is on ice for now atleast. Meanwhile I’m sure the Greenflight will have Tyrande again.

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They ruined the Horde to prop up Sylvanas.
Tyrande wasn’t ruined. She lost a zone. No named important npcs.
Meanwhile Sylvanas killed the orc racial leader and manipulated the horde into killing itself, and Blizzard gave us a prophesy about it an expansion before it happened.
This whole “sylvanas hurt the night elf player base the most” thing is a lie and it needs to be buried.

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Guys, if these past expansions have been Blizzard trying to prop up Sylvanas, why would you ever want them to try to prop up any character you love?


I mean, they did ruin Elune…

Nope, telling the truth. In Warcraft’s history we have had to work with people as diverse as Thrall, Saurfang, Vol’jin(these three in particular having headline an expansion/major patches), Aggra, Liadrin, Baine and Lother’mar. And we ended up working with future Horde members like Mayla and Thalyssra. Hell, even the two potential new leaders of the Forsaken, Calia and Voss were characters we interacted with/helped/helped us.

Did Shandris herself ever, ‘hook up,’ with dragons? If not, then there isn’t much reason for her to be there.

No, they didn’t.
They brought her down to (some of) the other gods’ levels.
Oh, no.
She isn’t omniscient and omnipotent.
Shock. Horror.

(Don’t worry nelf fans, she’s still echelons above every horde deity!!)


As she should be :stuck_out_tongue:


Just be aware that it’s also true for Goldrinn and whatever passes for a deity that the Harvest Witches worshiped, before their culture was subsumed, destroyed, and replaced with Night Elven druidism.

Which is fine. Goldrinn isn’t a god anyway. Not in the true sense of the word


This is an issue purely because of Elune.
If Elune didn’t exist, Goldrinn would be a god, as would Cenarius, and it’d all make sense.

He would still remain a really powerful wild god. Not everything needs to be a god to be worshipped


I think turning her into an incompetent robot with zero capacity for critical thinking is pretty ruinous. Then there’s the whole “Night Warrior! lol jk” leash yanking of Tyrande on top of that. Elune went from enigma to cosmic moron overnight.

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No one knew that the arbiter was broken save for Kyrestia, who is the most evil entity in existence, zoval, denathrius (because he was involved in the doing of it), and Primus (who maybe didn’t actually know at all, idr when he got captured.)

Why would a life god know anything about what’s going on in the Shadowlands?

Because she knew enough to know Ardenweald was short on anima. If Ardenweald needs anima, that means they need soul mulch and that souls are dying. “Go, favored children, be soul mulch.”

She knew that because WQ had been specifically sending her telegrams for help.

He’s doing fine, he’s happy in Anduin’s heart, or something.


Don’t care why she knew, her actions were that of an utter moron with no regard for her favored children. Thus, Elune was ruined.

Her actions were that of a sorrowful deity, sending night elves to the arbiter who would have sent them to the night elven afterlife of Ardenweald had it been working.
But it wasn’t working and Elune had no way to have known that.


If Ardenweald isn’t working, souls are being obliterated. She tells WQ, directly, she sent her a cascade of souls to sustain her. She was deliberately sending her favorite children to be soul food. She’s a moron.