Thrall and Jaina in Dragonflight?

I don’t know. Maybe we can finally see that Silvermoon Warfront that was going to happen in BFA but was scrapped.

Kalec can fill both roles. He IS both a Mage and a Dragon and supposedly some form of replacement for Malygos as the Blue Aspect.

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Not supposedly, he was. For about a few weeks. Since he lost his powers in order to defeat Deathwing.


I wanna see Lor’themar, Thalyssra, Tyrande, Shandris, and Magister Umbric feature. When it comes to dragons, give the stage to the elves where it belongs.

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As far as I’m aware, Jaina is still the Lord Admiral. Maybe we’ll see something with the Kul Tirans. I imagine there are many that won’t forgive the Horde for its past actions. Same for Zuldazar with the Alliance, but that was more recent. Also, did Talanji actually join the Horde Council? I don’t remember if that was established.

He had fewer roles than Cata than Tyrande in the past three expansions, singularly and consecutively.
He had fewer roles in Cata than every Alliance rep we’ve worked with in their corresponding expansios, including Tirion and Khadgar.


Thrall had an entire questline in Cata and killed the big bad.
Thrall was part of freeing the troll village and confronting Garrosh and making Vol’jin warchief.
He then goes to Draenor, was part of everyone’s starter experience and then part of the Horde garrison zone and then kills his second end of expansion boss Garrosh.
He was also part of the broken shore event and a minor part of the shaman hall.
He gets roped in back in BfA(side note he gets two full fmv cinematics) and was part of deposing Sylvanas/creating the new council.
He is par of the starting experience and the fight against Sylvanas.

Dont pretend he has not had as much if not more exposure especially considering he has been part of every expansion.

She did. It was at the end of Shadows Rising.

But Thrall development is all over the place, is he a shaman now? are his powers back? Where are his kids and family?

If they put thrall away after WOD it would of been fine, but they screwed him over so hard in legion. They should fix him and give him some positive development as a shaman before putting him on the shelf.

Then there is the fact that no horde characters are ever present in natural content. They should have some, it is just plain sad at this point.

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And that’s still fewer quest than every Alliance expansion rep character since, and in cases like Tyrande whomst was never an Expansion rep character, still fewer than hers.

They shouldn’t put him on the shelf at all. I’ve had to deal with Anduin and Tyrande for going on ten years now, what with Tyrande all starring in the upcoming new dragon expansion.
The Alliance steals all of the airtime and then has the gall to complain about Thrall’s very few quests in Cataclysm, and fewer quests in MoP.

No, Thrall has had a role in every expansion and in certain cases expansion defining roles. Tyrande was never a major part of several expansions, at all.

Also, why should all Alliance rep be compared to just Thrall? We have had both Vol’jin and Saurfang take lead roles as well in certain expansion. In Saurfang’s case he was one of the first neutral leads for a specific raid tier.

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I agree with you, I want them to do right with Thrall. Also to give horde characters more screen time in natural setting. Please Please bring Sumuro into wow, the guy was in WC3, heros of the storm, heartstone how does he not any an appearance in wow yet


I don’t often agree with Zerde, but how do you do right by Thrall, when he’s had a role to some degree in every WoW expac so far?

The one person blizz needs to right by is Tyrande. They ruined her character to prop up Sylvanas.

You realize how often horde players had to work under alliance reps? Every single expansion since Wrath… you can compare alliance rep to horde rep, it still is heavy favor for the alliance.

I’d say it is more 60-40.

In every single expansion since wrath as well we have had to work as well with the Horde.

I could see Jaina playing a very minor role as a side prop for Kalecgos’ development. Other than that, I’d rather we just move away from these comic book heroes for a while (And I’m a big Jaina fanboy)

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Tyrande might work because of her connection to the dragons, but she could use an expansion or two to rest. I’d be more open to Malfurion taking a role here.

Shandris, Lor’themar, Thalyssra, and Umbric haven’t had much, if any interaction with dragons, so I don’t see the point of them making an appearance.

Jaina could spend an expansion sitting it out or at least being on the sidelines. I feel like Thrall should play some role here, but if they’re going to rehash his appearance in the Shadowlands, just forget it. I don’t care much for the new, ‘For the Lulz,’ model we’ve been given recently.

I would like to see Mayla Highmountain feature in Dragonflight though, considering her connection to Ebonhorn. It’d also be a good time for Valtrois to make a re-appearance.


I feel the same about Tyrande at this point.

If one feels really desperate to get some Night Elf ears in the picture, I’d opt for Ysera’s daughter the only Dragon to take on Night Elf features.

There’s a lot of history of Night Elf military hooking up with Dragons so that would be a logical reason to include Shandris.

Given the Green Dragons, it’s probably Malfurion’s turn again.

And you’d be a liar.
To the surprise of no one.

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