Thrall and Jaina in Dragonflight?

Why? You are using a coincidental fact to push your narrative. The fact is, faction leaders do not have to live in their starting area as shown by story developments.

But it still prove what the devs saw in it. That in term of location it would worked just as well, if not better as a racial hub for the humans.

Regardless it still means it was a powerful nation in its own right.

Not at all. I provided my evidence, Jaina had as much right as the next leader of the Alliance and was always treaded as such. She was said to be an “Alliance leader” in the manual. A leader that was always equal to Thrall in her own right.

She was a vassal of Stormwind.

King Varian Wrynn says: Jaina? Why are you crying?
Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: It was nothing, your majesty. Just… I’m proud of my king.

Genn also calls Anduin “my king”. The term is used as an honorific, not as a sight of vassalship.

Genn is a king with no kingdom.
He too is a vassal currently.

He is a king without a kingdom. However he is not a vassal to Stormwind. He does serve the Alliance. But every Alliance member does. Also:

You will not address me in this manner. I am a leader in my own right, not your lieutenant, and not your child-Jaina.

The man says it himself. Anduin is his king. He says it often and plenty, whilst standing in his King’s throneroom.
Jaina was not in any way a racial leader, or a commanding figure of equal import to the Alliance at the time of vanilla. Genn at least is a racial leader.
Jaina wasn’t.

Speaking of which when are you going to admit that you were wrong and Jaina was at no point during vanilla through Legion equal to Anduin?

She had the ability to vote a member in. She has a military that was probably stronger then several of the other Alliance members and she is as much an Alliance leader as anyone else.

Utter nonsense.

The Alliance High King himself, at the end of BfA, acknowledges the Alliance of today as the same Alliance as before.

Anyone pretending they are different usually is pushing some head canon agenda.

Though… it is usually Alliance Posters trying to remove today’s Alliance from Arthas and Garithos who pretend the Alliance is not the same. I guess Horde Posters will pretend it is a new Alliance so they can pretend Thrall is more important than Jaina, or that he deserves more screen time.

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I tend to view it more as a Ship of Theseus situation. It’s still technically the Alliance, but practically all of the northern kingdoms were eradicated, Kul Tiras withdrew, Quel’Thelas withdrew, Gilneas withdrew, etc. Who was actually left from the Alliance of Lordaeron at that point? Ironforge and an only recently rebuilt Stormwind? Just seems ridiculous to me to argue that losing virtually every faction under the Alliance banner wouldn’t drastically shift the power dynamics or structuring of the Alliance. To some extent, it even mirrors how Thrall’s Horde was still technically the Horde, involved remnants of the old Horde, but was still distinct from from it.

You can miss me with the childish Faction LARPing nonsense. There’s enough of you comparing scars and crying over your portions of the narrative diarrhea bowl as it is.

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How you view it - your head canon - is directly contradicted in the lore. Most notably by the leader of the Alliance. He who spoke for it.

You can view it anyway you like. You would be incorrect to say it is a different Alliance, and that is just the lore.

Yes, and Zerde is correct.

And in the discussion Saurfang and Anduin have, they both go back to the history of the Horde and Alliance.

They don’t sit there and say “every thing after the fourth Monday is the real Alliance… and everything before is a different one.”

Yes it would be nice if you did less of it. Anyone can see you are disproven if they watch the cinematic, much less if they posses the basic knowledge that the Alliance existed before the game World of Warcraft.

Faction LARPing in regards to trying to insinuate I’m cheerleading Thrall getting more screen time, specifically over Jaina.

Liking Horde or Alliance have nothing to do with pointing towards an organization losing 90% (or more) of its component factions as an indication that it has undergone a significant enough change to earn a distinction from its previous incarnation. Which is why I contrasted it with Thrall’s Horde as an example. All of which was to highlight that Jaina being the established human racial leader didn’t make sense, since she was associated with the largely annihilated northern Alliance, while WoW kicked off with Stormwind being the power center. Jaina has always been a leader and huge part of the lore, but that doesn’t mean she can be pointed to as the human leader.

Anduin pointing to Daelin Proudmoore was real dumb though. He wasn’t part of the Alliance when he went to Kalimdor, and his hardliner bigotry towards the orcs was justified multiple times after he died given Garrosh and WoD and BFA.

I don’t have time for the rest of your post except for this. We know Kul Tiras was still Alliance when he went to Kalimdor.

Kul tiras only left after the Alliance refused to send a response with regards to the events of Theramore.


Googling this quote came up bupkis.

Yeah, I think I lumped them in with Gilneas incorrectly.


Warcrimes, page 250

The Horde of today is the same as the first Horde. They are no different either Saurfang said so!

I personally like Alliance claiming ownership of the first Alliance. That means all the lore, claims and other stuff are legitimate.

Maybe Blizzard will see the Fan Discussion around the various incarnations of the Alliance and Horde, and further incorporate it into the story.

Maybe the new Alliance Leadership will see things differently - If they cast off the Alliance of Terenas as the First Alliance, and the Wrynn Alliance as the second, the one that follows can march around as the Third.

Anduin saw the Alliance as one thing, when he was High King. We have yet to see what the Alliance becomes without Anduin at the helm.

You do realize he was replaced by Turaylon? If anyone else is going to continue the claim of one continuous Alliance it would be him.

While we can agree on what is and what has been, as far as the Alliance, guessing to the future is just that - guesswork.

There have been seeds of tension between Jaina and Turalyon/Alleria. Blizzard might explore some Alliance conflict.

I am looking forward to events in Lordaeron and Quelthalas more than the Dragon Isles. The Alliance had their sights set on both, and I wonder how that will come to play.


Oh yeah there is!