Thrall and Jaina in Dragonflight?

Leather of the Theramore humans and a racial leader of the Alliance faction.

My mistake, it’s the intro that announces that Anduin is the child king.
And Bolvar’s title in game is regent.

And not a word about being the faction leader/leader of all humanity.

Archbishop Benedictus staged a temporary coup, and has taken the title of NPC leader of Stormwind City from Highlord Bolvar! Horde seeking to take out the leader of Stormwind should focus their efforts on Archbishop Benedictus for the duration. These changes will remain until the next content patch, when Highlord Bolvar reclaims his rightful throne

So even back in Vanilla the boss moves was not considering a “racial leader” but merely the leader of Stormwind.

I never mentioned anything about all humanity.
Nice goalpost move tho.

Then neither are they faction leader. Because that concept did not exist until Wrath, as mentioned Bolvar was at best leader of Stormwind and nothing else. Heck, Blizzard even had to add quotation to it:

Racial “Leaders” have been strengthened, and are now worth slightly less honor.

Intro tells you who your king is.
You’re wrong.
Enjoy being wrong.


Not a single human player in the history of this game started out in Theramore.

That was a hotfix to an issue caused by wPvP and was reverted the following patch. It had zero bearing on who the actual leader of Stormwind was. All humans begin play in Stormwind, which means Anduin (Bolvar by extension, until Varian returned) has always been their leader.

The intro tells you who the human king is, And technically Anduin was not the faction leader because he was still a child.

Blizzard has generally been non-chalant on how you consider your character. Even thought we all have the same intro the player character is free to decided who they think is their leader/or not to follow one.

The lore has always been Jaina was just as equal a leader of the Alliance as anyone else. She was a ruler of her own kingdom.


The website tells you what the human player character’s kingdom is. So does the human intro.


From the warcraft manual:

Recently, a ceasefire was agreed upon by the
Horde chief Thrall and the Alliance leader Jaina Proudmoore, but the fact
remains that animosity is still high between the two factions. In some
places, this undercurrent of hostility has erupted into open warfare.

Again, Jaina was equal to any leader of the Alliance.

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I don’t think you can point to Blizzard not telling roleplayers they aren’t allowed to pretend to be something else as a compelling piece of canonized lore. You certainly can’t use it to insinuate that Jaina is the human racial figurehead, regardless of her prominence in WC3. Her prominence in WC3 actually works against that notion here, because her associations were Kul Tiras, Dalaran, and Lordaeron—none of these are Stormwind, and the Stormwind Alliance is distinct from the Lordaeron Alliance (not least of which because The Scourge and Legion basically wiped it off the map).

The beginning human experience is not as a refugee from Dalaran or Lordaeron, so Jaina doesn’t matter. She led survivors from the Lordaeron Alliance to Kalimdor, not Stormwind’s Alliance. And even if that weren’t the case, Stormwind is a monarchy that she isn’t tied to, so she is not the leader. This is such a dumb hill to die on.

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No, I am saying the inverse, that there was no one unifying human figurehead because humans were not like the orcs who had only one kingdom. That the whole “racial leader” is a concept we players made and even Blizzard went out of it was back in Vanilla to use a different term like “leader of Stormwind” and only decided to adopt by Wrath because we needed a term for the achievement.

Anduin used BOTH Arthas and Daelin’s crimes when he talked to Saurfang. There was no “Stormwind/Lordearon” distinction and it was always just the Alliance.

She is a LEADER, and as keep mentioning was always equal to Tyrande, Bolvar or Magni or Gelbin or anyone else back in the day. We have the manual calling her as such.


So’s Nazgrel.

But he is not a leader of his own distinct nation. There is a reason the manual’s section says “notable orcs” and not notable leaders. And Jaina was clearly called “Alliance leader” in said manual.

Ah yes, the great Alliance of Lordaeron, uninterrupted in its operations since its inception… oh, wait. Uh… just ignore the Third War guys, it doesn’t count. We’re totally the same organization. Calia Menethil totally became our Queen when Terenas died and Arthas went nuts.

Yeah, Jaina was the LEADER of THERAMORE, then DALARAN, then KUL TIRAS. She was never the LEADER of STORMWIND. If you want to say that Jaina was A LEADER, go ahead, but that’s not the argument you were up against. If you want to say that Jaina is the racial LEADER for KUL TIRAS now, go ahead, but that’s not the argument you were up against. This is just a bunch of contrarian contortions trying to paint the leadership of Stormwind as if it were ever in doubt, else you wouldn’t have bothered with the laughably irrelevant Benedictus patch notes—patch notes that themselves told you directly that Bolvar was the racial leader up to that point, I should add.

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The members change but the organization and values always remained. This has always been a thing lorewise, that the current Alliance considers itself the same thing. Hence why Anduin mentions Arthas and Daelin as crimes of the current Alliance.

Never once did I consider the Stormwind leadership as being in doubt. What I was disputing is the notion of “faction leader” and specifically that Jaina would have been equal to any of them.

So when you killed Bolvar, did he grant bonus honor? How much did Jaina grant?

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Honestly, I don’t know. Pretty sure they got rid of that relatively early in WoW.

Why do you think Bolvar might provide a racial leader bonus to honor when Jaina did not?