Thrall and Jaina in Dragonflight?

The last thing to happen to Stonard was that it was attacked by the Alliance in Cataclysm. It’s the biggest example of the Alliance being dumb at that point in time because the place is attacked without the intent of stopping the threat. You go there and kill a handful of guards, then the commander Joanna Blueheart goes, “Okay we sent our message, time to leave! We’re not going to destroy the place because we’re going to prove that we’re better than them.” This is when the Alliance and Horde are at war, and you just let this place be so that it can be repopulated.


Honestly, this would be the smartest thing an Alliance commander has ever done during the Cata-MoP era. If they blew up Stonard, the rest of the Horde might remember it existed and be upset that we had a whole base that nobody told us about.

Then we’d build something triple the size and covered in so many spikes, you’d think it was a porcupine, all so we’d have a new place to stop at between committing war crimes.


Meanwhile over in Western plaguelands the Alliance loses the flight point in Andorhal once you finish the zones main questline.

Can’t wait to see you know who try and explain how that is not an example of horde bias :stuck_out_tongue:

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That is not an example of Horde bias, because Andorhal belongs to Lordaeron and the Forsaken are Lordaeron and all lands are troll lands and trolls are Horde so all lands are Horde lands and Lordaeron lands. Bring back Gallywix and the true Horde.

I do it right?


Sounds about incoherent as his usual posts. So yes, but you forgot about being a horde super fan, but also calling the entire horde traitors and worthless and they all need to die while wanting to bring back the legion controlled warcraft 2 horde

That’s the important part :dracthyr_crylaugh:


Thrall is a traitor who let the Alliance live when he should have killed the Alliance for stealing Horde lands and this is why we need Gul’dan back to be warchief of the Horde and the orcs and the pandaren. Worthless trolls deserve to die like the Alliance dogs they are.


Hugs This is why we love you. :wolf:


I hope Thrall and Jaina shows up in War Within. They were completely miss but mostly Jaina in Dragonflight. Thrall was completely fine of showing up alot now in days.

Jaina got more then enough attention between MoP and Bfa. Like no other character showed up this much not even Thrall or Varian. Give her a rest. Not to forget her OPness made the entire war pointless. What doe we need armeis for when such magic exists?

She was in Shadowlands and in Dragonflight.

She should’ve been part of the Blue Dragonflight part of the story since she’s closer to Kalecgos than any other human mage.

We will be seeing Jaina, the Aspects, Baine, Tyrande and Shandris and many others who heard the voices in The War Within, and the World Soul Saga as a whole.

Jaina has obvious author favoritism.

Mages can port to Swamp of Sorrows.

i hope a dune inspired sand worm pops out of the dirt deep underground and eats thrall


I like the sand worms from Beetlejuice, they have more goofy charm.

If a sandworm popped up and ate Thrall and Anduin while they stood around in that War Within cinematic, I might have watched it more than once.

Thrall is a traitor we know.

I wouldn’t say traitor. But he has acted cowardly in the past and refused to admit the mistakes he made that led to Garrosh’s rule that nearly destroyed and splintered the horde for good.

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Until recently the Earthen Ring was entirely a Horde group.

She was narratively replaced by Alexstraza.

He just refused Garrosh’s claim that Garrosh’s actions were his fault.
They weren’t.
Thrall didn’t force Garrosh to become a racist genocidal maniac.
Garrosh became that entirely on his own.
He enacted that entirely on his own.
He cried like a baby and permanently deleted his own soul while crying about how Thrall was at fault for his actions.

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