Thrall and Jaina in Dragonflight?

Jaina has obvious author favoritism.

Mages can port to Swamp of Sorrows.

i hope a dune inspired sand worm pops out of the dirt deep underground and eats thrall


I like the sand worms from Beetlejuice, they have more goofy charm.

If a sandworm popped up and ate Thrall and Anduin while they stood around in that War Within cinematic, I might have watched it more than once.

Thrall is a traitor we know.

I wouldn’t say traitor. But he has acted cowardly in the past and refused to admit the mistakes he made that led to Garrosh’s rule that nearly destroyed and splintered the horde for good.

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Until recently the Earthen Ring was entirely a Horde group.

She was narratively replaced by Alexstraza.

He just refused Garrosh’s claim that Garrosh’s actions were his fault.
They weren’t.
Thrall didn’t force Garrosh to become a racist genocidal maniac.
Garrosh became that entirely on his own.
He enacted that entirely on his own.
He cried like a baby and permanently deleted his own soul while crying about how Thrall was at fault for his actions.

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The expansion she was introduced in had ‘alliance races’ in the Earthen Ring… Unless you are saying someone like Stormcaller Mylra is not a dwarf.

Also are you that desperate to try and get a ‘gotcha’ on me that you had to reply to a 2 year old post? That is sad and pathetic. You need to let this obsession go. It is not healthy.

The Earthen Ring itself dates back as far back as Vanilla.

Does not change the fact that by Cata the Earthen Ring was a neutral organization. Which was not “recently”.

Also you did not answer the question as to why you responded to a 2 year old post.


At my age 2 years ago is Last Tuesday. If it shows up as current in my feed, its open game as far as I’m concerned. IF Blizzard has a problem with that they should build a sunset function into the forum like tons of other sites do.

Just weird how you only singled me out from all of those posts made 2 years ago…

And you still failed in your little ‘gotcha’ as always.

You need to let this obsession you have with me go.

You really are delusional if you think you’re living that much in my conciousness.

And yet you scrolled all the way up to the top, where the posts are nearly 2 years old and only replied to one of mine…

You have a history of doing that and it just so happened to line up with my comments in a different thread…

So your actions say you do.

They didn’t show the to the face Horde races anywhere. Unlike the druid order hall which was nothing but night elves. Alliance bias strikes again.

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Alliance mostly controls the zone now, they build a strong hold and multiple bases in cata. Before horde had uncontested control of the zone.

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Well Thrall was in the War Within Cinematic… I’ll be glad to not see Jaina for a while, unlike her many fans, I dislike the voice actor immensely because her voice is immediately discernable with no variation in other games. She doesn’t even try!
Sure that’s a petty reason to hate Jaina, but she had BFA, unless she’s going to be taking a flying ship into the center of the earth, and have a new hairstyle, what’s the point? I think it’s about time she went full silver haired. I know why she has one part white But, she should go all the way. Own it woman!
Huh, I’m a confusing individual.

It’s not unless she’s specifically paid for that voice.
Steve Blum has an incredibly wide and varied voice, but he’s always paid for Spike Spiegel.