And the hypocrisy continues. You stop boost runs but have paid boosts (only when you buy an upgrade but who are you fooling, tokens today, paid boosts tomorrow. There’s money to be made!). You allow GDKPs (gold farming), ban some BOT farmers (gold farming) and now decide to bring in WOW tokens ($$$ farming). No RDF because of the community and social interaction, but now the community is livid over the Wow tokens, so you try and justify it as the only way to stop bots. You were trying to get away from the retail feel and are now heading as fast as you can straight into it. We have H+ (myhtic + in retail) and wow tokens. What’s next raid finder, realm mergers. Might as well remove professions and talents. But we will NEVER add RDF!
Stop watching them and actually ban them is a real good place to start.
The problem is by the time they do anything it’s already out of hand. Permaban gold buyers. It will squash this whole issue. Instead. They keep watching. Slap on the wrist 10 ban isn’t deterring anything.
None of those games have ever had a hard nosed policy enforced right from the start. It’s always after it’s gotten so out of hand they can’t do anything because it becomes whack a mole.
Screw banning the bots. Permaban the buyers and lock their IP. Enforce a policy of no VPN’s. Bailing water out of a sinking ship doesn’t do much when you aren’t bailing faster than the boat is sinking or you don’t do anything to plug the hole.
Root cause the damn problem. The root cause of the problem is the buyers. That’s why there’s bots. No buyers. No bots. It’s that simple.
Let the bots farm away. No one to buy and they’ve just wasted their time but nope just keep watching the bots. While the gold buyers are still playing and paying.
Right now you have whole guilds buying gold through their guild bank. Gold seller joins the guild. They place their order. The gold is deposited in the guild bank. Buyer takes the money from the guil bank. Blizz is still watching bots be bots.
You’re looking at this all wrong. Hell hire me. I’ll fix this problem over night! Remotely even!
That’s a LOT of text to basically say you’re leaving the token in even though no one wants it.
There’s zero chance you have multiple people working 40 hours a week banning bots, not a chance in hell.
Do you guys remember back in the day when the solution to bots, cheaters and gold sellers/buyers was just outright banning them?
Remember when instead of automated responses we had real humans working at blizzard actively doing their job?
Those were the golden days… I remember talking IN GAME, WITH REAL LIFE game masters, about issues that were happening in real time, and most importantly, solving them.
It is really sad to see how bad one of the games that I love the most is going into shambles. I even learned how to speak English just by playing this game, it gave me such good memories but oh well, time to say goodbye…
Gonna be real with you chief, when I can /who Botanica and see a few hundred mages and DK’s named Osbfiwlqbspc who have been online for the past 96 hours, I’m a little less-inclined to believe the absolutely insane claim of 250,000 accounts banned weekly.
this will never happen because if they did this it would remove most of their playerbase. so lets be frank thats unreasonable. there will always be buyers becasue if you make the game so grindy that the casual player can no longer really participate then they will leave. putting in the token alleviates that issue and allows casual players an avenue to buy gold within the rules. will gold sellers be cheaper? yes of course but with the added risk of getting banned even a temp ban alot of people would choose to spend a little more money and get the token.
250+ replies, and 90% of them telling you this is a horrible choice.
But will you actually listen?
We all know the answer to that.
And citing things like ‘it didn’t feel like classic’ are a tired trope to justify your greed.
Things like this are why there were people screaming ‘no changes’, because when you start tweaking- they knew you’d take it too far.
And here we are.
This! 1000000000x this!!
They keep trying to treat a symptom and not the real cause. The buyers are the root cause. Ban them permanently and the bots will all leave.
Oh i know and that’s why I’m done. This should have been implemented in 2004 at launch and it would have never gotten out of hand.
Wow want even the first game to have RMT. It just had the most profits when it took off. Blizz being blizz would rather treat symptoms in their “problem solving” approach. Than actually solve problems.
I don’t envy Kaivax. He has to get up here and rationalize to players an unpopular decision that most certainly came from the c-suite.
I am not a purist of WoW. I am happy I do not have to grind gold endlessly to get riding and flying. I remember what it was like to do so from TBC forward. With the intro of the token, I will be playing more Wrath than Retail, which is what I was hoping to do if Blizzard were to put the WoW token in Classic. I would probably play it more as well. The whole point is to make sure the content has a viable community. The token helps in that regard. All the hardcore play from the various streamers I view. Had me wanting to go back and give at least Wrath a second go. I am not sure about Classic. I will most likely stop playing retail. I am having a blast playing Wrath again. Thanks for adding the WoW token. Doing so just sweetened the pie for me to continue to play. It was not difficult to know that Blizzard would receive a massive backlash from the purists. They never fully understand that Blizzard is running a business, not just a video game. The entire point here is to have as many people playing content to justify continuing to support the content.
Then play retail.
if there is profit to be made, then there will always be a problem. its like saying if the goverment was harder on drugs at the start then we wouldnt have a problem today lmao.
Speak for yourself! I was just screwing around leveling a few characters because streamers have been grinding themselves away in Hardcore Classic. I decided to give Wrath another go. I love that I do not have to grind out massive amounts of gold for riding and flying. I did all that nonsense more than 17 years ago. I see no point in hindering people at this point with the age this content is. This move will help in keeping a viable community going forward. It should have more people play the content. The purists need to get over themselves.
More like if the governments cronies weren’t profiting from it then us the problem could have been contained.
So your “well considered and hard thought” process boiled down to “well why not?” sure thing.
RDF when? since you’re just throwing your pillars out the window on a whim now.
Look, if you wanna piss on us and call it rain, that’s fine, but please. No one should believe this. If you do, you’re naive. There are plenty of educational materials out there to help you understand how these problems are found and solved by various software companies in the industry - not just gaming. As a senior software engineer myself, working for a company that services customers around the globe, dealing with cloud, angular web application and rest services… this kind of stuff is nonsense.
You could do more. You just don’t want to. You’re throwing in the towel, and raising the white flag. You’re admitting that you cannot fight the problem more, and you want to cash in on it. Own up to it.
You’re either blatantly lying like a rat or your “GSO” team is lying to you and fudging the numbers.
You obviously do not play this game or you’d know what you said is complete and total untruth. Bots say rampant for weeks before getting banned, and you do zero actions against gold buyers to begin with. You don’t moderate this game and enforce your own EULA even the slightest.
I personally think you were giggling like a school girl while writing this. You have no respect for your community. You go to work collect a paycheck and do nothing but laugh at the community that supports you. The corruption runs so deep at your company that the only hope is Microsoft finishes that acquisition and replaces the lot of you for gross incompetence.
It sounds like you don’t actually enjoy the game.
If you want to skip the content, then play something else. You already pay a monthly sub, why the hell would you also give them more money for gold.
More money than brains.