You’re such an idiot. Genuinely. This is the best possible news for the PvP community and you post this absolute bile. I can’t see you on any arena ladders so your opinion means absolutely nothing.
Really? Everyone having access to the best gear for existing is great for the PvP community? That’s really interesting.
Should have been in since launch.
Another thing that should have been in since launch.
Meh, Sure some people will do them, I personally won’t be touching them.
If pvp tickles your spot then sure, I guess it’s good.
This is intresting. I never got to do them pre-nerf so intrested to see how the big bois vashj and kael will play out compared to my memory of them. I feel it’s about a month or two too soon but that will depend on the PTR cycle etc and whether they want to push out content untested (again)
Not sure what this helps. Already have add-ons to do this.
It’s because of the lawsuit. They’re using ‘distraction’ to try and mitigate the press on it. Hoping that game sites will pivot to writing articles about the testing and not about new accusations.
TBCC was rushed. To meet quarterlies for both Q2 (final months boost) and Q3 (first month-ish of it).
Which is part of the problem. I lean more towards LFG MatchMaker TBC, but I also have ClassicLFG, and Classic Looking For Group. Because if one doesn’t get updated I need to be able to switch to one of the others.
I would prefer Blizzard give me an addon they’ll maintain, and maybe the community addons can interface with. Kind of like how the API allows for reading Threat. …Maybe we’ll get a LFG API that’ll funnel everyone into a single ‘pool’ for the group requests.
Instead of multiple, because ‘this one’ reads LFG Channel, ‘this one’ reads LFG Channel but also sends data in the background to other users so you can get hits on General and Trade, ‘this one over here’ just uses the addon comms channel to arrange groups; all 3 are super popular so if you don’t run them all you’ll miss out on a good chunk of chances for groups.
Just figured I’d point out that what you said was completely brainless because the sub count is disappearing. Hence the desperate (too late) effort to try and fix the pvping they decided to change and ruin in the first place. But yeah you right tho. Funny.
Can’t come soon enough. Honestly I want these changes like tomorrow. Any delay on changes like these only worsens the difficulty of getting into PvP (nevermind if you want to have an alt).
Just curious, and I’m not disputing, but how do you know that’s true?
Blizzard doesn’t publish sub numbers, and MAUs are … ahem… easy to fudge. only records raiders and the theory that most WoW players are raiders is laughable.
So… other than anecdotal evidence from your server… how do you justify this statement?
Got anything to back it up or just cause you said so XD, cause it doesnt work that way kid.
We already know retail WoW numbers are going down but who cares about retail WoW.
You could look into how many folks download addons.
the LFG addon is great, but the LFG tool may* allow people to close the tool after the group fills instead of telling others the group has filled.
I don’t see how else they would improve on it other than closing full groups from being seen in the tool.
I’m not sad about the inclusion of an LFG tool. The addon causes a ton of lua errors for me
I’d been considering saving up arena points for s2, so THAT part is a tad disappointing, but the other changes more or less make up for it. Great news, overall.
Releasing un-nerfed tier 5, while a chunk of the playerbase is still keying is only going to drive more players away.
If they want to resolve the PVP issues and give us the rest of the things that should have been in at launch, that’s fine and appropriate. However, 6 months between raid tiers is the standard, and shortening that because “reasons” will only hurt the PVE side of the house.
it’s good, just hope they don’t release season 2 too soon, release ssc and TK but keep season 1 going so more ppl can join and benefit from these upcoming changes, you don’t HAVE to release pvp seasons with pve content when no pve gear has resilience. it has little impact, keep season 1 going
It sucks when PvP dictates timetables for PvE content. I am sure it happens in reserve sometimes and I never notice because I won’t PvP.
I sometimes wish PvP and PvE would get split into separate games or at least further separated inside the current game. Like you can’t wear PvE gear in PvP.
I’m so glad I didn’t. Get your 2 piece bonus and the off pieces. Forget the weapons unless you’re desperate.
Announcement is great. Just wish Race Change was included. Obviously race choices are extremely impactful, just look how many times people swapped during the tourney.
I’m glad they’ve announced that at least some content would arrive on the PTR. I am getting concerned that they are relying heavily on TBC classic since retail is floundering and development is frozen. Based on P2 in Classic, we should’ve had P2 for TBC come out mid-august.
Probably sooner if more bad PR hits the gaming news sites.
((Are people really buying that they just happen to announce P2 PTR the week all Hell broke lose with regards to the lawsuit? It’s a distraction. We probably wouldn’t have this announcement for another two weeks if the 'suit hadn’t happened.))