Thoughts on this announcement?

It’s really concerning that the news was timed like this as some kind of crutch. I was initially hoping that the lack of retail content would speed up the TBC cycle. Instead they’re actually leaning on it so hard it seems it isn’t in their best interests to do so.

Not accurate data. There could be a many-to-one relationship of downloads to accounts.

For example, I run WoW from three different boxes*… and I have slightly different sets of addons for each one. (Not intentionally, I just have never got around to making all installations consistent.)

  • I don’t multi-box, I just have a variety of platforms.

The mere mention of an lfg makes me seeth with rage.

You wouldn’t have enjoyed original TBC then as the system they are implementing is supposed to be similar to the one that existed in TBC.

Didnt I tell you to stop posting? No one cares about your opinion.

Really excited for Guild Banks and the new daily questing hubs. LFG sounds neat, but most of us basically have that now with the LFG Bulletin Board addon. Will be kinda cool to have the official Blizz version of it though.

Yeah, I’m not listening to your opinion though troll. Only reason I’m responding again. Thanks for being a fan.

Sounds good, because modern group finder was pretty good in its own way.

I mean you aren’t wrong. The dude’s character is technically Troll race.

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Peepsnally excited about this one.

Guess this didn’t Age well huh

Eh hem. Love being right. Keep eating doo doo and being happy with the taste “kid”

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